Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters – Hymn Lyric

Find inspiration in the hymn "Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters." Discover the power of faith

Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters – Hymn Lyric

“Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters” is a of faith, , and patience, reminding us to never lose faith in the power of possibility. Just as a farmer sows his seeds with hope for a harvest, we can sow our own metaphorical seeds of kindness and positivity. Our efforts may not always bear immediate fruit, but through faith, hope, and patience, we can make a meaningful impact and about positive change.


Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters – Hymn Lyric

O, be not faithless! with the morn
Cast thou abroad grain!
At noontide faint not thou forlorn,
At evening sow again!

Blessed are they, whate’er betide,
Who thus all waters sow beside.

Thou knowest not which seed shall grow,
Or which may die, or live;
In faith, and hope, and patience, sow!
The increase God shall give,

According to His gracious will,
As best his purpose may fulfil.

O, could our inward eye but view,
Our hearts but feel aright,
What faith, and love, and hope, can do,
By their celestial might,

We should not say, till these be dead,
The power of miracle is fled.


Meaning of Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters

Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters: A Hymn of Faith, Hope, and Patience

Have you ever heard the song of the ? The birds chirping and the rising, spreading its golden rays upon the land. It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it? But did you know that just as the morning is filled with possibilities, so is our life?

The first line of our hymn reminds us, “O, be not faithless! with the morn, Cast thou abroad thy grain!” It’s telling us not to lose faith, to believe in the power of hope and possibility. Just as a farmer scatters his seeds in the morning, hoping for a bountiful harvest, we too can spread our own metaphorical seeds of kindness, love, and positivity.

But what happens when our efforts don’t bear immediate fruit? When we sow our seeds at noon, only to find ourselves feeling disheartened and forgotten? The hymn continues, “At noontide faint not thou forlorn, At evening sow again!” It’s a reminder to not give up, to keep sowing our seeds of goodness even in the face of adversity. For it is in those moments of doubt and despair that the seeds we sow may have the greatest impact.

Sometimes, we may doubt the significance of our actions, unsure of which seed will grow or wither . Yet, the hymn tells us, “Thou knowest not which seed shall grow, Or which may die, or live.” It’s a humbling thought, isn’t it? We don’t always have control over the outcomes, but that doesn’t diminish the importance of our efforts. Just like a gardener who tends to their garden with care, we must sow our seeds in faith, hope, and patience.

In a where instant gratification often reigns supreme, it’s easy to become discouraged when our efforts don’t yield immediate results. But the hymn encourages us, “In faith, and hope, and patience, sow! The increase God shall give, According to His gracious will.” We are reminded to trust in a higher power, to have faith that our actions, no matter how small, matter and can bring about meaningful change.

Sometimes, it may feel like our efforts are in vain, as if the power of has faded away. But the hymn dispels such thoughts, saying, “O, could our inward eye but view, Our hearts but feel aright, What faith, and love, and hope, can do, By their celestial might.” It reminds us that the power of faith, love, and hope is boundless, capable of achieving wonders beyond our imagination. We mustn’t underestimate the potential of our actions to bring about positive change.

In life, we may encounter challenges, disappointments, and setbacks. But the key is to persevere, to keep sowing our seeds of kindness, love, and hope. The hymn assures us that even in the face of adversity, we are “Blessed are they, whate’er betide, Who thus all waters sow beside.” It’s a reminder that those who continue to sow their seeds of goodness, regardless of the circumstances, will be blessed abundantly.

And so, friends, let us heed the wisdom of this hymn. Let us be like the patient farmer who sows his seeds in the morning, at noon, and in the evening, never losing hope in their potential to bring about a bountiful harvest. Let us embrace the power of faith, hope, and patience, knowing that our actions matter and can make a difference in the lives of others.

Remember, we may not always see the fruits of our labor immediately, but just as a tiny seed grows into a mighty oak, our small acts of kindness, love, and hope can ripple out and create a wave of positive change. So, let us be blessed, dear friends, as we sow our seeds beside all waters, knowing that our efforts, no matter how small, can make a world of difference.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find inspiration in the hymn Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters. Discover the power of faith, hope, and patience, and how your small actions can create positive change.
Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters - Hymn Lyric - Find inspiration in the hymn "Blessed Are Ye That Sow Beside All Waters." Discover the power of faith, hope, and patience, and how your small actions can create positive change.