Behold The Love, The Generous Love – Hymn Lyric

Behold the love and compassion in "Behold The Love

Behold The Love, The Generous Love – Hymn Lyric

“Behold The Love, The Generous Love” hymn highlights the and empathy of King David towards his afflicted foes, reflecting the spirit of the Gospel. Just like David, we can show love and kindness towards others in need, even in the face of adversity. Let us follow the example of Jesus Christ, who exemplified the ultimate act of love and generosity, and strive to spread love and compassion in a dark and cold world.


Behold The Love, The Generous Love – Hymn Lyric

Behold the love, the generous love,
That holy David shows;
Hark, how his sounding bowels move
To his afflicted foes!

When they are sick his soul complains,
And seems to feel the smart;
The spirit of the Gospel reigns,
And melts his pious heart.

How did his flowing tears condole
As for a brother dead!
And fasting mortified his soul,
While for their life he prayed.

They groaned, and cursed him on their bed,
Yet still he and mourns;
And double blessings on his head
The God returns.

O glorious type of heav’nly grace!
Thus Christ the Lord appears;
While sinners curse, their Savior prays,
And pities them with tears.

He, the true David, Israel’s King,
Blessed and beloved of God,
To save us rebels, dead in sin,
Paid His own .


Meaning of Behold The Love, The Generous Love

Behold the love, the generous love that through in the hymn “Behold The Love, The Generous Love.” In this beautiful hymn, we see the example of King David showing compassion and empathy towards his afflicted foes. His heart is filled with love and kindness, even in the face of adversity.

Just like King David, we can learn so much from his example of compassion and love towards others. When we see someone in need, we can offer a helping hand or a comforting word, just like David did. We can show empathy and understanding towards others, even when they may not deserve it.

The spirit of the Gospel calls us to be kind and loving towards all, just as Jesus himself was. He showed great compassion towards sinners and outcasts, always reaching out with a helping hand and offering forgiveness.

When we see someone who is sick or suffering, we can take a moment to offer a prayer or a kind word. We can show them that we care and that they are not alone in their struggles. Just like David, we can let our hearts be moved with compassion and love towards those in need.

Even when faced with curses and adversity, we can choose to respond with kindness and love, just as David did. We can offer forgiveness and extend a hand of friendship, even when it may not be reciprocated. We can choose to be the bigger person and show grace towards those who may not deserve it.

In the hymn, we see that God blesses those who show love and compassion towards others. Just as David received double blessings for his kind and generous heart, we too can experience the joy and fulfillment of reaching out to others in love.

Ultimately, the hymn reminds us of the greatest example of love and generosity – Jesus Christ. He his life on the to save us, showing the ultimate act of love and . His love knows no bounds and his compassion for sinners is unwavering.

Let us strive to follow in the footsteps of King David and of Jesus Christ, showing love and generosity towards all. May we be a shining example of compassion and kindness in a world that can often feel dark and cold. Let our hearts be filled with the love of God, overflowing with grace and mercy towards all those we encounter.

Behold the love, the generous love that is within each of us, waiting to be shared with the world. Let us embrace this love and spread it and wide, making the world a brighter and more beautiful place for all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Behold the love and compassion in Behold The Love, The Generous Love hymn. Learn from King David's example of kindness and empathy towards others. Embrace love and spread it in the world.
Behold The Love, The Generous Love - Hymn Lyric - Behold the love and compassion in "Behold The Love, The Generous Love" hymn. Learn from King David's example of kindness and empathy towards others. Embrace love and spread it in the world.