Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undon – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound sacrifice of Jesus in "Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undone" hymn. Reflect on His complete mission and embrace your own path with love.

Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undon – Hymn Lyric

Reflecting on the profound encapsulated in the hymn about Jesus, we are reminded that there was nothing left in His mission to save us all. Through his vulnerability and acceptance of an awful mission, Jesus shows us the importance of living with intention and embracing our unique paths with completeness. His journey of love and compassion invites us to engage with our own pain and trials, transforming them into opportunities for self-rescue and understanding.


Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undon – Hymn Lyric

Was there anything that Jesus left undone, left undone,
When He to earth to save us ev’ry one, ev’ry one?

Oh, no, no, no, there was nothing left undone.
Oh, no, no, no, there was nothing left undone.

Hear Him in the garden, saying, “Not My will, no My will.”
Oh! it was an awful mission to fulfill, to fulfill. [Refrain]

See Him now betrayed by Judas to His foes, to His foes.
All the terror that Him, well He knows, well He knows. [Refrain]

See the crown upon His forehead, thorny crown, thorny crown,
How the tender it pierces, pressing down, pressing down. [Refrain]

See Him on the suspended, , agony.
It was all that He might rescue such as we, such as we. [Refrain]


Meaning of Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undon

In the quiet corners of our hearts, where whispers of self-doubt and fear often dwell, it is essential to embark on a journey of self-exploration and acceptance. Let us take a moment to reflect deeply on the profound sacrifice encapsulated in the hymn about Jesus, our guide and savior. There is a rich, spiritual lesson in these verses that invite us to contemplate the completeness of His mission and how it echoes into our own lives.

“Was there anything that Jesus left undone, left undone,

When He came to earth to save us everyone?”

The resounding refrain assures us that there was indeed nothing left undone in Jesus’ mission. He fully embraced His purpose, no matter the depth of suffering or the weight of the He was destined to walk. Similarly, we are prompted to consider our own journeys— are we living with intention, facing our truths, and embracing our unique paths with the same completeness?

“Oh, no, no, no, there was nothing left undone.”

Jesus’ life was a testament to total commitment and love. When we hear Him in the garden, agonizing over His fate yet surrendering, “Not My will, no My will,” we witness profound vulnerability. It was an act of ultimate self-giving, accepting an awful mission out of love for humanity. This beckons us to consider: where in our lives do we need to yield to a higher calling? In what ways can we embrace our vulnerabilities and let them guide us towards our own missions of love and compassion?

“See Him now betrayed by Judas to His foes, to His foes.

All the terror that awaits Him, well He knows, well He knows.”

Jesus was acutely aware of the anguish ahead, yet He remained steadfast. His journey was marked by betrayal and immense foreseen suffering, symbolized by the piercing crown of thorns and the agony of the cross. This poignant imagery asks us to engage with our pain and betrayals rather than evade them. True growth and a deeper connection to our humanity and spirituality often arise through embracing, rather than escaping, our own trials. It is in these tender and raw spaces that we can find profound lessons and a more compassionate view of ourselves.

“See the crown upon His forehead, thorny crown, thorny crown,

How the tender flesh it pierces, pressing down, pressing down.”

In our darkest hours, we are invited to reflect on Jesus’ suffering, which was borne out of an extraordinary love for us. His agony was not in vain; it was a pivotal act of rescue and redemption. This incredible narrative encourages us to look beyond our pain and see it as a part of a greater, more loving journey towards self-rescue and understanding.

“See Him on the cross suspended, agony, agony.

It was all that He might rescue such as we, such as we.”

As we move through our lives, holding close the image of nothing left undone, we are reminded to live fully and with purpose. Our own path may be fraught with difficulties, betrayals, and the piercing thorns of life’s challenges. Yet, by embracing these with a compassionate heart, we can transform our suffering into a journey of profound self-discovery and unconditional love— connecting us more deeply with ourselves and the divine essence that we all share.

In this introspection, let us nurture a more loving view of ourselves and others, fostering a spirit of acceptance, compassion, and deep spiritual connection. Each moment of vulnerability, each truth we uncover, brings us a step closer to our authentic selves and a more profound understanding of our place in this beautiful tapestry of existence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound sacrifice of Jesus in Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undone hymn. Reflect on His complete mission and embrace your own path with love.
Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undon - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound sacrifice of Jesus in "Was There Anything That Jesus Left Undone" hymn. Reflect on His complete mission and embrace your own path with love.