I Want To Tell The Story Of Jesus And His Cross – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible story of Jesus and his cross. Experience love

I Want To Tell The Story Of Jesus And His Cross – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever heard the incredible story of Jesus and his cross? It’s a story of love, sacrifice, and redemption that brings and comfort to all who hear it. Jesus, the Son of God, willingly bore the weight of the cross to save humanity from and bring them back to God. His love knows no bounds, and his story is worth sharing to bring joy and to all who hear it.


I Want To Tell The Story Of Jesus And His Cross – Hymn Lyric

I want to tell the story,
Of Jesus and his cross,
In nothing else I’ll glory,
Count all things else but loss.

I want to tell how calmly
He bore the cross for me,
Exclaiming while thus bleeding,
I suffered this for you.

I want to tell the story,
It has a word of ,
To ev’ry pensive mourner
Assuaging every fear.

I want to tell the story,
That all may know its worth,
And share its constant glory,
The prize of heav’nly birth.

I want to tell how sweetly,
His voice in accents true,
Prayed Father, oh, forgive them,
They know not what they do.

I want to tell the story,
It has a pleasing sound,
Conveying blissful tidings,
To nature’s utmost bound.


Meaning of I Want To Tell The Story Of Jesus And His Cross

I Want To Tell The Story Of Jesus And His Cross

Have you ever heard a story that fills your heart with joy? A story about someone who loved so deeply that they were to give up everything for you? Well, I want to tell you the incredible story of Jesus and his cross.

You see, Jesus was a special man. He was the Son of God, sent down from to bring love and hope to the world. He walked among us, teaching us how to live in peace and showing us the way to life.

But there a point in Jesus’ journey where he had to make a difficult choice. He knew that in order to save humanity from sin and bring them back to God, he had to bear the weight of the cross. It was a symbol of suffering and shame, but Jesus embraced it willingly.

Can you imagine that kind of love? To endure pain and humiliation for the sake of others? This is the story I want to tell, because it’s a story that brings hope and comfort to all who hear it.

When Jesus carried the cross, he did so with a calm and steady presence. He knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but he never wavered in his mission. As he bled and suffered, he looked up to heaven and said, “I suffered this for you.” These words were not said in anger or frustration, but in love and sacrifice.

This is the message I want to share with you – that there is someone who loves you so deeply that he would bear any burden for your sake. Jesus’ love knows no bounds, and his sacrifice on the cross is proof of that.

When we hear this story, it brings comfort to our hearts. It reminds us that we are not alone in our suffering, but that there is someone who understands our pain. Jesus bore the cross so that we could find peace and forgiveness, and he did so willingly.

But the story doesn’t end there. After Jesus was crucified on the cross, he rose from the dead, triumphant over sin and death. This is the ultimate act of victory, and it brings us hope that we too can overcome any hardships we face.

So, why do I want to tell this story? Because it has a word of cheer for all who are feeling down. It brings comfort to every pensive mourner, soothing their fears and offering them hope. This story is worth sharing because it is a constant source of glory and joy.

When we hear about Jesus’ voice, sweetly praying for forgiveness for his enemies, it touches our hearts. It shows us the power of forgiveness and teaches us to have a compassionate heart towards others. This story has a pleasing sound, and it travels to the farthest reaches of the earth, tidings of bliss and hope to all who hear it.

The story of Jesus and his cross is a story of love, sacrifice, and redemption. It is a story that teaches us valuable lessons about forgiveness, compassion, and the power of faith. This story is not just for a select few, but it is open for all to know and experience its worth.

So, my dear friends, I want to encourage you to share this story with others. Spread the good news of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. Let everyone know about the comfort and hope that comes from knowing him.

As you go forth and tell this story, remember the prize of birth. It is a gift that can be yours if you accept Jesus into your heart. Let this story be a constant reminder of his love for you and the incredible sacrifice he made on your behalf.

In conclusion, I want to tell the story of Jesus and his cross because it is a story that has the power to change lives. It brings hope, comfort, and forgiveness to all who hear it. So, my dear friends, embrace this story and share it with others. Let it bring joy and peace to your life, and remember that you are loved beyond measure.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible story of Jesus and his cross. Experience love, sacrifice, and redemption. Find hope and comfort in this life-changing narrative. Accept Jesus into your heart and share the good news with others.
I Want To Tell The Story Of Jesus And His Cross - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible story of Jesus and his cross. Experience love, sacrifice, and redemption. Find hope and comfort in this life-changing narrative. Accept Jesus into your heart and share the good news with others.