My Soul Praise The Lord Speak Good of His Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the divine in nature's beauty and find inner peace. Reflect on the interconnectedness of life

My Soul Praise The Lord Speak Good of His Name – Hymn Lyric

This eloquent reflection on the power and beauty of the natural world urges us to find solace in the divine force behind it all. By contemplating the interconnectedness between nature and a higher power, we can discover a sense of belonging and purpose in the world’s harmonious design. Embracing , mindfulness, and trust in the divine can lead to a transformative journey towards happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace, as we learn to praise the intricate beauty of creation and find our place within it.


My Soul Praise The Lord Speak Good of His Name – Hymn Lyric

My , Praise the Lord, speak good of his Name
O Lord our great God, how dost thou appear!
So passing in glory, that great is thy fame,
Honor and Majesty in thee shine most clear.

With as a robe thou hast thyself clad,
Whereby all the earth thy greatness may see:
The heav’ns in such sort thou also hast spread,
That they to a curtain compar-ed may be.

His chamber-beams lie in the clouds full sure,
Which as his chariots are made him to bear:
And there with much swiftness his course doth endure,
Upon the wings riding of winds in the air.

He maketh his spirits as heralds to go,
And lightnings to serve we see also pressed;
His will to accomplish they run to and fro,
To save or consume things as seemeth him best.

He groundeth the earth so firmly and fast,
That it once to move none have such pow’r
The deep a fair cov’ for it made thou hast,
Which by its own nature the hills would devour.

But at thy rebuke the waters do flee,
And so give due place thy word to obey:
At thy voice of thunder so fearful they be,
That in their great raging they haste soon away.

The mountains full high they then up ascend,
If thou do but speak, thy word they fulfil:
So likewise the valleys most quickly descend,
Where thou them appointest, remain they do still:

Their bounds thou hast set how they shall run,
So that in their rage not that pass they can:
For God hath appointed they shall not return
The earth to destroy more, which made was for man.

The Second Part.

He sendeth his springs to strong streams or lakes,
Which run do full swift among the huge hills;
Where both the wild asses their thirst often slakes,
And beasts of the mountains thereof drink their fills.

By these pleasant springs and rivers most clear,
The fowls of the air abide shall and dwell;
Who moved by nature do hop here and there,
Among the green branches their songs shall excel.

The mountains to moist the clouds he doth use.
The earth with his works is wholly replete:
So as the brute cattle he doth not refuse,
But grass doth provide them, and herb for man’s meat.

Yea, bread, wine, and oil, he made for man’s sake,
His face to refresh, and heart to make strong:
The cedars of Liban the great Lord did make,
Which trees he doth nourish that grow up so long.

In these may birds build, and all make their nests;
In fir-trees the storks remain and abide;
The high hills are succours for wild goats to rest,
Also the rock stony for conies to hide.

The moon then is set her seasons to run,
The day from the thereby to discern;
And by the descending also of the sun,
The cold from heat always thereby we do learn.

When darkness doth come by God’s will and pow’r,
Then creep do all the beasts of the wood
The lions range roaring their prey to devour:
But yet ’tis the Lord who giveth them food.

As soon as the sun is up they retire.
To couch in their dens then are they full fain;
That man to his work may, as right doth reqmre,
Till night come and call him to take rest again.

The Third Part.

How sundry, O Lord, are all thy works found !
With wisdom full great they are indeed wrought;
So that the whole world of thy praise doth sound;
And as for thy riches, they pass all men’s thought.

So is the great sea, which is large and broad,
Where creeping things swarm and beasts of each sort,
There mighty ships sail, and some lie at road;
The whale huge and monstrous there also doth sport.

All things on tbee wait, thou dost them relieve,
And thou in due time full well dost ‘them feed.
Now when it doth please thee the same for to give,
They gather full gladly those things which they need:

Thou open’st thy hand, and they find such grace,
That they with good things are filled we see;
But sore they are troubled if thou bide thy face,
For if thou their breath take vile dust then they be.

