Glory To The Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embark on a spiritual journey with "Glory To The Blessed Jesus" as your guide. Reflect on love

Glory To The Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Journeying Through Grace: A Reflection on the Spiritual Path” invites us to explore the profound journey of self-discovery and acceptance, guided by the radiant example of . From his humble birth on morn to his on Good Friday, Jesus’s life illuminates the path of love, sacrifice, and resurrection in our own lives. As we embrace our vulnerabilities, confront our , and rise from our tombs, we are called to live in love, truth, and grace, echoing the heartfelt proclamation, “ to the blessed Jesus!”


Glory To The Blessed Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who for us was born,
In the stable, cold and poor,
On glad Christmas morn.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who was crucified
On Good Friday for our sins:
Loving us He died.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who for sinners lay
In the tomb, and rose upon
Happy Easter day.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
He, Who is our Way,
Went up in a cloud to heaven
On Ascension day.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who, at Whitsuntide
Sent His Holy down
With us to abide.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
We will praise His love,
All our days on earth below,
And for aye above.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who for us was born,
In the stable, cold and poor,
On glad Christmas morn.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who was crucified
On Good Friday for our sins:
Loving us He died.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who for sinners lay
In the tomb, and rose upon
Happy Easter day.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
He, Who is our Way,
Went up in a cloud to heaven
On Ascension day.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
Who, at Whitsuntide
Sent His Holy Spirit down
With us to abide.

Glory to the blessed Jesus!
We will praise His love,
All our days on earth below,
And for aye above.


Meaning of Glory To The Blessed Jesus

Journeying Through Grace: A Reflection on the Spiritual Path

In the quiet moments of our lives, when we pause long enough to hear the whispers of our own hearts, we often find ourselves contemplating the deeper meanings and truths of our existence. It is in these sacred pauses that we are gently invited to the profound journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Today, let us walk together on this path, guided by the radiant example of Jesus, whose life and love illuminate our spiritual journey.

“Glory to the blessed Jesus!” This proclamation resonates deeply within us, reminding us of the profound love that graced our on that first Christmas morn. A love so unconditional, it chose to be born in a humble stable, a testament to ‘s willingness to meet us in the simplicity and vulnerability of our humanity. In those moments, as we reflect on Jesus’s birth in such humble surroundings, we are called to embrace our own vulnerabilities, recognizing that our imperfections are the very grounds where divine love can grow.

The narrative of Jesus’s life is not just a story of events long past but a living testament to the power of love, sacrifice, and resurrection in our own lives. “Glory to the blessed Jesus, who was crucified on Good Friday for our sins.” Here lies an invitation to face our own struggles and sins with honesty. To know that love is willing to go through the darkest valleys, that it is through confronting our deepest fears and pains that we truly understand the breadth and depth of divine grace.

On Easter, when Jesus rose from the tomb, we are shown that death is not the end but a transformation. “Glory to the blessed Jesus, who for sinners lay in the tomb, and rose upon that happy Easter day.” Each of us has our own tombs, the places within where we hide our guilt, our shame, our despair. But the resurrection is a promise that we, too, can rise from these places. It is a call to embrace hope and to believe in the possibility of new beginnings within ourselves and our relationships.

As Jesus ascended into heaven, we hear once again, “Glory to the blessed Jesus, who is our Way.” His journey did not end on Earth; it transcended into an existence that stretches into eternity, guiding us not just to understand the way, but to live it. In our day-to-day lives, Jesus’s ascent is a reminder that our spiritual journey is ongoing, that we are always being drawn higher, towards greater love, compassion, and connection with the divine.

When the Holy Spirit descended at Whitsuntide, God’s love became intricately woven into the fabric of our being. “Glory to the blessed Jesus, who sent His Holy Spirit down with us to abide.” The Spirit is our constant companion, a divine presence within, urging us towards kindness, towards understanding, and towards an ever-deepening empathy for others and ourselves. In acknowledging this sacred presence, we open ourselves to true transformation.

As we travel this introspective journey, let us embrace our humanity with compassion. Let us recognize that each step, each stumble, and each rise brings us closer to the divine. In praising the love of Jesus all our days on Earth and beyond, we are affirming our commitment to live in love, truth, and grace.

To each of you, dear readers, may this reflection serve as a gentle guide, encouraging you to explore your own spiritual depths. May you find the courage to face your vulnerabilities, the strength to rise from your tombs, and the of walking always in the light of divine love. Let us live each day with the radiant example of Jesus as our guide, worthy of our heartfelt “Glory to the blessed Jesus!”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embark on a spiritual journey with Glory To The Blessed Jesus as your guide. Reflect on love, sacrifice, and resurrection while walking the path of grace and transformation. Let the radiant example of Jesus illuminate your spiritual depths.
Glory To The Blessed Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Embark on a spiritual journey with "Glory To The Blessed Jesus" as your guide. Reflect on love, sacrifice, and resurrection while walking the path of grace and transformation. Let the radiant example of Jesus illuminate your spiritual depths.