Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee – Hymn Lyric


Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Sing, My Soul, To Who Made Thee”, we are reminded of the beauty and goodness of God’s creation. As we raise our voices to heaven and sing praises to God, we are filled with for all the things He has made. Every living creature, big or small, reminds us of His love and invites us to rejoice in His goodness.


Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee – Hymn Lyric

Sing, my soul, to God Who made thee,
Raise to Heaven thy grateful voice;
All His creatures, , bid thee
In His goodness now rejoice.

Pure and holy love unbounded
Fills His tender and kind;
All who truly serve Him find
Rest, by God’s strong arm surrounded.

Heaven and earth may not endure,
But God’s love is ever sure.

E’en the Son He loved so dearly,
Died that we through Him might live,
Was e’er love like His, Who merely
Lived His in love to give?

Holy Spirit, teach and guide me,
Fill my heart with loving faith;
Faith can break the power of death,
Naught I fear with Thee beside me.

When I sleep His care surrounds me,
With new strength and youth imbues;
His unbounded confounds me,
Each new morn His love renews.

In sore trial and temptation
He, my Savior, still is near,
Bids me, do thou not fear,
Thou shalt yet see My salvation.”


Meaning of Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee

Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee: Embracing God’s Love and Finding Rest

In the hymn “Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee”, we are reminded of the beauty and goodness of God’s creation. As we raise our voices to heaven and sing praises to God, we are filled with gratitude for all the things He has made. Every living creature, big or small, reminds us of His love and invites us to rejoice in His goodness.

God’s love knows no bounds, and it is pure and holy. His tender heart is filled with love for all of His creations, including you and me. When we truly serve Him and follow His teachings, we can find rest and peace in His strong and loving arms. He is our refuge and source of strength.

Sometimes, we may feel uncertain about the future or worry about what lies ahead. But the hymn assures us that while heaven and earth may not endure forever, God’s love is and unchanging. It is a constant presence in our lives, offering us assurance and hope in every situation.

The hymn also reflects on the immense love that God showed by sacrificing His Son for us. Jesus willingly laid down His life so that we could have eternal life through Him. This selfless act of love is unparalleled. Can you think of anyone else who would give their life for someone else? It is a testament to the depth of God’s love for all of humanity.

We can also find comfort in the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Spirit teaches and guides us, filling our hearts with a loving faith that can overcome any obstacle. Through faith, we can break the power of death itself. With the Holy Spirit beside us, we have nothing to fear. We are reminded that God is always with us, protecting and guiding us through life’s challenges.

At , as we sleep, God’s care surrounds us. He gives us new strength and rejuvenates our spirits, readying us for a new day. His grace is boundless and His love renews every morning. We are reminded of His faithfulness and His promise to always be with us.

In times of trial and temptation, God is present with us. He is our Savior, and He will never leave us nor forsake us. We are assured that we will see His salvation, His deliverance from whatever difficulties we may face. This gives us hope and courage in the face of adversity. We can trust that God’s plan for our lives includes ultimate victory and redemption.

As we reflect on the hymn “Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee”, we are encouraged to embrace God’s love. We are reminded to raise our voices in praise and gratitude for His creation. We find rest and comfort in His loving arms, knowing that His love is everlasting and unchanging. We are inspired by Jesus’ selfless and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And we are filled with hope and assurance that our loving Savior will guide us through all of life’s trials and temptations.

So, let us sing, my soul, to God who made thee! Let us embrace His love and find rest in His tender care. Let us trust in His faithfulness, knowing that His love will never fail us. And let us rejoice in His goodness and grace, for His love is truly a gift that brings joy and peace to our souls.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee: Embrace God's love, find rest, and rejoice in His grace. Experience the beauty of His creation and trust in His everlasting love. Find strength through Jesus' sacrifice and the Holy Spirit's guidance.
Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee - Hymn Lyric - Sing, My Soul, To God Who Made Thee: Embrace God's love, find rest, and rejoice in His grace. Experience the beauty of His creation and trust in His everlasting love. Find strength through Jesus' sacrifice and the Holy Spirit's guidance.