See The Morning Sun Ascending – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beauty and blessings of the morning sun ascending in "See The Morning Sun Ascending" hymn. Join the chorus of voices praising God's love and mercy in this joy-filled celebration. Hallelujah!

See The Morning Sun Ascending – Hymn Lyric

“See The Morning Ascending” is a hymn that celebrates the beauty of each new day and all the blessings that come with it. It encourages us to join in praise and gratitude to for His loving-kindness and mercy. Let us be reminded of the infinite reasons we have to sing “Hallelujah!” as we embrace the opportunities and joys that each sunrise brings.


See The Morning Sun Ascending – Hymn Lyric

See the morning sun ascending,
radiant in the eastern sky;
hear the angel voices blending
in their praise to God on high!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Glory be to God on high!

So may we, in lowly station,
join the choristers above;
singing with the whole creation,
praising for your great .

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Glory be to God above!

For your loving-kindness ever
shed upon our earthly way;
for your mercy, ceasing never,
for your blessing day by day:

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Glory be to God alway!

“Wisdom, honour, power, and blessing!”
with the angelic host we cry;
round your throne, your name confessing,
now we would to you draw nigh.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Glory be to God on high!


Meaning of See The Morning Sun Ascending

“See the Morning Sun Ascending” is a beautiful hymn that captures the essence of gratitude and praise. It’s a song that encourages us to look up and around, noticing the wonders of the world and the generosity of God’s love. When the morning sun begins its ascent, painting the sky with shades of pink, orange, and gold, it’s a visual symphony that signals a new day, filled with possibilities and the promise of light after the darkness of night.

The hymn starts with a vivid image of the morning sun ascending, rising up in the eastern sky, bathing the world in its glow. This moment in the day is special, as it signifies a fresh start, where we’re given another chance to make our mark in the world, to learn and to grow. It’s a daily reminder that no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day, bright with the potential for joy and discovery.

As the sun climbs higher, the hymn invites us to listen to the angel voices that blend harmoniously, singing praises to God on high. These angels, in their heavenly choir, set an example for us on earth. They inspire us to lift our own voices and join in the celestial song, even if we feel like we’re in a lowly station. No matter where we are or what we are experiencing, we can always find something to sing about, to the beauty and love that surrounds us.

The hymn continues with a joyful that repeats “Hallelujah,” a word that expresses happiness and thanksgiving. “Glory be to God on high!” is a line that reverberates with acknowledgment of God’s greatness. It’s a powerful declaration that, no matter what, we recognize and honor the hand at work in the world.

But this hymn doesn’t stop at just acknowledging this beauty. It invites us to be active participants, singing with the whole creation. Every part of the world – the mountains, trees, oceans, and skies – all seem to be in their own way, praising life and existence. When we add our voices to this song of gratitude, we’re connecting with something larger than ourselves, joining a chorus that’s as old as creation itself.

Just as the sun provides warmth and light, the hymn speaks of God’s loving-kindness “ever shed upon our earthly way.” We’re reminded of the mercy and blessings that are continuously given to us. Every smile from a , every kind act from a stranger, every moment of laughter and love are seen as blessings that enrich our lives, day after day.

In this song, the phrase “Glory be to God alway!” has a special significance. It’s our way of expressing thanks not just for the big, miraculous events, but for the everyday miracles that we often take for granted. It’s a call to keep our eyes open to the goodness that is constantly unfolding around us, even in the smallest of things.

Towards the end, the hymn shifts its focus to the attributes of God – “Wisdom, honour, power, and blessing!” These are qualities that humans have admired and strived for throughout history. When we sing these words, we’re not only praising God but also reminding ourselves of the virtues we aim to embody in our own lives.

The hymn “See the Morning Sun Ascending” isn’t just about morning or the sun. It’s about life itself, and the endless opportunities to appreciate and contribute to its beauty. Each day, the rising sun encourages us to our commitment to living with gratitude and purpose. And as we go about our days, we strive to draw near to God, just as the hymn suggests, by being vessels of light, love, and goodness to the world around us.

Whether we’re at school, hanging out with friends, helping out at home, or taking a quiet walk, we can take the message of this hymn to heart. By noticing and cherishing the beauty in nature and in each other, by sharing kindness and encouragement, we, too, become part of the grand chorus singing “Hallelujah! Glory be to God on high!” And in doing so, we make our world a brighter, more loving place for everyone.

So as you step into each new day, remember the message of “See the Morning Sun Ascending.” Look for the good. Sing your song of thanks. Share your joy. And know that in every moment of every day, there’s an opportunity to celebrate the great love that lights up our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty and blessings of the morning sun ascending in See The Morning Sun Ascending hymn. Join the chorus of voices praising God's love and mercy in this joy-filled celebration. Hallelujah!
See The Morning Sun Ascending - Hymn Lyric - Experience the beauty and blessings of the morning sun ascending in "See The Morning Sun Ascending" hymn. Join the chorus of voices praising God's love and mercy in this joy-filled celebration. Hallelujah!