There’s No Friend Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible friendship and love of Jesus. He's not just any friend

There’s No Friend Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“There’s No Friend Like Jesus” is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of the incredible love and friendship we have in Jesus. He not only saves us but also provides for all our needs. With Him by our side, we can trust Him fully and conquer any challenges that come our way. Jesus is not just a friend, but our Redeemer, , and Guide who defends us from every enemy. Let us never cease to love Him and always cherish the gift of friendship we have in Jesus.


There’s No Friend Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

There’s no friend to me like Jesus,
He my ev’ry need supplies;
He not only saves but keeps me,
Nothing good from me denies.

Yes, in Him I’m fully trusting,
Yes, through Him I’ll conquer all;
For I know He saves and keeps me,
And He’ll never let me fall.

All, yes, all to me is Jesus,
Blest Redeemer, Savior, Guide,
And from ev’ry foe defends me,
And in Him I’ll ever hide.

I will never cease to love Him,
He Who died to set me free;
Now in Him I am abiding,
And some day His face I’ll see.


Meaning of There’s No Friend Like Jesus

There’s No Friend Like Jesus

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and friendship that we have in Jesus. It says, “There’s no friend to me like Jesus, He my ev’ry need supplies.” Isn’t that amazing? Jesus is not just any friend, He is the best friend we could ever have! He knows all our needs and He is always there to provide for us.

It goes on to say, “He not only saves but keeps me, Nothing good from me denies.” Wow! Not only did Jesus save us from our , but He also keeps us safe and secure. He never withholds anything good from us because His heart is full of love and compassion. He is always there, protecting us and guiding us.

Yes, in Him I’m fully trusting, Yes, through Him I’ll conquer all; For I know He saves and keeps me, And He’ll never let me fall. These words remind us that we can trust Jesus completely. No matter what challenges or obstacles we face, with Jesus by our side, we have the strength and courage to overcome them. He is our Savior and He will never let us fall.

All, yes, all to me is Jesus, Blest Redeemer, Savior, Guide, And from ev’ry foe defends me, And in Him, I’ll ever hide. Jesus is not just a friend, but He is also our Redeemer, Savior, and Guide. He has saved us from our sins, He defends and protects us from every enemy that comes against us. In Him, we find a safe to hide, a refuge from all the troubles of this world.

I will never cease to love Him, He Who died to set me free; Now in Him I am abiding, And some day His face I’ll see. These words express our deep love and for Jesus. He His life on the cross to set us free from sin and death. How could we ever cease to love Him? Now, we abide in Him, we make our in His love and . And one glorious day, we will have the privilege of seeing His face and being with Him for .

In conclusion, this hymn reminds us of the incredible friendship and love we have in Jesus. He is not just any friend, He is the best friend we could ever have. He knows our needs and provides for us. He saves us, keeps us, and defends us from every enemy. In Him, we find safety, guidance, and refuge. Let us never cease to love Him and always remember the amazing gift of friendship we have in Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible friendship and love of Jesus. He's not just any friend, He's the best friend you could ever have! He saves, keeps, and provides for you. Trust Him and conquer all. See the amazing gift of friendship in Jesus.
There's No Friend Like Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible friendship and love of Jesus. He's not just any friend, He's the best friend you could ever have! He saves, keeps, and provides for you. Trust Him and conquer all. See the amazing gift of friendship in Jesus.