Let Us Love And Sing Together – Hymn Lyric

Experience the beauty of love and grace in this hymn. Let us praise the Savior who washed us with His blood and brought us near to God. Join in the chorus of gratitude and awe.

Let Us Love And Sing Together – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Let Us Love And Sing Together” beautifully highlights the love, grace, and of Jesus . It reminds us to praise and wonder at the amazing work of our Savior, who has brought us close to God through his . Let us join in love, song, and for the redemption and that Jesus offers to each one of us.


Let Us Love And Sing Together – Hymn Lyric

Let us love and sing and wonder,
Let us praise the Savior’s Name!
He has hushed the law’s loud thunder,
He has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame.
He has washed us with His blood,
He has brought us nigh to God.

Let us love the Lord Who bought us,
Pitied us when enemies,
Called us by His grace, and taught us,
Gave us ears and gave us eyes:
He has washed us with His blood,
He presents our souls to God.

Let us sing, though fierce temptation
Threaten hard to bear us down!
For the Lord, our strong ,
Holds in view the conqueror’s crown:
He Who washed us with His blood
Soon will bring us home to God.

Let us wonder; grace and justice
Join and point to mercy’s store;
When through grace in Christ our trust is,
Justice smiles and asks no more:
He Who washed us with His blood
Has secured our way to God.

Let us praise, and join the
Of the saints enthroned on high;
Here they trusted Him before us,
Now their fill the sky:
Thou hast washed us with Your blood;
Thou art worthy, of God!

Hark! the Name of Jesus, sounded
Loud, from golden harps above!
Lord, we blush, and are confounded,
Faint our praises, cold our love!
Wash our souls and songs with blood,
For by Thee we come to God.


Meaning of Let Us Love And Sing Together

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the amazing love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s a reminder to love, sing, wonder, and praise the name of the one who has saved us and brought us close to God.

When we think about all that Jesus has done for us, it’s truly awe-inspiring. He has calmed the storm of the law’s thunder and extinguished the flames of Mount Sinai. Through his sacrifice and the shedding of his blood, we have been forgiven and brought near to God. What a powerful reminder of his love and mercy towards us.

We are called to love the Lord who has redeemed us and shown us grace when we were still his enemies. He has opened our eyes and ears to his truth and has washed away our sins with his blood. It’s a reminder of the immense love and forgiveness that he offers to each one of us.

Even when we face tough times and temptations, we can take comfort in knowing that our Savior is our strong salvation. He holds the promise of victory and a crown of glory for those who trust in him. No matter what challenges we may face, we can rest in the assurance that he will bring us safely home to God.

The hymn also reminds us of the perfect balance of grace and justice that is found in Jesus Christ. Through his sacrifice, he has satisfied the demands of justice and shown us mercy beyond measure. When we place our trust in him, we can be confident that we are secure in his love and grace.

As we join in praise with the saints who have gone before us, we are reminded of the great sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. His blood has washed away our sins and made us worthy to stand before God. We can join in the chorus of voices that praise him for his redeeming love and mercy.

So let us take a moment to reflect on the love and grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us sing, wonder, praise, and love together as we lift our voices in gratitude for all that he has done for us. May we never forget the incredible gift of salvation that he has given to us and may we always live in a way that honors and glorifies his name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the beauty of love and grace in this hymn. Let us praise the Savior who washed us with His blood and brought us near to God. Join in the chorus of gratitude and awe.
Let Us Love And Sing Together - Hymn Lyric - Experience the beauty of love and grace in this hymn. Let us praise the Savior who washed us with His blood and brought us near to God. Join in the chorus of gratitude and awe.