And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled – Hymn Lyric

Experiencing loss is painful

And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled – Hymn Lyric

“And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled: Finding Comfort in the Face of Loss” explores the grief and pain of losing a loved one. It acknowledges the sense of longing and darkness that comes with their absence, but also offers solace in the belief that they have found in the arms of heavenly spirits. It reminds us to hold onto faith, find hope amidst , and look forward to a future reunion in the embrace of our loving .


And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled – Hymn Lyric

And is the lovely shadow fled,
The blooming wonder of her years,
So soon enshrined among the dead.
She justly claims our pious tears.
Who now to heavenly spirits joined,
Hath left our wretched world behind.

Her earthly short-lived excellence,
With meek submission we bemoan,
Snatched in a fatal movement hence,
Gone from our arms to Jesus gone.
To heighten by her swift remove,
The grief below, and joy above.

In vain the dear departing saint,
Forbids our gushing tears to flow,
Forbear my friends your fond complaint,
From earth to I gladly go.
To glorious company above,
Bright angels, and the God of love.

O him and rejoice for me,
So happy, happy in my God.
So soon from all my pain set free,
And hasten to that blest abode.
With swift desire my steps pursue,
And take the prize prepared for you.

Meet am I for the great reward,
The great reward I know is mine.
O my sweet redeeming Lord,
Open those lovely arms of thine.
And take me up thy face to see,
And let me die to live with thee.

The prayer is sealed, the soul is fled,
And sees the face to face.
But still she speaks to us though dead.
She calls us to that heavenly ,
Where all the storms of life are o’er,
And pain and parting is no more.


Meaning of And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled

And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled: Finding Comfort in the Face of Loss

Losing someone we love is one of the most difficult experiences we can face. It can feel like a beautiful has gone out, leaving us in darkness. We mourn the loss of their presence, their laughter, and their love. We may find ourselves asking, “And is the lovely shadow fled?”

We remember the blooming wonder of her years, the way she brightened our lives with her smile and kindness. It seems unfair that someone so young and full of life could be taken from us so soon. But as we come to terms with our grief, we must remember that she now rests in the arms of heavenly spirits. Though we may long for her to still be here with us, we can console ourselves knowing that she has left behind the sorrows of our wretched world.

In our sadness, we bemoan the short-lived excellence of her earthly existence. It feels unbearable that she was snatched away from us in a fatal moment. But we must find solace in the fact that her swift removal from our lives serves to heighten both our grief below and the joy that awaits her above. As we mourn her absence, we can also celebrate the promise of eternal happiness that she has found.

Though she may have tried to forbid our tears, we cannot help but mourn her loss. Our hearts ache for the warmth of her embrace, for the sound of her laughter, and for the comfort of her presence. But we must remember her words – “From earth to heaven, I gladly go.” She has found peace and happiness in the company of bright angels and the God of love. And as we begrudgingly say goodbye, we must rejoice for her newfound freedom.

Her journey to that blessed abode is now complete, and we can find comfort in knowing that she is finally free from pain and suffering. We can imagine her reunited with loved ones who have gone before her, basking in the warmth of God’s love. As we grieve her absence, we must also find solace in the knowledge that she has reached a place where storms of life no longer exist, where pain and parting are mere memories.

In the face of loss, it is natural to feel a sense of longing for our departed loved ones. We yearn to be reunited with them, to once again see their face and feel their embrace. But we must remind ourselves that they are safe in the arms of our sweet redeeming Lord. With open arms, He beckons us to join them in that heavenly place. Our swift desire to be reunited with our loved ones should motivate us to pursue the prize that awaits us all.

We must remember that we are worthy of the great reward that awaits us. Our departed loved one believed in this reward, and so must we. We can find hope in the knowledge that they are now in the presence of our loving God. They have found eternal peace and joy, and we too can find comfort in the thought that one day we will be reunited with them. We long to see their face again and to share in the bliss that awaits us all.

Though they may no longer be physically with us, their spirit lives on. They continue to speak to us, even though they have departed from this world. Their presence is felt in the memories we hold dear, in the lessons they have taught us, and in the love they have left behind. In the quiet moments, we can almost hear their voice, calling us to that heavenly place where hardships cease to exist.

As we navigate through the grief and pain of losing a loved one, we can take comfort in the hymn that reminds us of the hope we have amidst our sorrows. We mourn their absence, but we also celebrate their release from worldly burdens. And though we may be left yearning for their presence, we can find solace in the promise of a reunion in the arms of our loving God.

So, as we face the losses that come our way, let us hold onto the faith that guides us. Let us remember that even in the face of death, there is hope. And when we ask, “And is the lovely shadow fled?” may our hearts be filled with the assurance that our loved ones are at peace and that one day, we will be reunited with them in that heavenly abode.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experiencing loss is painful, but finding comfort in the promise of eternal happiness and reunion with loved ones can ease the grief. Discover solace in And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled and the hope it brings.
And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled - Hymn Lyric - Experiencing loss is painful, but finding comfort in the promise of eternal happiness and reunion with loved ones can ease the grief. Discover solace in "And Is The Lovely Shadow Fled" and the hope it brings.