Jesus Ever Present Friend – Hymn Lyric

Discover the true meaning of friendship with Jesus

Jesus Ever Present Friend – Hymn Lyric

Ever Present : Find comfort, guidance, and defense in Jesus, your true and friend who is always by your side. He offers and forgiveness, lifting you up when you feel weak and helpless. Cherish this incredible friendship and remember that Jesus is your ever-present friend, ready to lead, comfort, and defend you.


Jesus Ever Present Friend – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, ever present Friend,
Whom have I on earth beside?
True and faithful to the end,
Be Thou still my help and guide.

Jesus all-sufficient friend,
Lead, and comfort, and defend,
All in all I find in thee,
Show power and grace in me.

Jesus, , when alone
Thou didst bear my load of sin,
For my guilt thou didst atone,
Purify me now within.

Jesus all-sufficient friend,
Lead, and comfort, and defend,
All in all I find in thee,
Show thy power and grace in me.

By thy death my debt was paid,
All my to Thee I owe,
Be my ever-present aid,
All-sufficient grace bestow.

Jesus all-sufficient friend,
Lead, and comfort, and defend,
All in all I find in thee,
Show thy power and grace in me.

Weak and helpless, sure to stray,
I am nothing, Thou art all;
Keep me in the narrow way,
Lift me when I faint and fall.

Jesus all-sufficient friend,
Lead, and comfort, and defend,
All in all I find in thee,
Show thy power and grace in me.


Meaning of Jesus Ever Present Friend

When we think about friendship, we often think about the people in our lives who bring us joy, support, and companionship. But did you know that there is a friend who is always by your side, no matter what? His name is Jesus, and he is your ever-present friend.

Just like a best friend, Jesus is true and faithful. He will always be there for you, guiding and helping you through life’s journeys. When you feel lost or uncertain, turn to Jesus, and he will lead you on the right path. He is the ultimate comforter, offering words of wisdom and encouragement when you need them most. And when challenges arise, he will defend you, standing by your side and protecting you from any harm or danger.

In this hymn, the chorus beautifully describes Jesus as an all-sufficient friend. This means that he is enough for us in every situation. There is nothing we need that he cannot provide. Whether it’s strength, guidance, or , Jesus has it all. When we put our trust in him, we will find everything we need in his presence.

One of the most amazing aspects of Jesus as our friend is that he understands our struggles. He knows what it feels like to be alone and burdened by sin. In fact, he willingly took on our load of sin and paid the price for it through his death on the . Because of his sacrifice, we can be purified and made new. When you feel a heavy weight on your shoulders, remember that Jesus is ready to cleanse you and offer forgiveness. Just like a true friend, he wants to see you happy and free from guilt or shame.

As we reflect on the grace and love Jesus has shown us, it’s only natural to feel a sense of gratitude. We owe our lives to him because he his life for us. But Jesus doesn’t want us to feel burdened by this debt. Instead, he wants to be our ever-present aid. He wants to walk with us every step of the way, providing us with his all-sufficient grace. Grace is God’s unmerited favor, meaning we don’t have to earn it or work for it. Jesus freely gives it to us because he loves us so much.

Let’s be honest, life can be tough sometimes. We may feel weak, helpless, and prone to making mistakes. But with Jesus as our friend, we can find strength and encouragement. He is our everything when we feel like nothing. He will keep us on the right path, even when we are tempted to stray. When we stumble and fall, he will be there to lift us up and give us the courage to keep going. We don’t have to face life’s challenges alone because Jesus is always there to support and empower us.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Ever Present Friend” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ friendship. He is true, faithful, and always by our side. We can find comfort, guidance, and defense in his presence. Jesus is our all-sufficient friend who offers grace and forgiveness. When we feel weak and helpless, he is our strength and support. Let us cherish this incredible friendship and always remember that Jesus is our ever-present friend, ready to lead, comfort, and defend us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the true meaning of friendship with Jesus, your ever-present friend. Find comfort, guidance, and grace in his presence. Let Jesus lead, comfort, and defend you.
Jesus Ever Present Friend - Hymn Lyric - Discover the true meaning of friendship with Jesus, your ever-present friend. Find comfort, guidance, and grace in his presence. Let Jesus lead, comfort, and defend you.