Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter – Hymn Lyric

Discover the boundless love of the kindest shepherd in "Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter." Find healing

Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter – Hymn Lyric

In “ Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter,” we are reminded of the love and mercy of God, likened to a kind shepherd calling his scattered sheep back to his side. Despite our foolish wanderings and false limits on love, the ‘s grace is always ready to welcome us with open arms. Let us come together as souls of men, basking in the kindness and unfathomable love of our eternal shepherd.


Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter – Hymn Lyric

Souls of men! why will ye scatter
Like a crowd of frightened sheep?
Foolish hearts! why will ye wander
From a love so true and deep?

Was there ever kindest shepherd
Half so gentle, half so sweet,
As the who would have us
Come and gather round his feet?

There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Like the wideness of the ;
There’s a kindness in his justice
Which is more than liberty.

There is welcome for the sinner,
And more graces for the good;
There is mercy with the Saviour;
There is healing in his .

But we make his love too narrow
By false limits of our own;
And we lose the tender shepherd
In the judge upon the throne.

For the love of God is broader
Than the measure of man’s mind;
And the heart of the eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.


Meaning of Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter

Hey there, my fellow souls of men! Have you ever felt like a frightened sheep, scattered and lost in the world? Sometimes, we let our foolish hearts wander away from a love that is so true and deep. But there is hope, my friends. There is a kindest shepherd, a gentle and sweet Savior who calls out to us to gather around his feet.

Just like the vastness of the sea, God’s mercy knows no bounds. It is wider and deeper than we can ever imagine. His justice is filled with kindness, offering more than just mere liberty – it gives us welcome, grace, and most importantly, mercy. In the blood of the Savior, there is healing and redemption for all who seek it.

But sometimes, we try to put limits on God’s love. We create false boundaries and rules that only serve to separate us from the tender shepherd who us unconditionally. We forget that the love of God is far greater than our limited human understanding. His heart is kind and full of compassion, always ready to welcome us back into his embrace.

So, why do we scatter like frightened sheep when we have a shepherd who is always there to guide us? Let us not lose sight of the eternal love that surrounds us. Let us come together, united in the that we are all beloved of God. In his love, there is no judgment or condemnation, only and grace.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the goodness of our Savior and the boundless love he offers to each and every one of us. Let’s set aside our doubts and fears, and trust in the kindness of the shepherd who watches over us with unwavering care. Remember, my friends, the love of God is broader and deeper than we can ever imagine. Let’s gather around his feet, basking in the warmth of his love and mercy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the boundless love of the kindest shepherd in Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter. Find healing, grace, and redemption in God's mercy. Come, gather around His feet.
Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter - Hymn Lyric - Discover the boundless love of the kindest shepherd in "Souls Of Men Why Will Ye Scatter." Find healing, grace, and redemption in God's mercy. Come, gather around His feet.