Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible promise of Jesus to save you from sin and find joy. Accept His love and embrace forgiveness. Jesus is waiting for you.

Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin – Hymn Lyric

Has Promised To Save You From Sin: Accepting His Love and Finding JoyIn this beautiful , we are reminded of Jesus’ promise to save us from sin if we truly believe in Him. The hymn urges us to open our hearts and accept His love now, without delay. By accepting Jesus, we can find joy, forgiveness, and the strength to resist temptation, making it the perfect time to surrender our sins and embrace His embrace.


Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin – Hymn Lyric

Jesus has promised to save you from sin
If you will truly believe Him;
Open your and His love will come in;
Now is the time to receive Him.

Come, come, Jesus is waiting,
O why will you longer reject Him?
Come, come, Jesus is waiting,
O now is the time to accept Him.

Come while the day of salvation is here,
Why will you wait for tomorrow?
Death may o’ertake you or Jesus appear;
Flee from your sin and your sorrow. [Chorus]

Come in your weakness; His strength will prevail,
Jesus now waits to befriend you;
He is a Helper that never will fail,
Trust in the to defend you. [Chorus]

Sin has brought nothing but sorrow to you,
Leave, then, your wretched condition;
Jesus has promised your joy to renew,
Seek Him in lowly contrition. [Chorus]

will tempt you and try to deceive,
Come, come to the Savior;
Kneel at His feet crying, “Lord, I believe;”
You will find pardon and favor. [Chorus]


Meaning of Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin

Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin

When you hear the words of the hymn, “Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin,” they carry a very special and uplifting message. This hymn is a beautiful reminder that for anyone who feels weighed down by mistakes or worries, there is a powerful promise of hope and help. The hymn invites everyone to embrace the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers.

Let’s explore this hymn together, line by line, and really understand what it means to be saved from sin by Jesus, as well his waiting arms eager to accept all who come to Him.

In the first verse, there’s a very straightforward message: Jesus has made a promise, a promise that is incredibly important to many believers. That promise is salvation from sin for anyone who truly believes in Him. Believing in Him is about having faith and trusting in the words that Jesus spoke and the teachings He gave during His time on Earth. It’s about feeling in your heart that Jesus’s love is real and powerful.

What does “sin” mean in this context? For many, sin can be thought of as the things we do that we know are wrong, the mistakes we make that hurt others or ourselves. And this hymn is saying that Jesus can save us from that. He can help us learn to make better choices, and give us the strength to turn away from things that cause harm.

Now, the verse says to “open your heart.” This phrase is about being ready to receive love, forgiveness, and new beginnings. Imagine opening a to let the sunlight in on a cloudy day. Opening your heart means letting go of stubbornness or fear, and inviting in positivity and peace.

The chorus of the hymn repeats, “Come, come, Jesus is waiting.” This is an invitation and reminds you that you don’t have to wait for a special time or to reach out to Jesus. He’s always there, ready to listen and help, no matter who you are or what you’ve done.

The hymn also brings up a sense of urgency: “Come while the day of salvation is here, Why will you wait for tomorrow?” This is a way of saying don’t put off seeking forgiveness or making a change. None of us know what the future holds, and it’s important to live in a way that is good and kind right now, today.

Then we see that Jesus is also described as accepting us “in your weakness.” This means that even on our hardest days, when we feel small or powerless, Jesus will be there to give us strength. You don’t have to be perfect; Jesus helps us even in our imperfection.

The verses go on to say that “sin has brought nothing but sorrow to you.” Sometimes the wrong choices we make can end up making us feel sad or guilty. But there is a solution! Turning away from the things that drag us down and instead focusing on the light and love that Jesus provides can lead to a renewed sense of joy.

Furthermore, the hymn warns us of Satan, who represents temptation and deception—things that lead us away from the good . Seeking Jesus means asking for the strength to overcome these challenges and to focus on what is true and right.

Lastly, when the hymn speaks of kneeling at Jesus’s feet and crying, “Lord, I believe,” this represents a moment of surrendering to faith and confessing belief. In doing that, the hymn assures that one will find “pardon and favor” which are synonyms for forgiveness and support.

All in all, the hymn “Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin” is a song of encouragement, urging us to reach out and accept the support and love Jesus offers. For those who believe, it is a call to let go of past mistakes, to be strong in the face of temptation, and to trust in Jesus’s promise. It’s a reminder that no matter who you are or where you come from, there’s always a chance for a fresh start and a life filled with peace and joy, all rooted in the love of Jesus.

This hymn, much like a , reaches out to comfort, support, and provide hope. Whether you seek quiet moments of reflection or are looking for the strength to face life’s challenges, the message of this hymn can offer solace and inspiration. It emphasizes that it’s not just about being saved from sin; it’s also about learning to live with love, integrity, and kindness each and every day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible promise of Jesus to save you from sin and find joy. Accept His love and embrace forgiveness. Jesus is waiting for you.
Jesus Has Promised To Save You From Sin - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible promise of Jesus to save you from sin and find joy. Accept His love and embrace forgiveness. Jesus is waiting for you.