Bethlehem So Lovely Bethlehem So Dear – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty and significance of Bethlehem

Bethlehem So Lovely Bethlehem So Dear – Hymn Lyric

Discover the true beauty and significance of Bethlehem through the captivating “Bethlehem So Lovely, Bethlehem So Dear.” This hymn describes Bethlehem as a lowly, dear, and holy where the King draws near. It reminds us of the joy and love that emanates from this special town, transcending distance and time.


Bethlehem So Lovely Bethlehem So Dear – Hymn Lyric

Bethlehem so lowly, Bethlehem so dear;
Bethlehem so holy, Christ thy King draws near.
Angels bear the tidings of His wondrous birth,
Ever singing glory, , goodwill on earth,
Peace, goodwill on earth.

Bethlehem, the joy of every nation,
Bethlehem, though by thy station,
Bethlehem, tonight thou art .
Glory, Glory be to on High,
Glory, Glory be to God on High.

Bethlehem, what glory fills thy courts tonight;
Shepherds tell the story, of the wondrous sight.
How the hosts of heaven sang o’er all the plain,
“Christ the world’s Redeemer, comes on earth to reign,”
Comes on earth to reign. [Refrain]

Bethlehem, we love thee, though so far away;
Bethlehem, above thee shines the light of day.
For the night of darkness now is past and o’er;
And the Prince of Glory reigns forevermore,
Reigns forevermore. [Refrain]


Meaning of Bethlehem So Lovely Bethlehem So Dear

Bethlehem, oh Bethlehem! What a lovely and dear place you are! The hymn “Bethlehem So Lovely, Bethlehem So Dear” beautifully captures the essence of this special town and the joy it brings to our hearts. Let us delve deeper into the lyrics and explore the significance and beauty of Bethlehem.

In the first verse, the hymn describes Bethlehem as lowly, dear, and holy. It highlights the anticipation and excitement surrounding the birth of Christ, the King who draws near. Just imagine, angels carrying the tidings of this wondrous event! They joyously of glory, peace, and goodwill on earth. Bethlehem, you are indeed a beacon of hope and love for all nations.

The refrain speaks of Bethlehem’s exaltation and emphasizes its role as a source of joy for every nation. Despite its humble station, Bethlehem shines with the light of glory. We give our praises to God on High, recognizing the significance of this extraordinary birthplace.

The second verse brings us closer to the scene of that blessed night. Shepherds, simple and humble, reveal the story of the extraordinary sight they witnessed. The hosts of heaven, in all their splendor, filled the skies and sang their heavenly songs. Their jubilant echoed across the plains, proclaiming that Christ, the Redeemer of the world, had come to reign on earth. Such a sight must have been truly awe-inspiring!

As we sing these words, we can’t help but feel a deep affection for Bethlehem. Though far away, its beauty resonates in our hearts. Above Bethlehem, the light of day shines, symbolizing the hope and new beginnings that this birth brings. The night of darkness, with all its troubles and worries, is past and over. The Prince of Glory now reigns forevermore. Isn’t it comforting to know that no matter how dark things may seem, Bethlehem reminds us that the light will always prevail?

Bethlehem, you hold a special place in our hearts. Your significance goes beyond just being the birthplace of Jesus. You are a symbol of hope, humility, and love. Throughout history, countless believers have made pilgrimages to your sacred grounds, seeking solace and connection with the divine. Your presence has sparked inspiration and countless acts of kindness and goodwill. As we sing this hymn, we join the chorus of those who have loved and honored you throughout the ages.

In conclusion, “Bethlehem So Lovely, Bethlehem So Dear” takes us on a journey of faith and reverence. It reminds us of the humble yet extraordinary birthplace of Christ, the King who brought peace, joy, and love to the world. Bethlehem’s significance reaches far beyond its physical location, touching the hearts and souls of believers worldwide. Let us always remember the beauty and power of Bethlehem, for it is a testament to the hope and love that resides within us all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty and significance of Bethlehem, the beloved birthplace of Christ. Explore the joy and hope it brings to all nations. Join the chorus of love and reverence for this extraordinary town.
Bethlehem So Lovely Bethlehem So Dear - Hymn Lyric - Discover the beauty and significance of Bethlehem, the beloved birthplace of Christ. Explore the joy and hope it brings to all nations. Join the chorus of love and reverence for this extraordinary town.