Tis Burning In My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transformative power of divine love! 'Tis Burning In My Soul is a journey of acceptance

Tis Burning In My Soul – Hymn Lyric

In this heartfelt reflection, the author explores the profound impact of divine and grace on their soul. The metaphor of a burning fire symbolizes the powerful presence of ‘s , guiding and transforming their . Through self-acceptance, surrender, and gratitude, they find solace in the unconditional love that ignites within them, inspiring them to live with purpose and compassion.


Tis Burning In My Soul – Hymn Lyric

God sent His mighty pow’r
To this , sinful ,
To keep me ev’ry hour,
And needful grace impart;
And since His Spirit came,
To take supreme control,
The love enkindled flame
Is burning in my soul.

‘Tis burning in my soul,
‘Tis burning in my soul;
The fire of ‘nly love is burning in my soul,
The Holy Spirit came,
All glory to His Name!
The fire of heav’nly love is burning in my soul.

Before the cross I bow,
Upon the lay
A willing off’ring now,
My all from day to day.
My Savior paid the price,
My name He sweetly calls;
Upon the sacrifice
The fire from Heaven falls.

No good that I have done,
His promise I embrace;
Accepted in the ,
He saves me by His grace.
All glory be to God!
Let roll;
His love is shed abroad,
The fire is in my soul.


Meaning of Tis Burning In My Soul

Today, let’s take a moment to explore a path that is both intimately personal and profoundly universal. It’s a path of self-discovery, vulnerability, and divine grace—a journey toward embracing our humanity and finding deeper connection with the world around us.

We start with the simple yet transformative idea that a higher power sends its mighty strength into our often faltering and imperfect lives. This strength isn’t a force that arrives once and then disappears; it is a perpetual source of guidance, a gentle yet powerful presence that influences every hour of our day. To open ourselves to this divine energy, we must first admit our own need, acknowledge our own imperfections, and in doing so, invite this needful grace to flood our hearts.

Imagine for a moment that this sacred spirit has taken the reins of your life, becoming the guiding force that directs and sustains you. Like a flame that never dims, this divine love ignites within us, consuming our fears, doubts, and uncertainties. This fire is not one of destruction but of purification, transforming our deepest vulnerabilities into strengths.

The journey is one where we bow before the cross—a symbol not just of suffering, but of ultimate sacrifice and unfathomable love. Kneeling there, we leave our burdens, fears, and insecurities, laying them down as a willing offering. It’s an act of surrender, a testament to our trust that we are seen, known, and loved just as we are.

Our Savior, in this allegory of ultimate love, has already paid the price. This narrative is not about our deeds or worthiness, but about embracing a promise that transcends our human understanding—an unconditional love that calls to us sweetly and persistently. Each of us is invited to this altar of love, where the divine fire falls, signifying our acceptance and our transformation.

As we recognize that our goodness is not the root of this transformative power, but rather the grace we receive, we step into a space of humility and profound gratitude. We are accepted in the Son, saved not by our merit but by an unfathomable grace. This acceptance is a balm to our striving souls, inviting us to cease our restless searching for worthiness and to rest in the embrace of divine love.

In this space of acceptance and grace, we find ourselves moved to exclaim, “All glory be to God!” This isn’t a rote recitation but a heartfelt exclamation, a pouring out of our deepest gratitude. The love that is shed abroad within us compels us to live out loud, letting the fire of divine love fuel our every action and interaction.

May this vision of divine love burning within you inspire you to embrace yourself and others more compassionately. As we journey together, let’s remind each other that we are all part of this divine narrative, each of us a unique expression of the same sacred flame.

Let us walk forward with introspection and intention, letting the fire within guide us toward becoming our truest, most loving selves.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transformative power of divine love! 'Tis Burning In My Soul is a journey of acceptance, grace, and spiritual growth. Embrace the flame within.
Tis Burning In My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Experience the transformative power of divine love! 'Tis Burning In My Soul is a journey of acceptance, grace, and spiritual growth. Embrace the flame within.