Hear The News From Heaven Above – Hymn Lyric

Discover the heavenly news of Jesus waiting to save and offer salvation to all. Experience His wondrous grace and find perfect peace. Open your heart and let Jesus bear away all your sins. Don't miss out on this incredible love

Hear The News From Heaven Above – Hymn Lyric

Have you heard the amazing news? Jesus is waiting to save us all with His power! This hymn reminds us of His incredible love and mercy, offering salvation freely to everyone. Let’s spread the word and let the world that Jesus waits to save!


Hear The News From Heaven Above – Hymn Lyric

the news from ‘n above,
Jesus waits to save;
Waits in mercy and in love,
Jesus waits to save;
He who died on Calvary
To atone for me,
Offers now, to all the race
His salvation .

Flash the news along the line,
Jesus waits to save,
Waits to save with pow’r divine,
Jesus waits to save.

O the glad and welcome news,
Jesus waits to save;
Who could such great love refuse?
Jesus waits to save;
He is here in love today
While we and pray,
And He waits, O soul! to bear
All your sins away.


O what wondrous grace is this,
Jesus waits to save;
Would you know God’s perfect peace?
Jesus waits to save;
Lo, He standeth at the door,
Knocketh o’er and o’er,
In the tones of tend’rest love
Pleading evermore.



Meaning of Hear The News From Heaven Above

Have you ever heard some truly amazing news? Well, I’ve got some heavenly news to share with you today! It’s like music to my ears, and I can’t wait to let you in on the secret. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to hear the news from heaven above!

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love and mercy of Jesus. It says that Jesus is waiting to save us all. Can you believe that? The same Jesus who died on the cross for our sins is eagerly waiting to offer us salvation. It’s like a gift just waiting to be unwrapped.

Let’s sing it together, “Flash the news along the line, Jesus waits to save, Waits to save with pow’r divine, Jesus waits to save.” Isn’t it amazing? Jesus is not only waiting, but He’s also waiting with divine power. He has the power to save us from our sins and give us eternal life. Talk about a superhero!

Just think about it – Jesus’ love is so great that He offers salvation freely to all. No matter who we are or what we’ve done, Jesus is ready and to forgive us and give us a fresh start. It’s like a second chance that we don’t deserve but receive anyway. That’s the kind of love Jesus has for us.

Now, you might be wondering why Jesus would do such a thing. Well, it’s because of His wondrous grace. This hymn tells us that Jesus wants to save us so that we can experience God’s perfect peace. Wow! Who wouldn’t want that? Imagine living each day with a deep sense of peace and contentment, knowing that you are loved and forgiven.

The hymn goes on to say that Jesus is standing at the door, knocking with the gentlest and most tones. He’s not forcing His way in or demanding our attention. Instead, He patiently waits for us to open the door of our hearts and let Him in. It’s like having a dear friend who is always there for you, ready to listen and support you.

So, my friends, let’s not refuse such great love. Let’s open our hearts to Jesus and let Him bear all our sins away. We don’t have to carry the burden of guilt and shame anymore. Jesus is here to take it all away and replace it with His love and forgiveness.

You see, Jesus is not some distant and uncaring deity. He longs to have a personal relationship with each one of us. That’s why He waits for us, patiently and lovingly, calling out to us in the kindest of ways. All we need to do is respond to His invitation and let Him into our lives.

Now, I want you to remember this good news – Jesus waits to save. Those words are filled with hope, joy, and a promise that is meant for everyone. It’s like a beacon of light in the midst of darkness, us towards a life of love and peace.

So, as you go about your day, remember that Jesus is waiting for you. He’s waiting to save, waiting to forgive, waiting to transform your life. May this hymn be a reminder of the incredible love that is available to you. Flash the news along the line, and let the world know that Jesus waits to save!


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the heavenly news of Jesus waiting to save and offer salvation to all. Experience His wondrous grace and find perfect peace. Open your heart and let Jesus bear away all your sins. Don't miss out on this incredible love, flash the news and share with the world that Jesus waits to save!
Hear The News From Heaven Above - Hymn Lyric - Discover the heavenly news of Jesus waiting to save and offer salvation to all. Experience His wondrous grace and find perfect peace. Open your heart and let Jesus bear away all your sins. Don't miss out on this incredible love, flash the news and share with the world that Jesus waits to save!