Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power – Hymn Lyric

Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power - Transform your life with spiritual wisdom. Stay vigilant

Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power – Hymn Lyric

“Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power” offers timeless advice on staying vigilant and connected to spiritual guidance in life’s challenges. Through prayer, mindfulness, and openness to divine grace, we can find strength, resilience, and peace. By integrating these practices into our daily lives, we may experience a deeper sense of purpose, gratitude, and connection to something greater.


Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power – Hymn Lyric

Up, my soul, gird thee with pow’r,
Watch! to prayer betake thee;
Lest the sudden evil hour
Unawares o’ertake thee.

Satan’s prey
Soon are they,
Who, with best endeavor,
Watch not, pray not, ever.

But first rouse thee, and
From secure indiff’rence;
Else will follow in its wake
Woe without deliv’rance.

Take thou heed!
Utter need,
Death in sins might find thee,
Ere thou look behind thee.

Wake, arouse! else can the Lord
Not enlighten, ground thee;
Nor thou see the quick’ning Word
Shine in splendor round thee.

Eyes and hands
Open for the offers,
He so richly proffers.

With thy watching mingle prayer;
Grace but rids from .
God rids thee from slothful care
And the weights that cumber;

Else will still
Mind and will
Lukewarm praises tender,
And cold service render.

God will have it that we ask,
And it shall be given;
Who pray alway, alway bask
In the grace of .

Ere they
Will He heed,
Strengthen, keep, defend them,
And deliv’rance send them.

Cheer thee then, my soul! all must
Work for good and us,
If we but in prayerful trust
To God’s Son address us;

And He will
Richly fill,
And His Spirit send us,
Who to Him commend us.

Let us watch then, pray, with heed,
God will prove our Hearer;
For the hour of utmost need
Constantly draws .

Saints will cheer,
Sinners fear,
When the trumpet calleth,
Earth in ruins falleth.


Meaning of Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power

Feeling lost or overwhelmed in life is a deeply human experience. We all encounter moments where the path forward seems shrouded in uncertainty, and happiness feels like a distant tale rather than a familiar reality. In our pursuit of happiness and stability, we find ourselves yearning for guidance, reassurance, and clear steps to transform our lives into a narrative of fulfillment and peace. The content we’re exploring is a faithful poem that, by tapping into spiritual wisdom, offers timeless advice that is as relevant today as it was when first penned.

In essence, this poem reminds us of the importance of being conscious and intentional in our spiritual and personal lives. It emphasizes the power of prayer, vigilance, and receptivity to divine grace as a way to fend off negative influences and steer our souls towards a peaceful existence.

Benefits of Engaging with This Wisdom:

1. **Increased Awareness:** By tuning into this message, you’re cultivating a heightened awareness of the need to be vigilant and active in seeking spiritual and emotional well-being.

2. **Resilience Building:** Seeing challenges as opportunities to harness spiritual strength, creating greater resilience against life’s trials.

3. **Connection to Something Greater:** It fosters a connection to a higher power, which may provide comfort and clarity during tumultuous times.

Practical Pieces of Advice:

1. **Cultivate a Habit of Daily Reflection:** Set aside time each day to reflect on your experiences, emotions, and thoughts. This can be through journaling, meditation, or quiet contemplation.

2. **Include Prayer or Mindful Intentions:** Whether through traditional prayer or setting mindful intentions, regularly communicate your desires, gratitude, and struggles to the divine or to a sense of purpose greater than yourself.

3. ** Vigilant and Open:** Pay attention to the “offers” of life and grace around you. Whether opportunities, lessons, or blessings, recognize and embrace them.

Actionable Steps:

1. ** Rituals of Mindfulness:** Begin each day with a simple ritual—perhaps a moment of gratitude or mindful breathing—to set a positive tone and align yourself with your goals.

2. **Create a Supportive Community:** Surround yourself with people who share your values and who can provide support and guidance on your spiritual .

3. **Practice Gratitude Constantly:** Regularly acknowledge the good in your life, keeping your focus on positivity and growth, even during challenging times.

Possible Outcomes:

By integrating these practices, you may find yourself experiencing a deeper sense of peace, an enriched understanding of your life’s journey, and a more resilient heart in the face of challenges. Over time, the cultivation of ongoing prayerful introspection and conscientious action may lead to transformative changes that align your life more closely with your dreams and values.

Key Takeaway:

The essence of the guidance is about staying alert and maintaining an open line of communication with spiritual forces or life principles that nurture your being. By interweaving watchfulness with prayer and intention, you can awaken to richer experiences and evolve into the person you’re meant to be. Remember, the universe or the divine, however you perceive it, responds to those who are proactive, engaged, and seeking.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power - Transform your life with spiritual wisdom. Stay vigilant, pray, and embrace divine grace for fulfillment and peace. Start your journey today!
Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power - Hymn Lyric - Up My Soul Gird Thee With Power - Transform your life with spiritual wisdom. Stay vigilant, pray, and embrace divine grace for fulfillment and peace. Start your journey today!