Ye Who The Love Of A Mother Have Known – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Love of Jesus - Dearer Than All. His love surpasses a mother's love. Find forgiveness

Ye Who The Love Of A Mother Have Known – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love of a mother and discover an even sweeter love that surpasses it all. Jesus’ love is all-sufficient and can atone for our . He offers , guidance, and a love that is dearer than all.


Ye Who The Love Of A Mother Have Known – Hymn Lyric

Ye who have known the love of a mother,
There is a love sweeter far you may own,
Love all-sufficient for sin to atone;
Jesus is dearer than all.

Dearer than all, yes, dearer than all,
He is my King, before Him I fall;
No friend like Jesus my soul can enthrall,
Jesus is dearer, far dearer than all.

Jesus entreats you in Him to confide,
Make Him your constant companion and guide;
He can do more than the whole world beside;
Jesus is dearer than all.

Dearer than all, yes, dearer than all,
He is my King, before Him I fall;
No friend like Jesus my soul can enthrall,
Jesus is dearer, far dearer than all.

Heaven, with all of its beauty so rare,
With my can never compare;
He is the glory transcendent up there;
Jesus is dearer than all.

Dearer than all, yes, dearer than all,
He is my King, before Him I fall;
No friend like Jesus my soul can enthrall,
Jesus is dearer, far dearer than all.


Meaning of Ye Who The Love Of A Mother Have Known

Have you ever known the love of a mother? It’s a love that is truly special and sweet. A mother’s love is like no other, always there to comfort and care for you. It’s a love that we cherish and hold to our hearts. But did you that there is a love even sweeter and more all-sufficient than a mother’s love? Yes, there is a love that can forgive and atone for our sins, a love that is everlasting and unconditional. That love belongs to Jesus.

In this hymn, titled “Ye Who The Love Of A Mother Have Known,” we are reminded that Jesus’ love is dearer than all. His love is so powerful and encompassing that it can surpass any other love we may have experienced. It’s a love that never fails, never gives up on us, and is always there for us.

When we accept Jesus as our and make Him our constant companion and guide, His love becomes even more evident in our lives. He walks beside us every step of the way, guiding us through the ups and downs of life. He offers us forgiveness and redemption, washing away our sins and giving us a fresh start. No other friend can provide this kind of love and support.

As we look at the world around us, with all its beauty and wonders, we might be tempted to that nothing could compare to the splendor of creation. But even the grandeur of heaven pales in comparison to the glory of our Savior. Jesus is the epitome of love and grace, and His presence in our lives is more than anything else.

So why should we choose Jesus as our dearest companion and guide? Well, the answer is simple. He can do more than the whole world can ever do for us. His love has the power to heal our brokenness, bring to our hearts, and give us hope for the future. No one else can offer us such a complete and perfect love.

Jesus is our King, and before Him, we humbly fall. We surrender our lives to Him, trusting Him to lead us on the right path. In His love, we find peace and rest. In His presence, we find comfort and strength. There truly is no friend like Jesus who can captivate and enthrall our souls.

As we reflect on the love of a mother that we have known, let us remember that Jesus’ love surpasses it all. It is a love that is sweeter, more all-sufficient, and everlasting. Let us make Him our constant companion and guide, allowing His love to transform our lives. And when we look at the beauty of heaven, let us always remember that Jesus is dearer than all.

In conclusion, the love of a mother is a beautiful thing, but the love of Jesus is even more precious and powerful. His love can forgive and atone for our sins, guide us through life, and bring us everlasting joy. Let us treasure His love above all else and make Him our King. Jesus is dearer than all, and in His love, we find true peace and contentment.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Love of Jesus - Dearer Than All. His love surpasses a mother's love. Find forgiveness, guidance, and everlasting joy in His unconditional love. Jesus is dearer than all.
Ye Who The Love Of A Mother Have Known - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Love of Jesus - Dearer Than All. His love surpasses a mother's love. Find forgiveness, guidance, and everlasting joy in His unconditional love. Jesus is dearer than all.