I Came To Jesus As I Was He Took My Sins Away – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ. Let Him take your sins away and give you a fresh start. Experience the incredible freedom of having your sins washed away. Come to Jesus today.

I Came To Jesus As I Was He Took My Sins Away – Hymn Lyric

Discover a powerful hymn that speaks to the profound forgiveness and redemption found in Christ. Find hope and a fresh start as you surrender your to Him, allowing His sacrificial love and cleansing blood to wash them away. Embrace the freedom and of having your past mistakes forgiven and begin a new journey with Jesus by your side.


I Came To Jesus As I Was He Took My Sins Away – Hymn Lyric

I came to Jesus as I was,
He took my sins away;
I put them all on Jesus Christ,
And now they’re taken away.

They’re taken away,
They’re all taken away,
They’re all taken away,
Thro’ the blood of the .

The blood of Christ will make you white,
And wash your sins away;
Oh, come and take Him as your ,
He’ll cleanse your guilt, all way.


Oh do confess your sins to Him,
He’ll take them all away,
And then you’ll shout and sing His praise,
Because they’re taken away.



Meaning of I Came To Jesus As I Was He Took My Sins Away

I Came to Jesus As I Was: He Took My Sins Away

Have you ever felt burdened by your mistakes and wrongdoings? Have you ever wished for a clean slate, a chance to start again? Well, my , I have some incredible news for you. There is someone who can take away your sins and give you a fresh start. His name is Jesus, and He is ready to welcome you with open arms.

In the hymn “I Came to Jesus As I Was,” the songwriter describes their own personal experience of finding forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ. They confess that they came to Jesus just as they were – with all their sins and imperfections. But something miraculous happened: Jesus took their sins away.

Isn’t that amazing? Jesus has the power to remove the weight of our mistakes and wash away our sins. It’s like He has a spiritual eraser that can wipe our slates clean. How does He do it, you may ask? Through His sacrificial love and the shedding of His own blood on the cross.

The refrain of the hymn reminds us that our sins are not just temporarily set aside or hidden, but they are completely taken away. The blood of the Lamb, referring to Jesus, has the power to make us white as snow. Just as dirt and stains are washed away by water, our sins are washed away by the blood of Christ.

So, how can you experience this incredible transformation for yourself? The hymn suggests that the first step is to put your sins on Jesus Christ. What does that mean exactly? It means acknowledging your mistakes, your wrong choices, and your sins, and surrendering them to Jesus. It means taking responsibility for your actions and seeking forgiveness from Him.

Once you have confessed your sins to Him, something remarkable happens. Jesus takes them all away. Can you imagine the weight lifted off your shoulders when you realize that your sins are no longer held against you? You are forgiven, and you are free to start anew.

But it doesn’t stop there. The hymn encourages us to rejoice and sing praises because our sins are taken away. Imagine the joy and relief that comes from knowing that your past misdeeds no longer define you. You are no longer bound by guilt or shame. You can embrace a life of faith, hope, and joy.

Now, it’s important to note that finding forgiveness and having our sins taken away does not mean that we are suddenly immune to making mistakes or falling into temptation. We are still human, and we will still stumble along the way. But the beauty of having Jesus in our lives is that He is always there, ready to forgive us and help us get back on track.

So, my friend, if you are feeling burdened by your mistakes and are for a fresh start, I invite you to come to Jesus just as you are. Confess your sins to Him, and let Him take them all away. Embrace the forgiveness that He offers and allow His love to wash over you like a cleansing river.

Remember, you are not defined by your past actions. You are defined by the and mercy of Jesus Christ. Let His love transform you from the inside out and lead you on a path of righteousness. Rejoice in the fact that your sins are taken away, forever washed away by the blood of the Lamb.

In conclusion, “I Came to Jesus As I Was: He Took My Sins Away” is not just a beautiful hymn, but a powerful reminder of the forgiveness and redemption that is available to each and every one of us. So, my friend, come to Jesus today and experience the incredible freedom that comes from having your sins taken away.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ. Let Him take your sins away and give you a fresh start. Experience the incredible freedom of having your sins washed away. Come to Jesus today.
I Came To Jesus As I Was He Took My Sins Away - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of forgiveness and redemption in Jesus Christ. Let Him take your sins away and give you a fresh start. Experience the incredible freedom of having your sins washed away. Come to Jesus today.