Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below – Hymn Lyric
“Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below” is a beautiful hymn that fills our hearts with joy and reminds us of the amazing city that awaits us in eternity. In this hymn, we are reminded that for a little while, we may have to work for Jesus here on earth, but one day we will leave this place and experience the joy of His presence forever. Let this hymn fill you with hope and anticipation for the incredible eternity that awaits.
Table of Contents
Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below – Hymn Lyric
Awhile I must labor for Jesus below,
And then at His bidding from earth I shall go,
The joy of His presence forever to know,
At home in the city eternal.
In the beautiful city, where streets are of gold,
To share with redeemed ones a rapture untold;
The face of my Savior I soon shall behold,
At home in the city eternal.
Tho’ darkly above me the storm-clouds may roll,
And trials and changes oft threaten my soul,
I’m looking in faith to the glorious goal,
At home in the city eternal. [Refrain]
At last, when my journey in this world is o’er,
When conflict with sin need be waged nevermore,
With victors I’ll stand on the heavenly shore,
At home in the city eternal. [Refrain]
Where sweetest of music thro’ ages shall ring,
Rejoicing in mercy divine I shall sing
A glad song of praise to my Savior and King,
At home in the city eternal. [Refrain]
Meaning of Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below
Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below
Dear friends, let me tell you about a beautiful hymn called “Awhile I Must Labor Of Jesus Below.” It’s a hymn that fills our hearts with joy and reminds us of the amazing city that awaits us in eternity. In this hymn, we are reminded that for a little while, we may have to work for Jesus here on earth, but one day we will leave this place and experience the joy of His presence forever.
The hymn starts by acknowledging that there may be times when we have to face challenges and difficulties, like storm clouds rolling above us. We all know how tough life can be sometimes, don’t we? Trials and changes can often threaten to shake our souls, but even in those moments, we need to remember that our ultimate goal is to be at home in the beautiful city eternal.
The refrain paints a picture of a city where the streets are made of gold. Can you imagine walking on streets made of gold? It sounds incredible! In this city, we will get to share in a rapture untold with all the redeemed ones. We will finally see the face of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and oh, what a joyful moment that will be! Just thinking about it fills my heart with anticipation and happiness.
As we journey through life, let’s keep our eyes fixed on the glorious goal that awaits us. No matter what challenges we face, we can have faith that one day we will stand on the heavenly shore as victors. It’s a beautiful image, isn’t it? The battles we fight with sin will be over, and we will bask in the eternal victory that Jesus has won for us.
And oh, the music that will fill the air in that heavenly city! Can you imagine the sweetest melodies resonating through the ages? Our hearts will be filled with rejoicing as we sing songs of praise to our Savior and King. We will have countless reasons to give thanks for His mercy and love, and our voices will join together with a glad song that echoes throughout the city eternal.
Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in the challenges of everyday life. We may feel weary or discouraged, but this hymn reminds us to look forward to our eternal home. In those moments when we feel like we are laboring for Jesus, let’s remember that it’s just for a little while. We have an incredible eternity waiting for us, where we will experience joy and love like never before.
So, my dear friends, let’s keep singing this hymn with all our hearts and minds. Let’s be reminded of the beautiful city eternal, where the streets are lined with gold, where rapture and joy await us. We are on a journey, but the destination is worth it. The storms of life will pass, and we will find ourselves at home with Jesus, in the city eternal.
As we sing this hymn, let’s let the words sink deep into our souls. Let’s allow the hope and joy that it brings to fill us up, reminding us that our labor here on earth is temporary. One day, we will enter into the glorious presence of our Savior, and we will be forever at home in the city eternal.
So keep your faith strong, my friends. Keep looking towards that glorious goal. And when you sing this hymn, let its words and melodies remind you of the beautiful promise that awaits us all. We are loved, we are cherished, and we are invited to be at home in the city eternal with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
May this hymn bring you comfort and hope, and may it always remind you that your time of labor here on earth is just for awhile. Something amazing is waiting for you. Keep pressing onward, my friends, knowing that one day, you will be at home in the city eternal.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!