Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Love of the Lord: A Hymn Celebrating God's Unconditional Love. Sing of His Sacrifice in Giving Jesus to Die for Us. Discover the Power and Transformation of His Divine Love.

Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord – Hymn Lyric

“Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord: Celebrating ‘s Unconditional Love” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of the incredible sacrifice God made by giving His Son, Jesus, to die on the for us. This love is beyond our understanding and encompasses all aspects of our lives. It is a love that offers forgiveness, hope, and restoration to all who receive it. Let us rejoice in this love and share it with others, knowing that it will never let us go.


Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Let us sing of the love of the Lord,
As now to the cross we draw nigh;
Let us sing to the praise of the God of all ,
For the love that Jesus to die.

O the love that gave Jesus to die,
The love that gave Jesus to die;
Praise God, it is mine, this love so divine.
The love that gave Jesus to die.

O how great was the love that was shown
To us!-we can never tell why-
Not to angels, but men; let us praise Him again
For the love that gave Jesus to die.


Now this love all God commends,
Not one would His mercy pass by;
shall call,” there is pardon for all
In the love that gave Jesus to die.


Who is he that can separate those
Whom God doth in love justify?
Whatsoever we need He includes in the deed,
In the love that gave Jesus to die.



Meaning of Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord

Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord: Celebrating God’s Unconditional Love

Have you ever experienced a love that was so powerful, so all-encompassing, that it changed your life forever? Well, that’s exactly the type of love we’re talking about when we sing of the love of the Lord.

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that God made for us by giving His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. It’s a love that surpasses all understanding and one that we can never fully comprehend.

As we sing these words, we can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude and awe towards the God of all grace. Just think about it – the creator of the universe loves us so much that He was willing to give up His own Son for our sake. It’s a love that knows no limits, a love so divine.

And what’s even more amazing is that this love was not just shown to angels or celestial beings, but to us, imperfect human beings. We are the ones who have received this incredible gift of love, and for that, we should be eternally grateful.

In the of this hymn, we joyfully proclaim, “O the love that gave Jesus to die, The love that gave Jesus to die; Praise God, it is mine, this love so divine. The love that gave Jesus to die.” These words remind us that this love is not just a distant concept, but something personal and real. It belongs to each and every one of us.

This love is not exclusive – it is for everyone. God’s love knows no boundaries, and no matter who you are or what you’ve done, there is forgiveness and pardon waiting for you. As the hymn says, “Now this love unto all God commends, Not one would His mercy pass by; ‘Whosoever shall call,’ there is pardon for all In the love that gave Jesus to die.”

When we accept this love into our hearts, it transforms us from the inside out. It washes our and gives us a fresh start. It brings hope, healing, and restoration. And through this love, we are made right with God, no longer separated from Him.

In the final verse, we are reminded of the completeness of God’s love. It includes everything we need – comfort, guidance, strength, and so much more. The hymn states, “Who is he that can separate those Whom God doth in love justify? Whatsoever we need He includes in the deed, In the love that gave Jesus to die.”

So, let us sing of the love of the Lord with all our hearts and voices. Let us rejoice in this incredible gift that has been given to us. This love is a source of hope, peace, and joy. It is a love that never fails, never gives up, and never runs out.

In conclusion, the love of the Lord is beyond measure. It is a love that brings redemption, forgiveness, and . It is a love that transforms us and brings us into a closer relationship with God. So, let us sing of this love and share it with others, knowing that it is a love that will never let us go.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Love of the Lord: A Hymn Celebrating God's Unconditional Love. Sing of His Sacrifice in Giving Jesus to Die for Us. Discover the Power and Transformation of His Divine Love.
Let Us Sing Of The Love Of The Lord - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Love of the Lord: A Hymn Celebrating God's Unconditional Love. Sing of His Sacrifice in Giving Jesus to Die for Us. Discover the Power and Transformation of His Divine Love.