Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord – Hymn Lyric


Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord – Hymn Lyric

Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord: The That Restores Content: This engaging summary highlights the incredible hope that Jesus brings into our lives. It emphasizes the power of Jesus conquering death and the freedom His love offers to those who feel lost. The summary encourages readers to have faith, live in His love, and share this hope with others.


Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord – Hymn Lyric

Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
Hallelujah, death is no more
Hallelujah, hope is restored
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord

He was dead in the grave
And all hope had vanished away
He arose; He’s alive
And I’m ready to shout it on high.

I was dead in my sins
Bound for hell and within
By His love, I’m alive
Heaven’s gates are opened wide.

We’re alive in the
for the day He will
In a flash, trumpet blast
Christ the Victor will raise us at last!


Meaning of Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord

Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord: The Hope That Restores

Have you ever felt like all hope was lost? Like there was no way out, no at the end of the tunnel? Well, let me tell you, my , there is hope. And that hope is Jesus.

In this beautiful hymn, the powerful words remind us of the incredible hope that Jesus brings into our lives. It starts off with a resounding “Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord.” Just saying those words fills our hearts with and reminds us that we are not alone. Jesus is with us and He is in control.

The hymn continues, “Hallelujah, death is no more.” Death, one of the scariest things we face, loses its power in the presence of Jesus. He conquered death when He rose from the grave. Can you imagine that? Jesus was dead, buried in the ground, and all hope seemed lost. But then, He arose! He’s alive! Death could not hold Him down, and because of that, we have the hope of eternal life.

Now, let’s take a moment and think about ourselves. The hymn says, “I was dead in my sins, bound for hell and darkness within.” This may sound a bit heavy, but stay with me. We all make mistakes; we all have moments when we feel lost and stuck in darkness. But the amazing thing is that by Jesus’ love, we can be brought back to life. His love has the power to set us free from the chains of and bring light into our lives.

And now, the most incredible part. The hymn says, “We’re alive in the Son, longing for the day He will come.” We are alive! Not just physically, but spiritually. Jesus gives us new life, a fresh start. And as we live in Him, we eagerly await His return. Imagine it, my friend, in a flash, a trumpet blast, Christ the Victor will raise us at last! We will be with Him forever, in a place where there is no more pain, no more suffering, only pure joy and love.

So, how can we apply these powerful words to our lives? How can we hold on to this hope that Jesus offers? It starts with faith. Believe in Jesus, place your trust in Him. Know that He loves you more than you can imagine, and He has a plan and purpose for your life.

Next, live in His love. Let His love transform you, guide your actions, and shape your character. When we live in His love, we reflect His light to the around us.

And finally, share this hope with others. As we experience the hope and joy that Jesus brings, let’s not keep it to ourselves. Let’s tell others about Jesus, about the hope that restores. Imagine the impact we can have if we all share this incredible news with those around us.

So, my friend, let’s rejoice together. Let’s lift our voices in praise and shout, “Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord!” Death has no power, hope is restored, and we have the incredible privilege of being alive in Jesus. May this hymn remind us of the hope we have in Him and inspire us to live each day with joy, purpose, and love. Hallelujah!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord: The Hope That Restores. Rejoice in the powerful words that remind us of the incredible hope Jesus brings. Experience the joy and love of being alive in Him. Hallelujah!
Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord - Hymn Lyric - "Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord: The Hope That Restores. Rejoice in the powerful words that remind us of the incredible hope Jesus brings. Experience the joy and love of being alive in Him. Hallelujah!"