Theres A Work For Jesus Ready At Your Hand – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the work Jesus has planned just for you. Serve Him faithfully and make an eternal impact. There's a unique task waiting at your hand. Embrace it with joy and enthusiasm!"

Theres A Work For Jesus Ready At Your Hand – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever thought about the that Jesus has planned just for you? Let’s dive deeper into the beautiful hymn that reminds us of this important truth and explore the meaning behind each verse. Embrace the opportunity to be a vessel of His blessings and to precious to Him. Work for Jesus, serve Him faithfully, and watch as blessings unfold in your life and the lives of those around you.


Theres A Work For Jesus Ready At Your Hand – Hymn Lyric

There’s a work for Jesus, ready at your hand,
‘Tis a task the Master just for you has planned.
Haste to do His bidding, yield Him service true;
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.

Work for Jesus, day by day,
Serve Him ever, falter never; Christ obey.
Yield Him service loyal, true,
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.

There’s a work for Jesus, though it be,
‘Tis the very service He would ask of thee.
Go where fields are whitened, and the lab’rers few;
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.

Work for Jesus, day by day,
Serve Him ever, falter never; Christ obey.
Yield Him service loyal, true,
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.

There’s a work for Jesus, precious souls to bring,
Tell them of His mercies, tell them of your King.
Faint not, nor grow , He will strength ;
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.

Work for Jesus, day by day,
Serve Him ever, falter never; Christ obey.
Yield Him service loyal, true,
There’s a work for Jesus none but you can do.


Meaning of Theres A Work For Jesus Ready At Your Hand

Have you ever thought about the work that Jesus has planned just for you? Yes, you! He has a special task in mind that only you can accomplish. Isn’t that amazing? Let’s dive deeper into the beautiful hymn that reminds us of this important truth and explore the meaning behind each verse.

In the first verse, we are reminded that there is a task ready for us to do. Jesus, our Master, has specifically chosen this work for you. Isn’t it incredible to that the Creator of the universe has something special in mind just for you? So, let’s not waste any time and hurry to fulfill His bidding. We should eagerly yield ourselves to His service, for there is a unique work for Jesus that only you can do.

The refrain encourages us to work for Jesus day by day, serving Him faithfully without hesitation. There may be times when we feel tired or discouraged, but we should never falter. Instead, let’s obey Christ and continue to serve Him with loyalty and truth. Remember, there’s a work for Jesus that none but you can do, and by fulfilling it, you are making a difference in this world.

Moving on to the second verse, we understand that the work Jesus has called us to may seem humble or small in our eyes. However, we should not underestimate its importance. This is the very service He desires from us. It may be as simple as helping someone in need, spreading kindness and love wherever we go, or being a shining example of His teachings to those around us. Even in these seemingly small tasks, there is great significance, for they contribute to the greater purpose has for each one of us.

The verse encourages us to go where the fields are whitened and the laborers are few. In other words, we should reach out to those who haven’t yet experienced the love and of our Savior. By sharing the good news with them, we are fulfilling our mission in this world. Remember, there’s a work for Jesus that none but you can do. Embrace the opportunity to be a vessel of His blessings and to bring precious souls to Him.

Lastly, the third verse emphasizes the importance of not growing weary or faint-hearted in our service for Jesus. It’s true that sometimes we may feel tired or discouraged, but we must remember that our strength comes from Him. Whenever we feel weary, God is there to renew our strength and empower us to continue. So, let’s press on and keep doing the work that only we can do for Jesus.

In conclusion, my friends, let’s embrace the truth embedded in this beautiful hymn. There’s a work for Jesus ready at our hand. We are called to serve Him faithfully, day by day, without faltering. Whether the task seems humble or grand, remember that it is the very service Jesus desires from us. Let’s go where the fields are whitened, proactively sharing His love and grace with others. And finally, let’s not grow weary, for He will renew our strength. So, my friends, there’s a work for Jesus that none but you can do. Embrace it with joy and enthusiasm, for in fulfilling this work, you are making an eternal impact. Work for Jesus, serve Him faithfully, and watch as blessings unfold in your life and the lives of those around you.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the work Jesus has planned just for you. Serve Him faithfully and make an eternal impact. There's a unique task waiting at your hand. Embrace it with joy and enthusiasm!
Theres A Work For Jesus Ready At Your Hand - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the work Jesus has planned just for you. Serve Him faithfully and make an eternal impact. There's a unique task waiting at your hand. Embrace it with joy and enthusiasm!"