Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock – Hymn Lyric

Experience the deep love and trust in the Lord through the powerful hymn "Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock." Find comfort in God's deliverance and rejoice in His mercy and power.

Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock – Hymn Lyric

In this heartfelt titled “Thee Will I O Lord My Strength My Rock,” the singer expresses their deep love and trust in . They describe facing overwhelming fears and , but finding comfort and deliverance in God’s divine . This hymn serves as a reminder that no matter the trials we face, God is our unshakeable refuge and source of strength.


Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock – Hymn Lyric

Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength,
My rock, my tower, my high defence:
Thy mighty arm shall be my trust:
For I have found salvation thence.

Death, and the terrors of the grave,
Spread over me their dismal shade;
While floods of high temptations rose,
And made my sinking soul afraid.

I saw the opening gates of hell,
With endless pains and sorrows there,
Which none but they that feel, can tell;
While I was hurried to despair.

In my distress I call’d my God,
When I could scarce believe him mine;
He bow’d his ear to my complaints;
Then did his grace appear divine.

With speed he flew to my relief,
As on a cherub’s wings he rode:
Awful and bright as lightning shone
The face of my deliv’rer, God.

Temptations fled at his rebuke,
Dispell’d by his almighty breath:
He sent salvation from on high,
And drew me from the depths of death.

Great were my fears, my foes were great,
Much was their strength, and more their rage,
But , my Lord, is conqu’ror still,
In all the that devils wage.

My song for ever shall record
That terrible, that joyful hour;
And give the glory to the Lord,
Due to his mercy and his pow’r.


Meaning of Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock

In this beautiful hymn titled “Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock,” the singer expresses their deep love and trust in the Lord. The lyrics paint a picture of a person who has faced great trials and tribulations, feeling overwhelmed and fearful. But in the midst of their distress, they reach out to God for help and find comfort and deliverance.

The very first verse sets the tone for the entire hymn. It says, “Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength, my rock, my tower, my high defense.” Here, the singer acknowledges that God is not just their strength and rock, but also their tower of refuge and source of protection. This shows that they have complete in God’s power to save them from any situation.

The next verse describes the singer feeling overwhelmed by the presence of death and the terrors of the grave. They admit that they were consumed by fear as temptations surrounded them, threatening to drag them down. This imagery demonstrates the depth of their struggles and the intensity of their despair. It is a relatable experience for anyone who has faced hardships in life.

But then, a turning point occurs. The singer calls out to God in their distress, perhaps unsure if God will hear their cries. However, they are pleasantly surprised when God bends down to listen to their complaints. This moment is described as divine grace, a sign of God’s love and compassion for his .

Suddenly, like a cherub on wings, God rushes to offer relief. The imagery of God’s speedy arrival and the shining brightness of his face gives the impression of a powerful and awe-inspiring savior. Temptations flee at his rebuke, and his mighty breath dispels them effortlessly. This showcases God’s authority and the ease with which he overcomes any obstacle.

The singer then emphasizes that their fears and foes were great, and their strength and rage were overwhelming. But in the face of all this opposition, their faith in Christ remains unshaken. They declare that Christ is always victorious in the battles against the forces of evil, attesting to his power and triumph.

The final verse of the hymn becomes a celebration of the moment of deliverance. The singer pledges to forever remember and sing about this terrifying yet joyful hour. They give all the glory to the Lord, acknowledging that it is his mercy and power that brought them out of the depths of despair. It is a powerful example of gratitude and in the midst of triumph.

In conclusion, “Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock” is a hymn about one’s unwavering love and trust in the Lord. It speaks of facing trials and tribulations, feeling overwhelmed and afraid. Yet, through it all, the singer learns to turn to God for comfort and deliverance. The hymn reminds us that no matter how great our struggles may be, God is our refuge, our strength, and our rock. And in the end, we will give him all the glory for his mercy and power in our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the deep love and trust in the Lord through the powerful hymn Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock. Find comfort in God's deliverance and rejoice in His mercy and power.
Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock - Hymn Lyric - Experience the deep love and trust in the Lord through the powerful hymn "Thee Will I Love O Lord My Strength My Rock." Find comfort in God's deliverance and rejoice in His mercy and power.