Just Before His Trial Jesus Entered Dark – Hymn Lyric

Discover the inspirational journey of Jesus before His trial

Just Before His Trial Jesus Entered Dark – Hymn Lyric

In the midst of uncertainty and challenges, Jesus’s journey before his trial stands as a powerful example of perseverance and faith. By going “a little farther” like Jesus did, we can find resilience, fulfillment, and personal growth in our own lives. Reflecting on this can inspire us to push past limitations and obstacles, paving the way for a transformative and meaningful journey towards happiness and well-being.


Just Before His Trial Jesus Entered Dark – Hymn Lyric

Just before His trial, Jesus
entered dark Gethsemane;
Leaving eight outside, took Peter
and two sons of Zebedee.
Oh, the anguish in the garden,
as again He left the three;
And He went a little farther,
all the way to Calvary!

Let us go a little farther,
farther than we’ve gone before;
Are we workers now for Jesus?
Let us do a little more.
See Him praying, him groaning;
death sweeps o’er Him like a ;
“Let this cup pass from me, Father”-
sweat runs down as drops of blood!
“Not my will, Lord, I will drink it:
let Thy will be done in me.”
And He went a little farther,
all the way to Calvary! [Refrain]

Then at Pilate’s hall, behold Him,
as the mob who mocked him cried,
“Away, away, give us Barabbas;
let this Christ be crucified!”
O Barabbas, O Barabbas,
Jesus surely died for ,
When He went a little farther,
all the way to Calvary! [Refrain]

Now He marches to Golgotha,
scourged and thorn-crowned on the road;
Bears the cross upon His shoulder,
sinks beneath the heavy load!
Mocked, , by friends forsaken-
all for you, and all for me-
And He went a little farther,
all the way to Calvary! [Refrain]


Meaning of Just Before His Trial Jesus Entered Dark

In a world that sometimes feels like it’s teetering on the brink, you might find yourself feeling lost or overwhelmed. Life’s challenges can seem insurmountable, and the quest for happiness might appear distant and elusive. However, there is a powerful narrative that can inspire us to push beyond our limitations and seek a deeper sense of fulfillment and well-being—the story of Jesus’s journey before his crucifixion.

This story is a profound example of perseverance, faith, and love. Jesus’s experience from the Garden of Gethsemane to Calvary illustrates not only the sacrifices he made but also the strength and resilience he exhibited. In essence, it’s about going “a little farther”—taking those extra steps even when the road is hard, carrying burdens with an open heart, and facing one’s fears head-on.

By reflecting on this narrative, we can find a guide to transforming our lives. It isn’t about religious dogma; instead, it’s about drawing strength and inspiration from the example set by Jesus as you find your path to happiness.

The Benefits of Going “A Little Farther”

The phrase “going a little farther” suggests extending ourselves beyond our comfort zones. Jesus’s journey is a testament to the power of pushing forward with conviction. The benefits of such an approach are manifold:

1. **Resilience**: Continuously taking more steps, despite difficulties, builds emotional and spiritual resilience.

2. **Fulfillment**: When we push beyond our present limits, we often find a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

3. **Personal Growth**: Facing challenges provides opportunities for profound personal growth and self-discovery.

Practical Steps for Personal Transformation

1. **Reflect on Your Journey**: Spend some time in quiet reflection about your own life. What burdens do you carry? What are the things that make your journey particularly tough? Simply acknowledging these is a step toward healing and growth.

2. **Incremental Steps**: Establish small, manageable goals towards your larger dreams. Like Jesus in Gethsemane, who moved through each stage of his journey with determination, each accomplishment, no matter how modest.

3. **Seek Support and Community**: Even Jesus surrounded himself with his disciples. Lean on friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your struggles and joys with others lightens the load and fosters connection.

4. **Find Meaning in Sacrifice**: Consider areas in your life where small sacrifices could lead to greater good. Whether it’s time, effort, or resources, infusing your actions with purpose can about profound satisfaction.

5. **Practice Compassion and **: As Jesus showed compassion even amidst betrayal and suffering, try to extend love and forgiveness to yourself and others. It leads to healthier relationships and personal peace.

Potential Outcomes from Taking Action

Taking these steps could lead to various outcomes: an enhanced sense of purpose, improved mental and emotional health, stronger relationships, and ultimately, more fulfillment and happiness in life. By moving a little farther each day, you pave a path towards holistic well-being.

Key Takeaway

The journey toward finding happiness and control over your life is uniquely personal but universally shared. By reflecting on stories of perseverance, like Jesus’s journey to Calvary, we can inspire ourselves to push through adversity with purpose and grace. Remember, it’s about incremental growth and viewing every challenge as a chance to go a little farther, paving the way for a richer, more meaningful life.

May you find strength in these words and begin your path to transformation with and courage.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the inspirational journey of Jesus before His trial, from Gethsemane to Calvary. Find strength, resilience, and fulfillment by going a little farther. Start your path to transformation today.
Just Before His Trial Jesus Entered Dark - Hymn Lyric - Discover the inspirational journey of Jesus before His trial, from Gethsemane to Calvary. Find strength, resilience, and fulfillment by going "a little farther." Start your path to transformation today.