Again when thy from thee doth proceed,
All things to appoint, and what shall ensue;
Then are they created as thou bast decreed,
And dost by tby goodness the dry earth renew.

The praise of the Lord for ever shall last,
Who may in his works by right well rejoice;
His look can the earth make to tremble full fast,
And likewise the mountains to smoke at his voice,

To this Lord and God will I sing always;
So long as I live my God praise will I
Then an I most certain, my words shall him please,
I will rejoice in him, to him I will cry.

The sinners, O Lord, consume in thine ire;
Also the perverse, them root out with shame:
But as for my soul now let it still desire,
And say with the faithful, Praise ye the Lord’s Name.


Meaning of My Soul Praise The Lord Speak Good of His Name

In our current fast-paced world, feeling lost and overwhelmed seems like a universal experience at some point or another. Many of us search tirelessly for happiness and a sense of control in our lives. The content we’re diving into today is a rich, poetic reflection about the power and beauty of the natural world, the divine force behind it, and our place within this vast tapestry. It exudes a sense of awe and reverence for life’s expansive array of wonders, gently nudging us to pay attention to the world around us and find our grounding in its inherent harmony.

Understanding the Content

This piece shines a light on the interconnectedness between the natural world and a higher divine power—depicted here as a loving creator who designs, sustains, and provides for all creation. The vivid imagery—of mountains, streams, animals finding refuge, and a vast, abundant sea—portrays not just a literal landscape, but a symbol of the larger cycles of life, thriving under divine care.

The Benefits of Reflective Contemplation

Taking time to contemplate our place within the natural world can foster a profound sense of belonging and purpose. It encourages mindfulness, allowing us to notice the often-overlooked beauty around us, and cultivates gratitude for the simpler things in life. Recognizing a higher order at work can soothe feelings of overwhelm, helping us to relinquish the need to control every aspect of our lives and instead lean into trust.

Practical Advice for Personal Transformation

1. **Daily Reflection**: Spend a few minutes each day in quiet reflection or journaling. Meditate on the parallels between the rhythms of nature and your own life’s rhythm. As you do so, consider one aspect of your life you’d like to surrender to a higher guidance.

2. **Connect with Nature**: Make it a point to have regular contact with nature, whether it’s a walk in the park, tending a , or simply sitting by a tree. Allow the natural world to inspire you with its beauty and resilience.

3. **Gratitude Practice**: Engage in a gratitude practice centered around simple pleasures and experiences. Notice how enhancing your awareness of the little things invites more joy and fullness into your life.

Possible Outcomes from Taking Action

Embracing these steps can lead to a deeper connection with the world around you, reducing feelings of isolation and providing a sense of peace. You might find yourself feeling more grounded, with a renewed ability to prioritize what truly matters to you. Consequently, greater happiness and fulfillment can emerge as you attune to these harmonious rhythms and cultivate gratitude.

Key Takeaway

The divine, as expressed through nature, is an omnipresent guide offering wisdom through its incredible design. By acknowledging and aligning with this greater force, you’re invited to trust the flow of life, resulting in a transformative journey towards happiness, wellbeing, and holistic contentment.

Remember, you’re not alone in your quest for happiness. By tuning into the wisdom of nature and allowing it to direct your awareness and actions, you open yourself to a deep well of joy and fulfillment already present in the world and in your life. Praise the intricate beauty of creation, and let it guide you towards your own inner peace and happiness.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the divine in nature's beauty and find inner peace. Reflect on the interconnectedness of life, cultivate gratitude, and trust in the higher power. Praise the Lord and embrace happiness.
My Soul Praise The Lord Speak Good of His Name - Hymn Lyric - Discover the divine in nature's beauty and find inner peace. Reflect on the interconnectedness of life, cultivate gratitude, and trust in the higher power. Praise the Lord and embrace happiness.