Only A Beam Of Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of a Beam of Sunshine - Find Love

Only A Beam Of Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

In our journey through , we often encounter moments when a small act of kindness or a gentle word can make a world of difference. Just like a beam of breaking through the clouds, these moments have the power to brighten our spirits and bring warmth to our hearts. Although they may seem insignificant, they possess the ability to ignite and spread , much like the message of this hymn suggests.


Only A Beam Of Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Only a beam of sunshine,
But oh, it was warm and bright;
The of a weary traveler
Was cheered by its welcome sight.

Only a beam of sunshine;
That fell from the arch above:
And tenderly, softly whispered
A message of peace and love.

Only a word for Jesus,
Only a whispered prayer,
Over some grief worn spirit
May rest like a sunbeam fair!

Only a beam of sunshine
That into a dwelling crept;
Where, over a fading rosebud,
A mother her vigil kept.

Only a beam of sunshine
That smiled through her falling tears,
And showed her the bow of promise,
Forgotten perhaps for years.

Only a word for Jesus,
Oh, speak it in His Name,
To perishing around you
The message of love proclaim.

Go, like the faithful sunbeam,
Your mission of joy fulfill;
Remember the Savior’s promise,
That He will be with you still.


Meaning of Only A Beam Of Sunshine

Only A Beam Of Sunshine: Bringing and Love to the World

In our journey through life, we often encounter moments when a small act of kindness or a gentle word can make a world of difference. Just like a beam of sunshine breaking through the clouds, these moments have the power to brighten our spirits and bring warmth to our hearts. Although they may seem insignificant, they possess the ability to ignite hope and spread love, much like the message of this hymn suggests.

Imagine a weary traveler, trudging along a seemingly endless road. The weight of their burdens pulls at their shoulders, and their steps grow heavy with exhaustion. But suddenly, through the gaps in the sky, a beam of sunshine appears. It bathes the traveler in its comforting glow and lifts their weary spirits. This simple act brings them peace and reminds them that they are not alone.

Just like that ray of sunshine, we, too, can bring light and warmth to others. It may be just a kind word or a whispered prayer, but it has the potential to transform someone’s day. We all encounter individuals who carry burdens on their shoulders, invisible to the world around them. But if we offer them a beam of sunshine through our words and actions, we can make a significant impact.

Sometimes, all it takes is a small act of kindness to relieve the heavy burdens of grief that someone may be carrying. By reaching out to a grief-worn spirit with empathy and understanding, we allow them to find solace and comfort. Our simple gestures of compassion can provide them with the warmth and support they desperately need.

Consider the tender moment when a beam of sunshine pierces through a window and illuminates a fading rosebud. It brings a glimmer of hope to a mother who had been vigilantly caring for her cherished blossom. Such a moment may seem insignificant, but it reveals the hidden beauty and promise that may have been forgotten or overshadowed.

Likewise, let us be the beam of sunshine that shines through the tears of those who are struggling. By offering them our support and showing them the glimmers of hope and promise, we can help rekindle their spirits and remind them of the beauty that still exists within their lives.

Only a word for Jesus, whispered with love, can create a ripple effect of profound impact. As we speak His name and share His message of love and redemption, we have the power to touch the lives of countless individuals. Our words, through the power of His name, can bring comfort, hope, and to others.

Just like the sunbeam that faithfully fulfills its mission to bring warmth and light, let us embrace our own mission to spread joy and love. In doing so, we honor the promise of the Savior that He will always be with us. We can trust that as we fulfill our purpose, He walks beside us, guiding our every step.

So, let us remember the hymn’s gentle reminder that even the smallest act of kindness, the softest whisper of a prayer, can make a profound impact. In a world that often feels full of and despair, we have the power to bring light and love to those around us. As we extend a hand of kindness, offer words of encouragement, and share the message of Jesus, we become beacons of hope in a world that so desperately needs it.

Let us embrace our role as bearers of sunshine, spreading warmth, love, and hope wherever we go. Together, we can make a difference – one beam of sunshine, one word for Jesus at a time.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power of a Beam of Sunshine - Find Love, Hope, and Peace. Spread Kindness, Share Jesus' Message. Embrace Your Role as a Bearer of Sunshine.
Only A Beam Of Sunshine - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Power of a Beam of Sunshine - Find Love, Hope, and Peace. Spread Kindness, Share Jesus' Message. Embrace Your Role as a Bearer of Sunshine.