Little Sunbeam Airy Sunbeam – Hymn Lyric

Be a Little Sunbeam: Spread Rays of Goodness! Shining brightly for the King

Little Sunbeam Airy Sunbeam – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever looked up at the sky and seen the brightly down on us? It’s like a little sunbeam, spreading its rays of glory and brightness all around. Just like the sun, we have the power to bring light and happiness to the world. We can be like little sunbeams, shining for the King with our words and deeds of kindness.


Little Sunbeam Airy Sunbeam – Hymn Lyric

Little sunbeam, airy sunbeam,
Smiling brightly down,
Bathing in a wondrous glory,
Lonely vale and town.

Rays of glory, rays of brightness,
Hail, all hail to thee!
we Him who gives the sunshine
unto all so free.

Ev’ry child may be a sunbeam,
Ever shining for the King,
And by words and deeds of kindness,
Other to Him may bring.

Let us try to be His sunbeams
Chasing clouds of away,
Turning into glory,
Shining for the King today.

Earth was wrapp’d in winter slumber,
Till from ‘n above
Came the and kindly sunshine
With its kiss of love.

Now the earth awakes to gladness,
Birds begin to sing,
And in beauty all about us
Flowers upward spring. [Chorus]

Little deeds of love for Jesus,
Like the sunshine bright,
Fill the world with joy and beauty,
Banish sorrow’s night.

Little deeds of love for Jesus
We will do each day,
Make our lives like golden sunshine,
Cheering all the way.


Meaning of Little Sunbeam Airy Sunbeam

Have you ever looked up at the sky and seen the sun shining brightly down on us? It’s like a little sunbeam, spreading its rays of glory and brightness all around. Just like the sun, we have the power to bring light and happiness to the world. We can be like little sunbeams, shining for the King with our words and deeds of kindness.

Yes, my friend, each and every one of us can be a sunbeam for the King. We can bring joy and happiness to others by showing them love and compassion. It’s amazing how a simple act of kindness can make someone’s day brighter. Whether it’s a smile, a kind word, or a helping hand, we have the power to make a difference in someone’s life.

Imagine a world where everyone tried to be a sunbeam, chasing away the clouds of sin and turning darkness into glory. It would be a world filled with love and kindness, where everyone looks out for each other. We may not be able to change the whole world, but we can start by making a difference in our own little corner of it.

Just like the earth was wrapped in winter slumber before the warm sunshine came, our world can sometimes feel cold and dreary. But when we choose to be sunbeams, we can bring warmth and love to those around us. We can bring smiles to people’s faces and to their hearts.

You see, my friend, being a sunbeam is not about grand gestures or big acts. It’s about the little deeds of love we do for Jesus each day. These little deeds are like the sunshine bright, filling the world with joy and beauty. They can banish sorrow’s night and bring a glimmer of hope to those who are hurting.

So how can we be sunbeams in our everyday lives? It’s simple yet profound. We can start by treating others with kindness and respect. We can lend a helping hand to someone in need. We can listen attentively when someone is sharing their troubles. We can be a friend to those who feel lonely or left out.

Being a sunbeam also means standing up against injustice and bullying. It means speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves. It means spreading love and acceptance, rather than hatred and division. It means being a beacon of light in a world that often feels dark.

But being a sunbeam doesn’t mean we have to be perfect. We all make mistakes, and that’s okay. What matters is that we learn from our mistakes and continue to strive to be better. It’s about having a heart that is full of love and a willingness to do what is right.

So let us try to be His sunbeams, my friend. Let us chase away the clouds of sin and bring light to those who are lost in darkness. Let us shine for the King with our words and deeds of kindness. Together, we can make a difference and bring a little bit of heaven to earth.

In conclusion, my friend, each and every one of us has the power to be a little sunbeam, spreading rays of goodness and love. By showing kindness, compassion, and love, we can bring joy and light into the lives of others. So let us strive to be His sunbeams, chasing away the clouds of sin and turning darkness into glory. Let us shine for the King today and make our world a brighter and happier place.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Be a Little Sunbeam: Spread Rays of Goodness! Shining brightly for the King, we can make a difference with kindness and love. Let's banish darkness and bring joy to the world.
Little Sunbeam Airy Sunbeam - Hymn Lyric - Be a Little Sunbeam: Spread Rays of Goodness! Shining brightly for the King, we can make a difference with kindness and love. Let's banish darkness and bring joy to the world.