Is Jesus Grieved When The Heart Of Sin – Hymn Lyric

Discover if Jesus is grieved by our sinful hearts & find comfort in his unending love & forgiveness. Embark on a soulful journey of acceptance & grace.

Is Jesus Grieved When The Heart Of Sin – Hymn Lyric

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and grace, we ponder: Is Jesus grieved when the of sin refuses to hear his voice? The answer lies in his longing to bless those who confess and choose him, offering full pardon and infinite grace. Despite our failings, his pure love still yearns to welcome us back, reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles. Let us embrace our vulnerability and allow the healing light of love to restore our hearts, knowing that we are always welcomed into the boundless love of the Divine.


Is Jesus Grieved When The Heart Of Sin – Hymn Lyric

Is Jesus grieved when the heart of sin
Refuseth to hear his voice;
While he waits to bless all who confess
The Saviour now as their choice.

O yes, I know it grieves him so,
For he longs our to set free,
And his love he offers, full pardon proffers;
O heed, he is calling thee.

Is Jesus grieved when his wayward child
Reclaimed from the ranks of sin;
In some evil hour, lets the tempter’s pow’r
Once more a sad vict’ry win.

O yes, I’m sure, his love so pure
Still yearns to welcome his won.
And in tones so tender he says remember,
Ye cannot endure alone.

Is Jesus grieved when the darkened heart
Rejecteth the light he gives;
When our hope grows dim, and we stray from him
Who died, and has ris’n, and lives?

O yes, I know he feels our woe,
He has suffered death for us all,
But again he liveth and ever
Us life, when on him we call.

Is Jesus grieved when we wander far
Away from his shelt’ring care?
Leaving Shepherd’s fold, facing storm and cold,
On mountains so bleak and bare;

O yes, I know he loves us so,
And he longs to his own,
To the mansions fairer, of beauty rarer
Than ever we here have known.


Meaning of Is Jesus Grieved When The Heart Of Sin

### Embracing the of Our Humanity: A Journey Toward Grace and Acceptance

Today, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, navigating through the labyrinth of our vulnerabilities, truths, and the tender embrace of our humanity. Let us traverse this path with a spirit of introspection, contemplating the loving whispers of grace that call us back to ourselves and to a deeper connection with the Divine.

In our daily lives, we often find ourselves wrestling with the choices we make, sometimes straying from the path of light. We might ask ourselves: Is Jesus grieved when the heart of sin refuses to hear his voice? The answer resonates deeply within our souls: Yes, he longs to bless us when we confess and choose the Saviour. This longing is not just a distant hope but a heartfelt yearning. Imagine a love so profound that it waits patiently, to offer full pardon and infinite grace.

We are reminded, dear friends, that Jesus’s love is not a fleeting sentiment but a steadfast promise. Even when we reclaim our place away from sin only to falter in moments of weakness, his pure love still yearns to welcome us back. How comforting it is to know that in our darkest hours, when we let the tempter’s power win a sad victory, the Divine still beckons us with tender calls, reminding us that we cannot endure alone.

Our journey does not stop at our failings but transcends into a realm where even the darkened heart, when it rejects the light, finds a companion in its . Jesus feels our woe, not as an aloof observer but as one who has shared in our deepest pains. He suffered death for us all, yet lives again to give us life whenever we call upon him. This life he offers is not merely existence but a renewed sense of purpose, hope, and spiritual vitality.

As we reflect on our spiritual walk, we might recognize the times we’ wandered far from his sheltering care—leaving the nurturing fold, facing life’s storm and cold on bleak and bare mountains. In these moments of isolation, when we are stripped of our defenses, we may wonder: Does he still care? The answer is a resounding yes. His love for us remains boundless, and he longs to gather us back, drawing us into mansions fairer, realms of beauty rarer than anything we have known in this world.

In this intimate space of self-exploration, let us hold a compassionate view of ourselves. Let us embrace our humanity with all its imperfections, understanding that our struggles and strivings are part of a larger, divine tapestry. By welcoming our vulnerability, we open the doors to grace and allow the healing light of love to restore our weary hearts.

As we journey inward, may we find solace in the that we are never truly alone. The Divine presence walks with us, offering love, forgiveness, and a deeper sense of belonging. Let us listen to these tender whispers, heeding the call to return to ourselves and to the boundless love that awaits us.

May this contemplation lead us to a more compassionate and loving self-view, deepening our connection with the world and the divine grace that cradles us in our journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover if Jesus is grieved by our sinful hearts & find comfort in his unending love & forgiveness. Embark on a soulful journey of acceptance & grace.
Is Jesus Grieved When The Heart Of Sin - Hymn Lyric - Discover if Jesus is grieved by our sinful hearts & find comfort in his unending love & forgiveness. Embark on a soulful journey of acceptance & grace.