Life Is Worth Living With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience hope

Life Is Worth Living With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the journey of , we all seek happiness and fulfillment. We yearn for a sense of purpose and a reason to keep going, even when the path before us seems uncertain and filled with obstacles. Thankfully, we are not alone in this endeavor. We have a companion who is always by our side, guiding us towards hope and reminding us of the joy that can be found in every moment. His name is Jesus. When we invite Jesus into our lives, He brings with Him a sense of hope and cheer that can never be extinguished. In a world full of gloom and despair, He shines His light upon us, relieving us of our fears and insecurities. Life is worth living with Jesus.


Life Is Worth Living With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Life is worth living with Jesus,
He always brings hope and cheer;
From all our gloom He relieves us,
In Him we’re free from fear.

He is my all in all,
On Him I always call;
Jesus makes life worth living,
With Him I’ll never fall.

Sadness and doubt will all vanish,
When Jesus gets full control;
Sin and despair He will banish,
every soul.

He is my all in all,
On Him I always call;
Jesus makes life worth living,
With Him I’ll never fall.

Pleasures of earth are all empty,
Never they can satisfy;
Jesus gives riches and plenty,
If you on Him rely.

He is my all in all,
On Him I always call;
Jesus makes life worth living,
With Him I’ll never fall.

Jesus brings gladness for sorrow,
He makes the gloomy side bright;
He gives us hope for tomorrow,
Blindness is changed to sight.

He is my all in all,
On Him I always call;
Jesus makes life worth living,
With Him I’ll never fall.


Meaning of Life Is Worth Living With Jesus

Life is Worth Living with Jesus: Embracing Hope and Joy in Every Moment

In the journey of life, we all seek happiness and fulfillment. We yearn for a sense of purpose and a reason to keep going, even when the path before us seems uncertain and filled with obstacles. Thankfully, we are not alone in this endeavor. We have a faithful companion who is always by our side, guiding us towards hope and reminding us of the joy that can be found in every moment. His name is Jesus.

Life is worth living with Jesus. These heartfelt words capture the essence of a truth that has been echoed by believers for centuries. When we invite Jesus into our lives, He brings with Him a sense of hope and cheer that can never be extinguished. In a world full of gloom and despair, He shines His light upon us, relieving us of our fears and insecurities.

Imagine a life free from fear. A life where sadness and doubt no longer hold us captive. This is the life that Jesus offers to each and every one of us. When we ourselves to His love and , He takes full control and casts away the darkness that once enveloped our hearts. Sin and despair are banished, leaving behind a renewed spirit and a longing for His presence.

The pleasures of this earth may entice us with their temporary allure, but they can never truly satisfy the deep longing within our . Jesus offers something far greater than temporary happiness; He offers riches and abundance in ways that the world cannot comprehend. When we rely on Him, we discover a joy that surpasses all understanding, filling every corner of our being.

Jesus brings gladness in the midst of sorrow. When life’s burdens weigh us down and clouds of despair seem to overshadow our days, He has the power to transform the gloomy side into something bright. His love and compassion shed light on our darkest moments, reminding us that there is always hope, even when all seems lost. In His presence, we find solace and a renewed strength to face whatever challenges come our way.

And let us not forget the incredible gift of sight that Jesus bestows upon us. Blinded by our own limitations and the ways of this world, we often fail to see the beauty that surrounds us. But when we open our hearts to Him, our spiritual blindness is lifted, and we begin to perceive the world through His eyes. We see the wonders of creation, the love in the hearts of those around us, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Jesus opens our eyes to the truth that life is indeed worth living.

In conclusion, it is clear that life is worth living with Jesus. As we journey through this world, navigating its triumphs and challenges, we can find solace and joy in the presence of our . His love, grace, and hope illuminate our path, giving us the strength to face each day with renewed determination. Through Him, we discover that life is a gift to be cherished, and that every moment is filled with the potential for greatness. So let us hold onto this truth, and may our lives be a testament to the incredible power and love of Jesus, who truly is our all in all. With Him, we will never fall.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience hope, joy, and fulfillment in life with Jesus by your side. Embrace His love and grace, banish fear and despair, and find true purpose in every moment. Discover why life is worth living with Jesus.
Life Is Worth Living With Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Experience hope, joy, and fulfillment in life with Jesus by your side. Embrace His love and grace, banish fear and despair, and find true purpose in every moment. Discover why life is worth living with Jesus.