Flee To The Rock Christ Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Flee to the Rock

Flee To The Rock Christ Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Flee to the Rock, Christ ” is a that urges us to seek refuge and peace in the unchanging love of Christ. Just as a rock symbolizes strength and stability, Christ Jesus offers us safety and comfort in times of trouble. By turning to Him, we can find forgiveness, strength, and renewal for our souls.


Flee To The Rock Christ Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus,
Shelter for thee so nigh;
There thou shalt find a refuge;
Flee as thy days swiftly fly.

Flee to the Rock!
Flee to the Rock!
There thou shalt safely hide;
There thou shalt find rest for thy soul;
Flee to the crucified.

Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus,
He shall thy covert be;
When fierce the tempests gather,
Safe in this refuge for thee.


Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus,
Flee to this hiding place;
When sorely press’d by ,
Trust in His all-saving .


Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus,
Weary and tired of ;
Freely He’ll give thee pardon,
Sweetly His peace reign within.



Meaning of Flee To The Rock Christ Jesus

Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus – A Shelter in Times of Trouble

can be filled with challenges and uncertainties. Sometimes, it feels like storms are raging all around us, and we long for a safe haven, a place where we can find rest and refuge. In times like these, we are reminded of the hymn, “Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus.” This hymn speaks of a rock – a strong and sure foundation – where we can find shelter and peace.

The idea of seeking refuge in a rock may seem peculiar at first, but when we consider the characteristics of a rock, it becomes clear why it is often used as a symbol of strength and safety. A rock is immovable and unchanging, a solid presence that can withstand the test of time. Similarly, Christ Jesus is described as a rock – steady, unwavering, and unchanging.

The hymn encourages us to flee to this rock, Christ Jesus, and find solace in His loving arms. It tells us to seek Him as our hiding place, especially when the tempests of life gather and threaten to overwhelm us. Just as a rock can shield us from the harsh winds and pelting rain, Christ Jesus offers us protection and security in the midst of life’s storms.

Sometimes, we find ourselves feeling weary and tired, burdened by our own mistakes and the weight of our sins. In those moments, the hymn reminds us to take refuge in Christ Jesus, who offers us forgiveness and pardon. It assures us that if we turn to Him with a repentant heart, He freely gives us His grace and washes away our sins. In doing so, He brings us inner peace and rest for our souls.

Furthermore, the hymn acknowledges the presence of Satan, who seeks to tempt and deceive us. It encourages us to rely on Christ Jesus and trust in His power to overcome evil. When we face trials and temptations, we can find comfort in knowing that Christ Jesus is stronger than any force that may come against us. By seeking Him, we can find the strength to resist temptation and triumph over the schemes of Satan.

Ultimately, the hymn calls us to lean on Christ Jesus as our and find refuge in His love. It reminds us that He is always near, ready to embrace us with open arms. Whether we are feeling lost, afraid, or burdened, we can find comfort in knowing that there is a place of safety and rest – the rock of Christ Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus” invites us to find solace and protection in the unchanging and steadfast love of Christ. It reminds us that, no matter what challenges we face, we can always turn to Him for refuge. Just as a rock offers shelter in times of trouble, Christ Jesus offers us peace, forgiveness, and strength. So, let us heed the hymn’s call and flee to the rock, Christ Jesus, finding rest and renewal in His loving embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus - Find refuge, peace, and strength in His unchanging love. Seek forgiveness and solace in times of trouble. Lean on Him and find rest for your soul. Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus.
Flee To The Rock Christ Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus - Find refuge, peace, and strength in His unchanging love. Seek forgiveness and solace in times of trouble. Lean on Him and find rest for your soul. Flee to the Rock, Christ Jesus.