Thou Visitest The Earth In Love – Hymn Lyric

"Thou Visitest The Earth In Love: Celebrating God's Abundance and Care. Discover the blessings that pour from above

Thou Visitest The Earth In Love – Hymn Lyric

“Thou Visitest The Earth In ” captures the overwhelming love and care that has for our Earth. Through gentle showers and rich blessings, God nourishes the land and provides an abundance of grain and beauty. This hymn encourages us to appreciate and steward God’s creation, ensuring that future generations can enjoy its abundance. Let us be grateful for God’s love and provision, and live as responsible caretakers of the Earth.


Thou Visitest The Earth In Love – Hymn Lyric

Thou visitest the earth in love
And sendest showers from above,
Enriching all the land;
Thy streams exhaustless the field,
Preparing it the grain to yield
Provided by Thy hand.

The furrows, sown with living grain,
Are softened by Thy gentle rain
The springing corn to bless;
The year with goodness Thou dost crown,
Rich gifts in mercy sending down
To cheer the wilderness.

The hills and vales, with verdure clad,
Are girt with joy, the earth is glad,
New life is all abroad;
With feeding flocks the pastures teem,
With golden grain the valleys gleam;
All nature praises God.


Meaning of Thou Visitest The Earth In Love

Thou Visitest The Earth In Love: Celebrating the Abundance of Nature

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and care that God has for our Earth. It is said that God visits the Earth in love, sending showers from above to enrich all the land. Just imagine, these showers are like blessings that pour down upon the Earth, nourishing every plant, tree, and living creature.

When these showers fall, they bring life to the fields. They soften the soil, making it easier for seeds to take root and grow. The gentle rain acts as a blessing upon the springing corn, helping it thrive and multiply. It is as if God is guiding the entire process, ensuring that the Earth produces an abundance of grain to sustain us.

As we look out across the land, we see the goodness of God on display. The year is crowned with His mercy, and rich gifts are sent down to cheer even the wildest and most desolate places. Nature itself joins in revelry, with the hills and valleys adorned in vibrant greenery. The Earth is glad, teeming with new life in all its forms.

The pastures are filled with feeding flocks, a testament to the abundance of food provided by God’s loving hand. The valleys, too, shimmer with golden grains, reminding us of the bountiful that . All around us, we see the handiwork of God, and in this sight, we cannot help but Him. All of nature joins in this chorus of gratitude and reverence for the Creator.

In these verses, we find comfort and reassurance that amidst any wilderness or barrenness, God’s love and provision can transform it into a of abundance and life. It is a reminder that even in the harshest of circumstances, God’s love and care are never far away.

This hymn is not only a celebration of God’s provision but also a call for us to appreciate and steward His creation. When we recognize the abundance that surrounds us, it inspires us to care for the Earth and be good stewards of its resources. We are reminded of the responsibility we have to protect and preserve the environment, ensuring that future generations can also enjoy the richness of God’s creation.

Let us go with hearts of gratitude and awe, knowing that God’s love and provision are ever-present. As we witness the beauty of the Earth, let us join in the chorus of nature, praising and giving thanks to the One who visits the Earth in love. May we always be mindful of our role in caring for this precious gift and in sharing its abundance with all those around us.

In conclusion, “Thou Visitest The Earth In Love” is a hymn that celebrates the love and care that God has for our Earth. It reminds us of His constant provision and the abundance that surrounds us. As we meditate on these words, let us be inspired to be good stewards of the Earth and to always give thanks for the blessings that flow from God’s loving hand.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Thou Visitest The Earth In Love: Celebrating God's Abundance and Care. Discover the blessings that pour from above, nurturing and enriching our land. Join in the chorus of nature's praise for God's love.
Thou Visitest The Earth In Love - Hymn Lyric - "Thou Visitest The Earth In Love: Celebrating God's Abundance and Care. Discover the blessings that pour from above, nurturing and enriching our land. Join in the chorus of nature's praise for God's love."