When Jesus Washed My Sins Away – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and grace of having your sins washed away by Jesus. Rejoice in His love and find constant happiness. Sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for His forgiveness and healing.

When Jesus Washed My Sins Away – Hymn Lyric

“When Washed My Sins Away: Rejoicing in His and ” captures the incredible feeling of joy and that comes from having our sins washed away by Jesus. This beautiful hymn reminds us of His constant presence, touch, and unwavering protection. Let’s sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for His amazing forgiveness and grace.


When Jesus Washed My Sins Away – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus washed my sins away,
Sing hallelujah!
My happy heart began to say,
Praise ye the Lord.

Sing hallelujah! Sing hallelujah!
Sing hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord.

He makes my wounded whole,
Sing hallelujah!
He satisfies my longing soul,
Praise ye the Lord.


I find him present everywhere,
Sing hallelujah!
I cast on him my every care,
Praise ye the Lord.


He keeps me safely by his side,
Sing hallelujah!
I take him as my guard and guide,
Praise ye the Lord.


No other good do I possess,
Sing hallelujah!
He is my constant happiness,
Praise ye the Lord.


And thus I journey day by day,
Sing hallelujah!
Rejoicing on my heavenward way,
Praise ye the Lord.



Meaning of When Jesus Washed My Sins Away

When Jesus Washed My Sins Away: Rejoicing in His Love and Grace

Oh, what a wondrous feeling it is when Jesus washed away our sins! It’s a feeling of pure joy and happiness that fills our hearts and . And as we dive deeper into the lyrics of this beautiful hymn, we can truly understand the magnitude of His love and grace.

The verse tells us that when Jesus washed away our sins, our happy hearts began to sing hallelujah! Just imagine that feeling, my friends. A burden lifted, a weight removed, and our hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise. We can’t help but shout hallelujah and give thanks to the Lord for His amazing forgiveness.

But it doesn’t end there. The refrain reminds us to continue singing hallelujah and praising the Lord. Why? Because not only does He wash away our sins, but He also makes our wounded spirits whole. When we are broken, hurt, or feeling lost, Jesus offers us His healing touch. He satisfies our longing souls, filling that void within us that nothing else can. So, let’s sing hallelujah and offer our praise to the Lord for His complete restoration and fulfillment.

In this beautiful hymn, we are also reminded that Jesus is present everywhere. There is nowhere we can go where He is not by our side. We can cast all our cares and worries upon Him, trusting that He will take care of us. So, let’s sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for His constant presence and His promise to never leave us.

Furthermore, Jesus not only guides and guards us but also keeps us safe. When we our lives to Him, He becomes our protector and our refuge. We can take comfort in knowing that He is always watching over us, shielding us from harm. So, let’s sing hallelujah and give thanks to the Lord for His unwavering protection and guidance.

As the hymn continues, it emphasizes that Jesus is our constant happiness. In this ever-changing world, where material possessions and go, Jesus remains our true source of joy. His love brings us lasting happiness that nothing else can provide. So, let’s sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for being our eternal source of happiness.

Finally, this hymn speaks of our daily journey, our heavenly pilgrimage. As we walk in faith, we rejoice, knowing that Jesus has washed away our sins and secured our place in heaven. Every step we take, every decision we make, is guided by His grace and love. So, let’s sing hallelujah and give praise to the Lord for the hope and joy we experience as we journey toward our heavenly .

In conclusion, the hymn “When Jesus Washed My Sins Away” reminds us of the incredible love and grace that Jesus offers. It’s a hymn that fills our hearts with joy and prompts us to sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for His forgiveness, healing, protection, and constant presence. Let’s continue to rejoice in His love and grace, spreading the good news to others and inviting them to experience the same joy that comes from having our sins washed away by Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and grace of having your sins washed away by Jesus. Rejoice in His love and find constant happiness. Sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for His forgiveness and healing.
When Jesus Washed My Sins Away - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy and grace of having your sins washed away by Jesus. Rejoice in His love and find constant happiness. Sing hallelujah and praise the Lord for His forgiveness and healing.