If Jesus Should Summon The Nations – Hymn Lyric

Prepare for the Ultimate Meeting with Jesus - How would it fare with you if Jesus summoned the nations today? Reflect on your readiness and faithfulness as we await His return.

If Jesus Should Summon The Nations – Hymn Lyric

Take a moment to imagine what it would be like if Jesus summoned all the nations to appear before Him right now. As we wait for the final judgment, we must ask ourselves, how would it fare with us? Are we prepared to face the consequences of our choices and actions before our ? Let us reflect on our lives and strive to be counted among the faithful, eagerly anticipating His return.


If Jesus Should Summon The Nations – Hymn Lyric

If Jesus should summon the nations
Before Him just now to appear,
Calling the dead into judgment,
Bidding the living draw near,
Each to receive from the Master
Reward, whatsoever it be,
Then, O my brother, my sister,
How would it fare with thee?

How would it fare with me?
How would it fare with thee?
If summoned this moment to meet Him,
How would it fare with thee?

Would we be found watching and
To welcome our Savior and Lord?
Could we rejoice if this moment
He would fulfill His own word?
If on a chariot of glory
The blessed Redeemer we’d see,
Tell me, my sister, my brother,
How would it fare with thee? [Refrain]

Our Savior is coming as surely
As once He was born long ago;
Some will be glad to receive Him,
Some will reap and woe.
They who are faithful will hail Him,
The careless His presence will flee;
Soon He will come in His glory;
How will it fare with thee? [Refrain]


Meaning of If Jesus Should Summon The Nations

If Jesus Should Summon The Nations: Preparing for the Ultimate Meeting with Our Savior

Imagine, my dear friend, if Jesus were to call upon all the nations to gather before Him this very moment. Picture yourself standing amidst a multitude of people, both living and those who have gone before us into . The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, as we all await the final judgment.

In this momentous occasion, Jesus invites the living and the dead to appear before Him, one by one. Each person is called forth to receive their just reward, based on their actions, their faith, and their obedience. It is a time of ultimate truth, a time when every secret and hidden thing will come to light, and we will have no choice but to face the consequences of our choices.

Now, my brother, my sister, let me ask you this – how would it fare with you? If Jesus were to summon you to meet Him today, do you feel confident in the way you have lived your life? Are you prepared to stand before Him, knowing that your actions and intentions will be laid bare? These questions weigh heavily on my , for I wish nothing more than to see you flourish in the everlasting embrace of our Savior.

As we ponder these thoughts, a refrain through our minds – “How would it fare with me? How would it fare with thee?” Indeed, these words serve as a gentle reminder to evaluate our lives and assess our readiness for that inevitable meeting with our Lord and Savior.

To truly understand our readiness, we must reflect upon our daily actions. Are we watching and waiting for our Savior’s return? Do we eagerly anticipate His coming, rejoicing in the fulfillment of His word? Or have we become complacent, distracted by the fleeting pleasures and concerns of this world?

Imagine, my dear friend, if on a chariot of glory, the blessed Redeemer were to descend before our eyes. Would we be overwhelmed with , knowing that our eternal destiny is secure in His loving arms? Or would we shrink back in fear, realizing that we have not lived as faithfully as we should have?

Oh, how comforting it is to know that our Savior is indeed coming, just as surely as He was born long ago! But let us not forget that His return will bring both gladness for the faithful and sorrow for those who have turned away.

Those who have remained faithful will gladly hail Him, with hearts overflowing in gratitude for His redeeming love. Their lives, marked by devotion and obedience, will be a testament to their unwavering faith. They will welcome Jesus with open arms, knowing that their eternal reward awaits them.

Yet, there will also be those who will flee from His presence in careless disregard. Their lives characterized by a lack of faith and indifference towards their Creator, they will face the consequences of their choices. Sorrow and woe will be their lot, as they realize the grave mistake they have made.

My friend, let us not be counted among the careless and the indifferent. Let us seize this very moment to align our hearts and lives with the teachings of Jesus. Let us watch and wait, not in fear, but in eager anticipation of His return.

For soon, oh so soon, Jesus will come in all His glory. He will establish His eternal kingdom, where righteousness and love will reign supreme. In that moment, we will finally comprehend the true gravity of our choices and actions.

So, my dear brother, my dear sister, I implore you – let us not waste another precious second. Let us devote ourselves wholeheartedly to our Savior, living lives of obedience, love, and . As we do so, we can face the summons of Jesus with confidence and joy, knowing that it will fare well with us.

In conclusion, dear reader, as we contemplate the hymn “If Jesus Should Summon The Nations,” let us remember the importance of preparing for the ultimate meeting with our Savior. Let us watch and wait, rejoicing in His imminent return. Let us strive to be counted among the faithful, to receive the reward that Jesus has prepared for us. May it fare well with us all when that glorious day arrives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Prepare for the Ultimate Meeting with Jesus - How would it fare with you if Jesus summoned the nations today? Reflect on your readiness and faithfulness as we await His return.
If Jesus Should Summon The Nations - Hymn Lyric - Prepare for the Ultimate Meeting with Jesus - How would it fare with you if Jesus summoned the nations today? Reflect on your readiness and faithfulness as we await His return.