O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the transformative power of Jesus' words with a new beginning for eternal life. Discover the joy of being born again and living with Christ forever.

O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring – Hymn Lyric

“O Let The Words Of Jesus ” is a hymn that reminds us of the importance of being again. This experience, offered by Jesus, is a beautiful and life-changing opportunity that allows us to live with Him for eternity. Through embracing this truth and opening our hearts to Jesus, we can experience a fresh start, a transformation that brings peace, joy, and a deep sense of purpose.


O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring – Hymn Lyric

Oh, let the words of Jesus ring
From east to west, from shore to shore;
You must, you must be born again,
To live for evermore.

You must be born again, again,
You must be born again, again;
To live with Christ for evermore,
You must be born again.

No works of thine can give the right
To enter heaven’s open ;
Christ is the Way, the Truth, the ,
And Life for evermore. [Chorus]

‘Tis all of , abundant grace,
His word declares it o’er and o’er,
Whoe’er believes on Jesus Christ
Shall live for evermore. [Chorus]

He’s ready now to cleanse heart,
If you His Spirit’s pow’r implore;
The gift of life He will impart,
Yea, life for evermore. [Chorus]


Meaning of O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring

O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring: Embracing a New Beginning for Eternal Life

Have you ever wondered what it means to be born again? Maybe you’ve heard those words before, but they seem like a mystery to you. Well, let me tell you, my , that being born again is a beautiful and life-changing experience that Jesus offers to all of us.

In the hymn “O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring,” the songwriter reminds us of the importance of embracing this profound truth. The words of Jesus hold immense power, echoing from east to west, from shore to shore. It’s a message that deserves our attention, for it holds the key to a forevermore filled with love, joy, and eternal life.

The chorus of the song heartwarmingly repeats, “You must be born again, again, You must be born again, again.” It’s a gentle call from Jesus, inviting us to enter into a personal relationship with Him. This call is not about following a set of rules or performing good deeds to earn our in heaven; it’s about a transformation of our hearts and .

The verse proclaims that no works of ours can ever earn us the right to enter heaven’s open door. It’s all about Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Giver of Life for evermore. This is such a comforting message, isn’t it? It means that we don’t have to carry the burden of trying to be perfect or earning our salvation. Jesus has already done it all for us.

The hymn reminds us that salvation is purely a gift of God’s grace, abundant grace. This grace is so freely given that His Word declares it over and over again. All we need to do is believe in Jesus Christ, and we shall live for evermore. What a beautiful promise!

And here’s the best part. Jesus is ready and waiting to cleanse our hearts and breathe new life into us. If we seek His Spirit’s power, He will give us the incredible gift of eternal life. This gift is not temporary or fleeting; it is life for evermore. Isn’t that amazing?

To truly embrace this new beginning, we must open our hearts to Jesus. We must acknowledge our need for Him, repent of our sins, and invite Him to be the Lord of our lives. It’s a simple yet profound step that changes everything.

When we become born again, we experience a spiritual rebirth. It’s like being given a fresh start, a clean slate. Our old selves are put to rest, and we are made new in Christ. This transformation brings peace, joy, and a deep sense of purpose.

Living for evermore with Christ means we are no longer bound by the limitations of this world. We have a hope that extends beyond our earthly existence. It means that even in the face of challenges and uncertainty, we can have confidence that our eternal destiny is secure.

So, my friend, let the words of Jesus ring in your heart and mind. Allow His message to permeate every aspect of your life. Embrace the truth that you must be born again to experience the fullness of His love and the gift of eternal life.

Remember, being born again is not just a one-time event; it’s a lifelong journey of growing in our relationship with Jesus. Let’s hold onto His promises, live in the power of His Spirit, and share this incredible news with others.

May the words of Jesus continue to ring in your life, guiding and transforming you each and every day. And always remember, you must be born again, again, to live with Christ for evermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the transformative power of Jesus' words with a new beginning for eternal life. Discover the joy of being born again and living with Christ forever.
O Let The Words Of Jesus Ring - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the transformative power of Jesus' words with a new beginning for eternal life. Discover the joy of being born again and living with Christ forever.