Whilst I Shall Track The Depth Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Explore the profound journey of love and redemption in spiritual texts. Find solace

Whilst I Shall Track The Depth Of Love – Hymn Lyric

When life feels overwhelming, and happiness seems elusive, spiritual texts can often serve as a beacon of light guiding us through the storm. The rich tapestry of the content before us paints a profound picture of love, , and redemption through the lens of spiritual exploration. This passage offers insights into divine love, suffering, and ultimate unity with the divine, guiding us towards empathy, compassion, and deeper connections with others.


Whilst I Shall Track The Depth Of Love – Hymn Lyric

Whilst I shall track the Depth of Love,
Which so transparently doth ,
No more in Reason’s Path I rove,
To search the Mystery divine.

From all that’s sensual flies my ,
And enters deep Infinity,
With Spirits blest to bear a Part,
In one melodious Harmony.

Helpless in Infancy I see,
In likeness of a sinful Worm,
Reduc’d to Shame and Poverty,
My God in most despised Form.

He liv’d but until the eighth Day,
Ere he commenc’d the suff’ring Lamb,
By holy sign to put away
Our Flesh Pollutions, and our Shame.

Our spreading Filth contracted close,
Within the compass of a Span,
Affrights the Child from calm Repose,
To feel the Misery of Man.

His Life was painful, void of Rest,
Full of Reproach, contempt and Scorn;
With weight of Griefs and woes opprest,
Till all Chastisements be had borne.

The more in Years he did increase,
The more its Pressure he did feel,
Till Time drew near when Sin should cease,
And he his Testament should seal.

Then Sin and Satan had the Sway,
To vex, accuse him, and condemn,
Whilst God did all his Wrath display,
To end all Sin, and Man redeem.

Thy Conflicts in thine Agony,
When strengthen’d by a kind Support,
Shews how our pond’rous Load did lie
With Anguish on thy vey Heart.

Trembling beneath our Curse and woe,
With Groans in most excessive Pain,
Thy bloody Sweat, like Rivers ,
Collected from descending Rain.

Now see him destin’d to the ,
With dreadful Horror sore oppress’d,
There Sin sustain’d its endless Loss,
And all Transgression there hath ceas’d.

High as an Ensign there he hangs,
In Blood, by Heav’n and Earth forsook;
All Nature groan’d in dreadful Pangs,
And Earth’s Foundations rudely shook.

His Life expiring with a Groan,
His soul starts from his Body torn;
The Bride came to her native Home,
From all his Wounds ‘d and born.

‘Tis finish’d! loud the Echo sounds,
Our ransom Price is fully paid;
The Father’s pleas’d to see those Wounds,
Where Sin is slain, and Vengeance staid.

His lifeless Body drain’d of Blood,
Then was fulfill’d that faithful Word,
Spoken of old by Men of God;
How Nature spoil’d, should be restor’d.

‘Twas done when radiant he arose
Triumphant over and Hell;
Then in him rose the darling Spouse,
With him in all his Bliss to dwell.

God’s royal Cloathing now are we,
And he that mark’d us with his Name,
Together with the made free,
For-ever perfect, without Blame.

One Life, one Joy with him we have:
Whilst in this World’s bewilder’d Maze,
We nothing more desire or crave,
Incessantly we Jesus praise!


Meaning of Whilst I Shall Track The Depth Of Love

When life feels overwhelming, and happiness seems elusive, spiritual texts can often serve as a beacon of light guiding us through the storm. The rich tapestry of the content before us paints a profound picture of love, sacrifice, and redemption through the lens of spiritual exploration. This poetic passage invites us to step beyond the physical realm and into a space where divine love and harmony prevail. It explores themes of suffering, redemption, and ultimate unity with the divine, using evocative imagery that speaks directly to the heart.

This content can offer numerous benefits for those feeling lost or overwhelmed by life’s challenges. By contemplating the depth of divine love and the idea of embracing humility and suffering, we open ourselves to greater empathy and compassion, not just towards ourselves but also the people around us. This can lead to deeper connections and more meaningful relationships, fostering an overall sense of well-being.

Here are three practical steps you can take to transform your life using the essence of this passage as :

1. **Reflect on Personal Suffering and Growth**: Initiate a regular practice of journaling to explore your personal challenges. Reflect on how these struggles might be shaping you into a more compassionate and resilient person. Consider what your vulnerabilities can teach you about empathy and understanding towards others.

2. **Embrace Vulnerability**: Just as the passage depicts a divine being experiencing human frailty, allow yourself to be open about your struggles. Seek support from loved ones or communities, and don’t shy away from showing your true self. Vulnerability can open doors to genuine connection and healing.

3. **Cultivate Inner Peace and Harmony**: Practice mindfulness or meditation to align your thoughts and emotions with a greater sense of peace. Imagine yourself participating in the “melodious harmony” described in the text, finding balance within chaos and stress.

By taking these actions, you develop the capacity to view your life experiences through a lens of spiritual growth and transformation. You might find that your struggles become opportunities for deeper self-understanding and that embracing your vulnerabilities leads to stronger bonds and community.

The key takeaway from this spiritual exploration is that through trials and challenges, there is a transformative power inherent in acceptance and divine love. The passage encourages us to let go of worldly anxieties and enter into a state of unity with something greater than ourselves, which can ultimately guide us to a more fulfilled and joyful existence.

In moments of despair or confusion, remember that you are part of a greater narrative. By nurturing spiritual resilience, you can navigate life’s complexities with peace and purpose. Embrace yourself in all your imperfection, find strength in your connections, and keep toward a life filled with love and gratitude.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Explore the profound journey of love and redemption in spiritual texts. Find solace, embrace vulnerability, and seek harmony amidst life's challenges. Transform your perspective and cultivate inner peace.
Whilst I Shall Track The Depth Of Love - Hymn Lyric - Explore the profound journey of love and redemption in spiritual texts. Find solace, embrace vulnerability, and seek harmony amidst life's challenges. Transform your perspective and cultivate inner peace.