Jesus Lord Of Life Eternal – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of love and hope in Jesus

Jesus Lord Of Life Eternal – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, Lord of Life Eternal: The Power of Love and Hope” invites us to celebrate the amazing love and power of Jesus Christ. The tells the story of Jesus standing on the Mount of Olives, blessing His loved ones before returning to His Father’s side. It reminds us of the eternal connection between our mortal flesh and the Godhead, giving us hope and reassurance in His victory over death.


Jesus Lord Of Life Eternal – Hymn Lyric

JESUS, LORD of Life Eternal,
Took His loved ones, those He blessed the most,
Stood upon the Mount of Olives,
And for the last time, His Own He boast.
Then, though He had never left it,
Returned to His FATHER’s embrace, seeking.
Our flesh now united to Godhead,
Bound together in eternal ties,
Let the gather for the greatest celebration,
Waters and seas, applaud with joyful cries,
Angels, sing the triumph song,
And distant lands, respond with harmonious sighs.

Know, O world, this highest festal:
Floods and oceans, clap your hands,
Angels, raise the song of triumph!
Make response, ye distant lands!
For our flesh is knit to Godhead,
Knit in bands.

Breaking the chains of Death’s terror,
You ascended to the highest sky,
And to mortals, now immortal,
You bestowed eternal life from on high.
As Your own Disciples witnessed,
You victoriously soared towards the sky.

Monarch of monarchs, Sole of Sole, to Thee,
WORD, Glorious in Thy FATHER’s ,
And sending Thy co-equal SPIRIT bright
To teach, to comfort, and to guide aright,
Thine own Apostles sang:
All to Thy might!


Meaning of Jesus Lord Of Life Eternal

Jesus, Lord of Life Eternal: The Power of Love and Hope

In the hymn “Jesus, Lord of Life Eternal,” we are reminded of the amazing love and power of Jesus Christ. The hymn tells the story of Jesus standing on the Mount of Olives, blessing His loved ones for the last time before returning to His Father’s side. It speaks of the eternal connection between our mortal flesh and the divine Godhead, and encourages us to celebrate and rejoice in this incredible truth.

The hymn begins by painting a picture of Jesus, the Son of , surrounded by those He loved the most. Even though He had always been with His Father, He sought that deep connection with Him once again. This shows us that Jesus, in all His divinity, valued that intimate bond with His Heavenly Father. It teaches us that we too can seek and strengthen our connection with God.

The second verse of the hymn speaks about the profound significance of Jesus’ ascension. As He triumphantly ascended to the heavens, He conquered death and offered immortality to all who believe in Him. This act of love and is what makes Jesus the Lord of Life Eternal. He defeated death so that we may have eternal life. This is a message of hope and reassurance, especially when we face the challenges and fears that with mortality.

The hymn continues by acknowledging Jesus as the Monarch of monarchs and the Sole of Sole. These titles emphasize His supremacy and glorify His role in the divine Trinity. Jesus is described as the Word, reflecting His in God’s majestic plan. He is the manifestation of God’s love and grace to humanity.

Furthermore, the hymn mentions the co-equal Spirit who was sent by Jesus to teach, comfort, and guide us. It highlights the significance of the Holy Spirit in our lives, reminding us of the ongoing presence and support we have through the Spirit. This reassurance gives us the confidence to trust in Jesus’ power and guidance, knowing that we are never alone.

As we reflect on the hymn’s message, we can find comfort, encouragement, and strength in Jesus, the Lord of Life Eternal. His love is everlasting, and His power can overcome any fear or challenge that we face. This message is not only for us but for the whole world to hear.

Jesus’ love is not limited to a select few but extends to all people, regardless of their background or location. The hymn calls the world to join in the highest festal, to celebrate the triumph of Jesus over death. It invites the floods and oceans to clap their hands and distant lands to make a joyful response. This imagery encourages us to see the magnitude of Jesus’ victory and to participate in the celebration of His love.

In conclusion, “Jesus, Lord of Life Eternal” beautifully expresses the love, power, and hope that we find in Jesus Christ. It speaks of His deep connection with His Father, His triumph over death, and His role as the Savior of humanity. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the everlasting bond between our mortal flesh and the divine Godhead. It encourages us to celebrate and rejoice in this truth, spreading the message of Jesus’ love to all corners of the world. May we always find comfort, hope, and strength in the Lord of Life Eternal, Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of love and hope in Jesus, Lord of Life Eternal. Celebrate His triumph over death and find comfort in His everlasting bond with His Father. Spread the message of His love to the world.
Jesus Lord Of Life Eternal - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of love and hope in Jesus, Lord of Life Eternal. Celebrate His triumph over death and find comfort in His everlasting bond with His Father. Spread the message of His love to the world.