I Love To Serve My Jesus A Privelege So Sublime – Hymn Lyric
Do you love to serve Jesus too? It truly is a privilege so sublime! When we serve Jesus, our lives are filled with beauty and joy. We sparkle with His love and light all the time. Serving Jesus is like flying high in the sky, surrounded by scenes of never-ending bliss and happiness. We are filled with rapture and transported by His righteousness. It’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it?
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I Love To Serve My Jesus A Privelege So Sublime – Hymn Lyric
I love to serve my Jesus, a priv’lege so sublime,
My life afresh with beauty bright is sparkling all the time;
‘Mid scenes that are unfading, of rapture and of bliss,
Transported, I am soaring in my Savior’s righteousness.
I love to serve my Jesus, He’s all in all to me;
He helps me bear each burden, He is my victory.
I love to serve my Jesus, the world I do give up,
I’ll drink with my dear Savior from that bitter, bitter cup;
I know that if I suffer with Him I, too, shall reign
In life and up in glory bright-sweet promise sure I claim.
I love to serve my Jesus, and lean upon His arm
In health or in affliction, in the calm or in the storm;
In darkness, clouds, or sunshine, in heat or in the cold,
In poverty or riches, I have peace and joy untold.
I love to serve my Jesus, for all His tender care;
Oh, joy! and what a pleasure in this life we all may share;
Oh, depth of great compassion! ’tis like a mighty flood,
He gave His pledge of love to us, and sealed it with His blood.
Meaning of I Love To Serve My Jesus A Privelege So Sublime
Do you love to serve Jesus too? It truly is a privilege so sublime! When we serve Jesus, our lives are filled with beauty and joy. We sparkle with His love and light all the time.
Serving Jesus is like flying high in the sky, surrounded by scenes of never-ending bliss and happiness. We are filled with rapture and transported by His righteousness. It’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it?
Jesus is everything to me, and I know He is everything to you too. He helps us carry our burdens and gives us victory in every situation. When we serve Him, we give up the things of this world and drink from the cup of His love and grace.
Even when we face struggles and sufferings, we know that Jesus is with us. He promises us that if we endure with Him, we will reign with Him in glory. What a sweet promise to hold on to!
Whether we are in good health or facing afflictions, calm seas or stormy weather, Jesus is always there for us. In every season of life, in poverty or wealth, we find peace and joy beyond measure in Him.
The care and compassion that Jesus shows us is beyond compare. It’s like a mighty flood of love that washes over us, reminding us of the ultimate sacrifice He made for us on the cross. His love is sealed with His precious blood, a pledge of His never-ending love for us.
So let’s continue to serve Jesus with all our hearts, leaning on His strong arm for support. Whether we are in times of joy or times of struggle, serving Him brings us true pleasure and joy. Let’s bask in the depths of His great compassion and share His love with the world around us.
I don’t know about you, but I love to serve my Jesus. How about you?
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!