Father Of Mercies! God Of Love! – Hymn Lyric

Embrace divine love & mercy each year with introspection & gratitude. Find inner peace in aligning with higher will. Blessings for another year await.

Father Of Mercies! God Of Love! – Hymn Lyric

Embracing the Divine and Guidance: A Journey of Reflection and Surrender Discovering the essence of our existence through the tender words of divine and love, we find ourselves on a journey of introspection and gratitude. Surrendering our souls to a greater purpose, we align with a holy will that brings sweetness and joy to our experiences. As we navigate through life’s challenges and joys, may we find solace in the embracing presence of the of Mercies and God of Love, ready to welcome yet another year with open hearts and hopeful spirits.


Father Of Mercies! God Of Love! – Hymn Lyric

Father of mercies! God of love!
Whose kind compassion still we prove,
Our praise accept, and bless us here,
As brought to this—another year.

We sing Thy goodness all divine,
Whose radiant beams around us shine,
‘Tis through Thy goodness we appear
Preserved to this—another year.

Our souls, our all we here resign;
Make us, and keep us ever Thine;
And grant that in Thy love and fear
We may begin—another year.

Be this our sweet experience still,
To know and do Thy holy will;
Then shall our souls, with joy sincere,
Bless for this—another year.

Still, , through life Thy love display,
And then in death’s approaching day,
We’ll joyful part with all that’s here,
Nor wish on earth—another year.


Meaning of Father Of Mercies! God Of Love!

### Embracing Each Year as a Gift: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Inner Peace

As I sit quietly reflecting on the passing of time and the ever-unfolding journey of life, I am drawn to the tender words that ask for divine guidance and mercy as we step into the threshold of a new year. There’s an air of reverence, humility, and a profound sense of gratitude that beckons us to look inward and embrace the tender nuances of our existence.

Our lives, much like the soft beams of light that break through the mist, are delicate, fleeting, and profoundly beautiful. In the constant flux of days turning into years, we often find ourselves entangled in the cacophony of daily distractions, sometimes losing sight of the deeper currents that carry us forward. The words before us call us to stillness, inviting a deeper reflection on the essence of our being and the grace that holds us through each breath.

“Father of mercies! God of love!

Whose kind compassion still we prove,”

In these initial lines, we find the gentle reminder of an unwavering compassion and love that cradles us through life’s myriad experiences. It is a beckoning to recognize the divine benevolence threaded through every moment of our existence. What a tender invitation to accept that we are perpetually held in love, regardless of the storms we may encounter. This recognition is the from which self-acceptance and inner peace can grow. To truly embrace our humanity, with its flaws and triumphs, is to honor the divine spark within ourselves.

“Our souls, our all we here resign;

Make us, and keep us ever Thine;”

There comes a moment in our spiritual journey when surrender becomes a pathway to deeper truth. To resign our souls, our very essence, is not an act of defeat but of profound trust. It is an acknowledgment that in letting go of our rigid control, we open up space for something greater to guide and nurture us. This surrender allows us to be shaped not by our fears, but by a love and purpose that transcends our limited understanding. It is here, in this space of letting go, that we find the freedom to be our most authentic selves.

“Be this our sweet experience still,

To know and do Thy holy will;”

The subsequent lines speak to a yearning for alignment with a higher will. This is not about relinquishing our dreams or desires; rather, it is about aligning them with a greater good, a divine intention that seeks to harmonize our personal aspirations with the broader symphony of life. There is a sweetness in this alignment, a joy that springs from knowing we are walking a path imbued with purpose and meaning. This is where true contentment sprouts, leading us to bless each moment, each challenge, and each joy with sincere gratitude.

Reflecting on these words, we are invited to hold the passing of time not as a relentless march but as a gentle unfolding of our souls. Each year, each day, presents a new opportunity to deepen our understanding of ourselves and to embrace our humanity with loving-kindness.

As we move through life, let us make space for introspection, for the gentle practice of self-compassion. Let us cherish our vulnerabilities, our moments of doubt, and our triumphs as aspects of our journey. In doing so, we build a deeper connection not only with ourselves but with the world around us, seeing it through eyes softened by understanding and love.

May we carry these reflections into the days to come, finding in them a sanctuary where our souls can rest, heal, and grow. As we navigate the ebbs and flows of existence, may we always return to this of inner peace and divine love, ready to embrace yet another year with open hearts and hopeful spirits.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace divine love & mercy each year with introspection & gratitude. Find inner peace in aligning with higher will. Blessings for another year await.
Father Of Mercies! God Of Love! - Hymn Lyric - Embrace divine love & mercy each year with introspection & gratitude. Find inner peace in aligning with higher will. Blessings for another year await.