Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hope and anticipation in the hymn "Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song." Find comfort in the certainty of Jesus' arrival and the promise of a glorious future. Embrace the joy of being reunited with our Savior in our eternal home.

Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song – Hymn Lyric

In “ Is Coming: A Message of and Anticipation,” the hymn “Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song” is examined. This hymn captures the essence of hope and anticipation, reminding us to remain and watchful for Jesus’ return. Through its powerful lyrics, it conveys the promise of a future where all our earthly struggles are left behind, and we find our true in the loving embrace of Jesus.


Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song

Verse 1:
Jesus is coming, shout the glad song,
Radiant with glory, fair as the morn,
Down from his ‘s glorious throne,
Coming in triumph, claiming his own.

Yes, he is coming, coming this way;
Surely he’s coming, ’tis most break of day;
Watching and waiting, life’s work all done,
Take us, dear Saviour, safe to our home.

Verse 2:
None but the righteous, rob’d in pure white,
Ever shall gaze on him with delight,
None but the ransom’d, spotless and clean,
Ever shall in ‘s kingdom be seen.

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3:
Loved ones who sleep in death’s cold embrace,
Waiting in hope shall see his dear face,
When they awake from death and the grave,
Rise shouting “Vic’try! Mighty to save.”

Repeat Chorus

Verse 4:
O how our hearts will thrill with delight,
When we are thro’ with earth’s dreary night,
Safe in the harbor, life’s storms all past,
Jesus has come and we’re home at last.

Repeat Chorus


Meaning of Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Is Coming: A Message of Hope and Anticipation

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is comforting to know that there is a presence watching over us. The hymn “Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song” beautifully captures the essence of this anticipation and hope. Through its powerful lyrics, the hymn encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that Jesus will come and bring us to our eternal home.

The hymn begins by proclaiming, “Jesus is coming, shout the glad song, radiant with glory, fair as the morn.” These words remind us of the glorious return of Jesus, who will come in triumph to claim His own. The image of Jesus descending from His Father’s glorious throne fills our hearts with and excitement. Just as the morning breaks through the darkness, Jesus’ arrival will bring light and hope to our lives.

The chorus of the hymn reassures us that Jesus is indeed coming. The repetition of the phrase “Yes, He is coming, coming this way” emphasizes the certainty of His arrival. This affirmation becomes a of hope, especially during times of trials and challenges. We are encouraged to watch and wait for Him, knowing that our work on this earth will one day be done.

The hymn then delves into the idea that only the righteous, robed in pure white, will be able to gaze upon Jesus with delight. This serves as a reminder that living a life of righteousness is essential for our journey towards Jesus’ kingdom. It is through our actions and choices that we can ensure our place in His eternal embrace. The hymn paints a picture of redemption and purity, emphasizing that only the ransomed, spotless, and clean will dwell in Christ’s kingdom.

But what about our loved ones who have fallen asleep in death? The hymn offers hope even for those who have passed away. It assures us that they, too, will see the dear face of Jesus when they awake from death and the grave. In a triumphant display, they will rise, shouting “Victory! Mighty to save.” This image fills our hearts with hope, knowing that death does not have the final say. Jesus’ power extends beyond the physical realm, and He will conquer even death itself.

The hymn also speaks to the weariness and struggles we face during our time on earth. It acknowledges the dreary nights and storms we endure. However, it offers us solace in the promise that there will come a day when we will be safe in the harbor, with life’s storms all in the past. Jesus’ arrival will mark the end of our earthly battles, and we will finally find rest and peace. This thought brings immense joy and anticipation, as we long to be reunited with our Savior and find our eternal home.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song” instills in us a sense of hope and excitement. It reminds us to remain faithful and vigilant, watching and waiting for Jesus’ return. It assures us that only the righteous will dwell in His kingdom, but there is hope even for those who have passed away. Ultimately, the hymn paints a picture of a glorious future where all our earthly struggles will be left behind, and we will finally find our true home in the loving embrace of Jesus. Let us hold on to this message of hope and continue to sing the glad song of Jesus’ imminent arrival.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song
Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song - Hymn Lyric - Discover the hope and anticipation in the hymn "Jesus Is Coming Shout The Glad Song." Find comfort in the certainty of Jesus' arrival and the promise of a glorious future. Embrace the joy of being reunited with our Savior in our eternal home.