Jesus Now Thine Own Forever – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unyielding bond with Jesus

Jesus Now Thine Own Forever – Hymn Lyric

In the heartfelt passage “ Now Thine Own Forever,” we are reminded of the unwavering connection we have with our spiritual source. This timeless message speaks of surrender, companionship, and grace, guiding us to embrace our vulnerabilities and find strength in divine love. Let us walk each day in the light of this unwavering love, finding joy and courage as we journey through life hand in hand with our spiritual guide.


Jesus Now Thine Own Forever – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, now Thine own forever,
True and steadfast would I be;
And be parted from Thee never,
Walking day by day with Thee.

Thine the life that in me liveth,
All my strength by Thee supplied,
As the vine its vigor giveth
To the branches that abide.

Could aught better e’er betide me,
Than with Thee to have my place,
Who dost provide me
Thrice ten thousand gifts of grace?

Could I be more cheerful even
Than when Thou, O Christ, art near,
Unto whom all power is given
Both in heaven above and here?

Where is there a Lord so gracious
Who would do as Thou hast done;
Who with His own blood and precious
Me from sin and death hath won?

Should I not be His possession
Who gave up His life for me;
Make to Him a good confession,
And till death all faithful be?

Lord, in pleasure as in sorrow
Thy companion would I be;
Now and for my each tomorrow
I surrender all to Thee.

Make me quick when Thou dost beckon,
E’en though ’twere to call me hence;
Who His life as Thine doth reckon,
Waits e’en death in confidence.

Through my earthly life be near me,
Be Thou with me when it ends;
When the gathers, cheer me;
Bless me when the descends.

Lay Thy holy hand in blessing
On my , drooping head;
Tell me:–Child, all faith possessing,
Thou shalt live though thou wert dead.

Stay Thou with me, O Lord Jesus,
When cold death at last comes on
As the chill and piercing breezes
Just before the dawn.

Light my heart nor suffer sadness
When the darkness dims my sight;
Then shall I go forth with gladness
As one journeys at night.


Meaning of Jesus Now Thine Own Forever

Today, let us take a gentle, introspective walk together—a journey of self-discovery and inner spiritual alignment. The passage before us speaks of an unyielding devotion, an earnest desire to be in perpetual communion with our spiritual source, and it’s my that we can take from it a deeper love and compassion for ourselves.

The essence of the message is about being “Thine own forever”—about a ceaseless bond of connectedness that shapes our every step. Imagine for a moment that you are the branch and your inner strength, your very life force, is the vine. This vine, this spiritual source, is what sustains you, feeding you with the energy and grace to continue growing even during life’s harshest seasons.

“All my strength by Thee supplied, As the vine its vigor giveth to the branches that abide.” Friends, in these words is a profound reminder: our strength is not isolated; it is interconnected. It is derived from a source much larger than ourselves. Embrace this truth, for it invites us to a place of humility and acceptance of our human vulnerabilities.

Let us never underestimate the power of willingly surrendering our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and trials, to this divine connection. You see, part of walking day by day in this spiritual alignment is about allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to drop the facades we wear, and to be genuinely present with our true selves. There is immense grace in presenting our whole being—our flaws, our stories, our wounds—as we seek a more compassionate view of ourselves.

The song also asks, “Could aught better e’er betide me, than with Thee to have my place?” It’s a call for us to recognize the immeasurable value of this companionship, this divine connection. Can we, even for a moment, sit in the quiet realization of how loved and held we are? This is an invitation to shed the layers of self-doubt and unworthiness. Every gift of grace is proof of our inherent value and lovability.

Moreover, the idea of faithful companionship through all life’s moments, “In pleasure as in sorrow,” teaches us to surrender not just to the divine but also to trust ourselves to navigate through all phases of life. It means honoring our sadness as much as our joy. In doing so, we cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the overall spiritual fabric that connects us all.

And as we contemplate our journey, even to its twilight moments, we find a beautiful promise: “Be Thou with me when it ends; When the evening gathers, cheer me; Bless me when the night descends.” Friends, it reassures us that we are not alone, even in life’s final passages. This assurance can fill us with peace, giving us the courage to live fully and authentically now, without fear of what lies ahead.

So, friends, as we navigate this life with its myriad experiences, let’s continually bring ourselves back to the vine. Let us choose daily to walk in the light of this unwavering love and grace. In those moments of quiet reflection, find the courage to be tender with yourself, to see your worth through compassionate eyes, and to feel deeply connected to the around you.

May we all journey forward with a light heart, finding joy and strength in our divine companionship, as one journeys home at night.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the unyielding bond with Jesus, walking day by day in divine grace. Find strength and companionship in the vine of spiritual connection. Discover the profound love and compassion within yourself.
Jesus Now Thine Own Forever - Hymn Lyric - Experience the unyielding bond with Jesus, walking day by day in divine grace. Find strength and companionship in the vine of spiritual connection. Discover the profound love and compassion within yourself.