Are You Living In The Blessed Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a journey to the blessed sunshine! Discover joy

Are You Living In The Blessed Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Are you ready to embrace a filled with joy, faith, and courage? Explore the meaning behind the “Are You Living In The Sunshine” and discover how you can live in the light of positivity and spread sunshine to others. Trust, walk, work, and send the blessed sunshine, creating a brighter and happier world for all.


Are You Living In The Blessed Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Are you living in the blessed sunshine?
Are you trusting all the way?
Is your life one song,
With a faith and courage strong?
Are you living in the sunshine today?

Blessed sunshine, blessed sunshine,
How it cheers us on our way!
In what fullness it abounds;
There is sunshine all around;
Are you living in the sunshine today?

Are you walking in the blessed sunshine?
Is it streaming on your way?
Do you let its rays
In your life and actions shine?
Are you walking in the sunshine today?


Are you working in the blessed sunshine?
Building for eternity?
Do you do the kindly deed
For a brother when in need?
Are you working in the sunshine today?


Help as best you can to send the sunshine;
What a blessing that you may
Into lives both dark and drear,
Send the sunshine of good cheer;
Help to send the blessed sunshine today?



Meaning of Are You Living In The Blessed Sunshine

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the blessed sunshine? It’s a place where happiness abounds, faith and courage thrive, and life becomes one joyful song. So, let’s dive into the lyrics of this beautiful hymn and explore the meaning behind its message.

The first verse asks us a series of questions, inviting us to reflect on our current state of being. Are you living in the blessed sunshine? Do you trust in ‘s guidance every step of the way? Is your life filled with joy and gratitude? These questions prompt us to take a closer look at our relationship with ourselves, others, and our faith.

Living in the blessed sunshine is about embracing a positive outlook on life. It’s like waking up to a beautiful sunny day, where everything seems possible and full of potential. Just as the ‘s rays brighten our surroundings, faith can illuminate our lives, bringing hope and happiness. So, let’s bask in the warmth of this wonderful sunshine and explore ways to make it a part of our daily lives.

Walking in the blessed sunshine is about allowing its divine rays to shine through us. Just as sunshine can light up a room, our actions can bring joy and positivity to those around us. When we show kindness, , and compassion to others, we become vessels of sunshine, brightening their lives and fostering a sense of community. It’s about understanding that our actions have the power to make a difference in someone else’s day. So, let’s walk with purpose, spreading rays of sunshine as we go.

Working in the blessed sunshine is about building something greater than ourselves, something that lasts for eternity. It’s about using our talents and skills to contribute to the betterment of the world. When we engage in acts of service and kindness, we not only bring sunshine into someone else’s life, but we also experience a profound sense of fulfillment. Each good deed we do, no matter how small, has the potential to bring light to others. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work, building a brighter future for all.

But wait, there’s more! The hymn also encourages us to help send the sunshine. The truth is, we all encounter people whose lives might be clouded with darkness or burdened by troubles. It is our duty to be a beacon of hope, spreading the sunshine of good cheer wherever we go. By offering a kind word, a supportive gesture, or a helping hand, we can make a positive impact on someone’s life. And in doing so, we continue the cycle of sunshine, passing it forward from one person to the next.

So, how can we actively send the blessed sunshine? It starts with a genuine to make a difference. It requires us to be aware of the needs of those around us and to be willing to lend a helping hand. It can be as simple as brightening someone’s day with a smile or sharing a kind word of encouragement. Every small act of kindness contributes to creating a world filled with sunshine, where everyone feels loved, valued, and supported. So, let’s make it our mission to send the blessed sunshine daily!

In conclusion, living in the blessed sunshine is a state of being that brings joy, faith, and courage into our lives. It’s about embracing positivity, spreading love, and making a difference in someone else’s life. So, let’s trust, walk, work, and send the sunshine, creating a brighter and happier world for all. May the blessed sunshine shine upon you today and always!


Blessed sunshine, blessed sunshine,

How it cheers us on our way!

In what fullness it abounds;

There is sunshine all around;

Are you living in the sunshine today?


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embark on a journey to the blessed sunshine! Discover joy, faith, and courage as you live, walk, work, and send sunshine to brighten lives. Experience the abundance of blessed sunshine today!
Are You Living In The Blessed Sunshine - Hymn Lyric - Embark on a journey to the blessed sunshine! Discover joy, faith, and courage as you live, walk, work, and send sunshine to brighten lives. Experience the abundance of blessed sunshine today!