Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of Jesus's grace! Celebrate his love and redemption in "Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace." Sing praises to the Savior who paid the price for our salvation. Join in the chorus of gratitude and praise!

Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace – Hymn Lyric

and praises to for all that he has done with the “Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesus’s .” This joyful verse reminds us that Jesus, our loving Savior, has brought lost sinners back to God through his amazing grace. It calls on all of creation to join in the celebration, as Jesus’s and mercy knows no bounds.


Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace – Hymn Lyric

Ye heavens, rejoice in Jesus’s grace;
Let earth make a noise and echo His praise!
Our all-loving Savior hath pacified God,
And paid for His favor the price of His blood.

Ye mountains and vales, in praises abound,
Ye hills and ye dales, continue the sound,
Break forth into , ye trees of the wood,
For Jesus’s bringing lost sinners to God.

Atonement He made for every one,
The debt He hath paid, the work He hath done,
Shout, all the creation, below and above,
Ascribing to Jesus’ love.

His mercy hath brought salvation to all,
Who take it unbought, He frees them from thrall;
Throughout the believer, His glory displays,
And perfects forever the vessels of grace.


Meaning of Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace

Do you ever look up at the sky and feel amazed? The wide expanse of the heavens above us holds so much beauty and wonder. In this hymn titled “Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesus’s Grace,” we are reminded to celebrate and sing praises to Jesus for all that he has done.

The verse starts off by calling out to the heavens and the earth, urging them to make a joyful noise and echo Jesus’s praise. It’s like a big party, where everyone is invited to join in and celebrate the amazing grace that Jesus has shown us. We are reminded that Jesus, our loving Savior, has made peace with God for us. He did this by paying the price of his own blood, showing just how much he loves us.

But it’s not just the heavens and the earth that are called to join in the celebration. The mountains and valleys, hills and dales, even the trees of the wood are encouraged to break forth into singing. It’s as if all of creation is bursting with joy because of what Jesus has done. And what has he done? He has brought lost sinners like you and me back to God.

Have you ever felt lost or disconnected? It’s a terrible feeling, like being all alone in a dark forest. But Jesus to rescue us from that darkness. He made atonement for every one of us, paying off the debt of sin that we could never pay on our own. His work is done, and because of that, we can shout with joy and gratitude. All of creation, from the smallest ant to the largest mountain, can’t help but praise Jesus’s love and thank him for saving us.

When we truly understand the message of Jesus’s grace, it changes everything. It’s not about trying to earn our way into God’s favor or making ourselves worthy. No, Jesus’s mercy is free for anyone who takes it. He wants to set us free from the chains of sin and shame. And when we accept his love, something beautiful happens. He transforms us from the inside out, making us vessels of grace.

Think of a beautiful vase that is crafted with care and love. It starts as a lump of clay and goes through a process of shaping, molding, and refining. In the same way, Jesus perfects us as vessels of grace. He takes our brokenness and makes something beautiful out of it. And that transformation is not temporary, but everlasting. It is a work that he continues in us day by day.

So, when we sing this hymn, it’s not just a song for the sake of singing. It’s a declaration of our gratitude and praise for Jesus’s grace. It’s a reminder to ourselves and to the world around us that Jesus’s love knows no bounds. He came to rescue and redeem us, and that is something worth celebrating every single day.

As you look up at the heavens, remember to rejoice in Jesus’s grace. Allow the joy of his love to fill your heart and overflow into every aspect of your life. And when you hear the birds chirping or the wind rustling through the leaves, let that be a reminder to join in the of praise. For Jesus’s grace is truly something to be celebrated, now and forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy of Jesus's grace! Celebrate his love and redemption in Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace. Sing praises to the Savior who paid the price for our salvation. Join in the chorus of gratitude and praise!
Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy of Jesus's grace! Celebrate his love and redemption in "Ye Heavens Rejoice In Jesuss Grace." Sing praises to the Savior who paid the price for our salvation. Join in the chorus of gratitude and praise!