Weeping Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embrace humanity through the Weeping Jesus

Weeping Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embracing Our Humanity through the Jesus brings an insightful reflection on the deep compassion and love found in the image of Christ shedding tears for humanity’s suffering. This message encourages us to open our hearts to divine love and , allowing it to transform us into vessels of kindness and compassion in a world in need of . Let us strive to embody the spirit of the Weeping Jesus, embracing our vulnerabilities as pathways to deeper truth and connection with others.


Weeping Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Weeping Jesus, suff’ring One,
Whose tears and sorrows we may trace;
In the Book of God’s Son,
We see His marred yet smiling face.

Weeping Jesus,
Weeping Jesusdied for me.

Weeping Jesus, royal King,
And yet an humble sacrifice;
Thou didst give to pay
For us the great redemption price.

Weeping Jesus, oh, what love
Was shown through Thee to men in sin!
Is the human heart too hard
For this great love to melt and win?

Weeping Jesus, more each day
I would be filled with only Thee;
Grace my heart and life, I ,
With that the world may see.


Meaning of Weeping Jesus

## Embracing Our Humanity through the Weeping Jesus

As I sit today with a heart open and vulnerable, contemplating the essence of our spiritual journey, I am drawn to a poignant image that evokes both sorrow and hope: the Weeping Jesus. This simple yet deeply moving depiction speaks to the profound humanity and divine love encapsulated in the figure of Christ.

Jesus, often referred to as the Weeping Jesus, represents a confluence of suffering and compassion that we, as spiritual seekers, can profoundly relate to. His tears, a testament to His deep empathy and sorrow for humanity’s pain, mark a we too tread in our moments of heartache and vulnerability.

In the Book of God’s Son, we encounter a Jesus whose face, though marred by suffering, yet carries a smile—a smile of infinite love and acceptance. Herein lies a powerful invitation for us: to embrace our own scars and pains, and to find within them the seeds of compassion and connection.

As we reflect upon Jesus’ life and His ultimate sacrifice, we see a royal King who chose humility, a divinity that walked among us and gave His life for our redemption. This act of ultimate love beckons us to look at our own lives through a lens of deep introspection. Are our hearts too hardened by life’s trials and tribulations to be softened by such profound love?

Every tear Jesus shed, every sorrow He bore, was out of an unmatched love for humanity. It challenges us to open ourselves to that same love, allowing it to penetrate our defenses and transform our hearts. The journey of self-discovery begins with such openness, recognizing that our vulnerabilities are not weaknesses but pathways to deeper truth and connection.

The message of the Weeping Jesus is not merely one of sorrow but of hope and transformation. Each tear is a testament to the depth of divine compassion—and it is this compassion that we are called to embody in our own lives. As we strive to fill our hearts more and more with this divine essence, we too are called to grace our lives with meekness and humility.

In our spiritual walk, let us aspire to reflect this same love and grace in the world. The world is in desperate need of hearts softened and illuminated by divine compassion. As we carry the image of the Weeping Jesus within us, let it inspire us to be sources of comfort and hope to those around us.

May we be filled each day with the love and grace of the Weeping Jesus, allowing it to shape us into vessels of kindness, compassion, and humility. Let us show the world that, through our own redeemed humanity, a brighter, more loving existence is possible.

In your moments of silent prayer and meditation, I invite you to embrace your tears, your pains, your sorrows, and your joys. Let these emotions draw you closer to the divine truth within you, a truth rooted in love and acceptance.

May our journey be one of continual self-discovery and acceptance, ever drawing closer to the heart of divine compassion and embracing our shared humanity.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace humanity through the Weeping Jesus, a symbol of love and compassion. Journey towards divine grace and transform hearts with humility. #WeepingJesus
Weeping Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Embrace humanity through the Weeping Jesus, a symbol of love and compassion. Journey towards divine grace and transform hearts with humility. #WeepingJesus