O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry - Find strength and love in Jesus to conquer life's challenges. Let His love guide you to spread hope and conquer every foe.

O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry – Hymn Lyric

In the powerful and heartfelt plea, “O Jesus, Hear My Cry,” the speaker expresses their deep need for Jesus’ love, strength, and guidance to conquer life’s challenges. They aspire to be a of Jesus’ power, spreading love and hope to the lost and hopeless. With Jesus by their side, they are equipped to overcome every obstacle and bring to all they encounter.


O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus, Savior, hear my cry,
And all my need just now supply!
New power I want, and strength and light,
That I may conquer in the fight.

O let me have, where’er I go,
strength to conquer every foe!
I need thy love my heart to fill,
To tell to all thy will,
And to the hopeless make known
The power that dwells in thee alone;

And then wherever I shall go
Thy power shall conquer every foe.
O make my life one blazing fire
Of pure and fervent heart-
The lost to find, the low to raise,
And give them cause thy name to praise,

Because wherever I may go
I show thy power to every foe!
Let love be first, let love be last,
Its light o’er all my life be cast;
Come now, my Savior, from above
And deluge all my soul with love,

So that wherever I may go
Thy love shall conquer every foe.


Meaning of O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry

O Jesus, Savior Hear My Cry

In the depths of my heart, I cry out to you, O Jesus, Savior. I come before you seeking your unfailing love and mercy. I need your power, your strength, and your guidance to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. It is through you, O Jesus, that I find the light I need to navigate this battlefield called life.

As I journey through this world, I long for your strength to overcome every foe that stands in my way. With your presence by my side, I am confident that no obstacle is too great to overcome. Your love fills my heart and gives me the courage to face each day with hope and determination.

I am aware, dear Jesus, that your love is not only for me but for all. It is your will that I share this love with others, especially those who are lost and hopeless. I am called to be a beacon of your love, to shine a light on their path and offer them the hope that can only be found in you.

Wherever I go, O Jesus, may your power be evident in my words and actions. May my life be a testament to your love and grace. Help me to ignite a fire in my heart, a fire that burns passionately for those in need. Let my desires be pure and fervent, fueled by love and compassion.

I yearn to find the lost and raise the lowly, to uplift those who feel forgotten. I want to be a vessel through which your name is praised and glorified. With your strength, O Jesus, I will never shy away from the mission you have entrusted me with.

As I walk this path, may love be the guiding force in my life. Let it be the beginning and the end, the light that illuminates every step I take. May your love consume every corner of my being, saturating my soul with its limitless power.

O Jesus, Savior, I invite you to deluge my heart with love. Let it overflow and spill into every aspect of my life. With your love, I am equipped to face the battles that come my way, to conquer any foe that dares to challenge me.

In the end, it is your love that holds the highest victory. It is your love that triumphs over darkness and despair. And so, I surrender myself to your love, knowing that it is through you that I find true strength and fulfillment.

As I continue on this journey, O Jesus, Savior, may your love be my eternal companion. May it inspire and motivate me to be the best version of myself. And may your love conquer every foe, light and hope to all I encounter.

O Jesus, Savior, hear my cry. I trust in your love and rely on your strength. With you by my side, I know that all things are possible. Thank you for hearing my prayer and granting me the power to conquer. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry - Find strength and love in Jesus to conquer life's challenges. Let His love guide you to spread hope and conquer every foe.
O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry - Hymn Lyric - O Jesus Savior Hear My Cry - Find strength and love in Jesus to conquer life's challenges. Let His love guide you to spread hope and conquer every foe.