Jesus My Great High Priest – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love and compassion of Jesus

Jesus My Great High Priest – Hymn Lyric

In the heartfelt reflection on , our great High Priest, we are reminded of his ultimate sacrifice and unwavering love for us. By entrusting our fears and doubts to him, we can find freedom from guilt and self-condemnation. Embracing our imperfections and vulnerabilities allows us to connect with a deeper sense of self-compassion and love, transforming our relationships and peace to our souls. Jesus, our Advocate on high, stands ready to defend us with his conquering power and guardian , offering us a to true acceptance and inner peace.


Jesus My Great High Priest – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, my great High Priest, offered his blood and died;
my guilty conscience seeks no sacrifice beside.
His pow’rful blood did once atone, and now it before the throne.
To this dear Surety’s hand will I commit my cause;
he answers and fulfills his Father’s broken laws.
Behold my soul at freedom set, my Surety paid the dreadful debt.

My Advocate appears for my defense on high;
the Father bows his ears and lays his thunder by.
Not all that or sin can say shall turn his heart, his love, .
Should all the hosts of death and pow’rs of hell unknown
put their most dreadful forms of rage and mischief on,
I shall be safe, for displays his conqu’ring pow’r and guardian grace.


Meaning of Jesus My Great High Priest

### The Path to Embracing Our Imperfections

In the quiet corners of our hearts, we all search for solace, a sanctuary amidst the tumult of our daily lives. As we journey through this ever-complicated , we often carry with us the burdens of guilt, fears, and an unceasing need to prove ourselves worthy. Today, I invite you to ponder with me the profound words about Jesus, our great High Priest, and explore how they can guide us toward a more loving and compassionate connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Jesus, in his ultimate act of love, offered his blood and died for us. This selfless act speaks to the deepest parts of our being, reminding us that we are more than our mistakes, more than our limitations. Our guilty consciences, often marred by our past actions and unspoken regrets, seek no other sacrifice. His powerful blood atones for our sins and continues to plead for us in the sacred realms above.

Consider this: if we can accept that such a profound sacrifice was made on our behalf, we are then invited to release ourselves from the shackles of guilt and self-condemnation. His sacrifice was not just a historical event; it is a living testament to the unconditional love and grace that we are all worthy of receiving, regardless of our missteps.

By entrusting our cause to this divine Surety, we can lay down our worries and fears. He answers for us, fulfills the broken laws that we, in our human frailty, could never perfectly keep. And in this divine transaction, our souls are set free. Free from the bondage of our self-doubt, free from the relentless quest for perfection that often leaves us feeling hollow and disconnected.

My dear friends, feel the presence of your Advocate, Jesus, who stands in your defense. Imagine the Father, hearing our struggles and pleas, setting aside his thunderous judgments. This divine scenario is more than a comforting story—it is a mirror reflecting the boundless love and mercy that us when we dare to embrace our vulnerabilities.

No force of hell or sin can sway the heart of a love so steadfast. When we feel overwhelmed by the darkness around us, remember that this conquering power and guardian grace is always at hand, protecting and guiding us.

In a world that often encourages a relentless pursuit of material success and external validation, let us instead find refuge in the truth of our being. Let us embark on a journey of self-discovery that is anchored in the understanding that we are already enough. That, in our humanity, with all its imperfections, we are deeply loved and cherished.

As we navigate through personal vulnerability, let us hold compassion for ourselves. It is in this self-compassion that we begin to see our true reflection—not as flawed individuals striving for unattainable perfection, but as beautiful beings growing and learning, guided by an infinite love that knows no bounds.

In embracing this truth, we learn to extend the same compassion and love to those around us. Our connections deepen, our world becomes kinder, and our souls find the peace they long for.

May we all walk with an introspective heart, embracing our journey with grace and humility. May we accept our humanity, knowing that we are held in an everlasting, divine embrace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love and compassion of Jesus, our great High Priest. Embrace your imperfections and find solace in his everlasting grace. Embrace your journey with grace and humility.
Jesus My Great High Priest - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound love and compassion of Jesus, our great High Priest. Embrace your imperfections and find solace in his everlasting grace. Embrace your journey with grace and humility.