Rise My Soul Behold Tis Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the wonder of Jesus' love in "Rise

Rise My Soul Behold Tis Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In “Rise My ! Behold ’tis Jesus: The Wonder of His ,” we are invited to experience the incredible power of Jesus’ love. This hymn reminds us of the awe-inspiring sight of Jesus in heaven and the freedom we have from our through his . Let us rise and behold Jesus with gratitude, knowing that his love is and nothing can separate us from it.


Rise My Soul Behold Tis Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Rise, my Soul! behold, ’tis Jesus,
Jesus fills wond’ring eyes;
See Him now in glory seated,
Where thy sins no more can rise.

All Thy sins were laid upon Him,
Jesus bore them on the tree;
God, who knew them, laid them on Him,
And, believing, thou art free.

There in righteousness transcendent,
Lo! He doth in Heav’n appear,
Shows the blood of His atonement
As thy title to be there.


God now brings to His dwelling,
Spreads for thee His feast divine,
Bids thee welcome, ever telling
What a portion there is thine.


In that circle of God’s favor,
Circle of the Father’s love,
All is rest, and rest forever,
All is perfectness above.


Blessed, glorious word “forever”-
Yes, “forever” is the word;
Nothing can the ransomed sever,
Naught divide them from the .



Meaning of Rise My Soul Behold Tis Jesus

Rise, My Soul! Behold ’tis Jesus: The Wonder of His Love

Oh, my dear friends, let me tell you about the amazing power of Jesus and his unfailing love! In this hymn, we are encouraged to rise up and behold the wondrous sight of Jesus. Just imagine, my friends, casting your eyes upon the glory that surrounds him in heaven. It is a sight that will fill your with awe and wonder!

You see, my friends, Jesus is our savior, and he took upon himself the burden of our sins. Can you believe it? All your sins were laid upon him, and he bore them on the tree. It was God, who knows all our faults and wrongdoings, who laid those sins upon Jesus. But here’s the beautiful part – when we believe in Jesus, we are set free from the weight of our transgressions!

In heaven, Jesus shows the blood of his atonement as our title to be there. Isn’t that incredible? Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are invited to God’s dwelling, where he spreads a divine feast just for us. Can you imagine the joy and love that await us in that heavenly place?

When we enter the circle of God’s favor, we find ourselves enveloped in the Father’s boundless love. Oh, what a restful and perfect place it is! There is no worry or pain in heaven, only eternal peace and happiness. And the best part is that once we are ransomed, nothing can separate us from the Lord’s incredible love!

The word “forever” holds incredible significance, my friends. It means that our relationship with Jesus will never end. No matter what happens, we will forever be united with our Savior. There is no force in the universe that can divide us from his presence. Isn’t that a comforting thought?

Now, let’s pause for a moment and think about what all of this means for us in our daily lives. You see, my dear friends, knowing that Jesus took our sins upon himself and that we are free from their burden fills us with a sense of peace and joy. It gives us hope in the midst of difficult times and reassurance that we are never alone.

When we rise and behold Jesus with wonder and gratitude, we are reminded of his great love for us. We are inspired to follow his example and spread love and kindness to those around us. Just think, by living in the light of Jesus’ love, we have the power to positively impact the world.

So, my friends, let us rise up and behold Jesus in all of his glory. Let us remember that he is our savior, and he has set us free from the weight of our sins. Let us live each day with gratitude and awe for his sacrifice, knowing that nothing can separate us from his incredible love.

As we go about our lives, let us share the message of this hymn with others. Let us remind them that in Jesus, there is hope, peace, and everlasting love. And may we all find comfort and strength in the blessed, glorious word “forever” – for it is the word that reminds us of our eternal union with our Lord.

In conclusion, dear friends, may we rise and behold Jesus with wonder and thankfulness. May we embrace the gift of freedom he has given us from our sins. And may we live each day in the light of his love, spreading joy and kindness to all those we encounter. Remember, my friends, that Jesus is our eternal companion, and nothing can separate us from his incredible love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the wonder of Jesus' love in Rise, My Soul! Behold 'tis Jesus. See how he bore your sins and invites you to eternal joy. Discover the power and freedom found in his everlasting love.
Rise My Soul Behold Tis Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Experience the wonder of Jesus' love in "Rise, My Soul! Behold 'tis Jesus." See how he bore your sins and invites you to eternal joy. Discover the power and freedom found in his everlasting love.