I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor – Hymn Lyric

Discover the heartfelt hymn "I Need Thee Blessed Jesus" expressing a deep need for Jesus' guidance

I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “I Need , Blessed ” expresses the author’s deep need and dependence on Jesus. They acknowledge their spiritual poverty and recognize that only Jesus can provide the treasures they require. Through this heartfelt hymn, the author highlights their desire for purification, guidance, and protection, finding and fulfillment in Jesus’ promises.


I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor

I need Thee, blessed Jesus,
For I am very poor;
I need those precious treasures
From Thine own boundless store.

The gold refined by furnace,
The raiment spotless white,
The eye-salve too, anointing,
That I may see aright.

I need Thee, loving ,
I need Thy constant care,
To guide me on ‘s journey,
And all the way prepare.

I need Thine arms around me,
To hold me lest I fall.
O more and more I need Thee!
My only Hope, my All.

How much I need Thee, Saviour,
No words of mine can tell.
But as knowest fully,
All is and must be well,

And Thou, beloved Master,
Wilt all my need supply,
For Thou Thyself hast promised-
Thy word can never die.


Meaning of I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “I Need Thee, Blessed Jesus,” the author expresses their deep need and dependence on Jesus. They acknowledge their spiritual poverty and recognize that only Jesus can provide the precious treasures they require. Through this hymn, the author highlights their desire for purification, guidance, and protection, ultimately finding hope and fulfillment in Jesus’ promises.

The first verse of the hymn begins with a plea to Jesus, acknowledging their impoverished state. The author recognizes that they lack the riches and treasures that Jesus can provide. They compare these treasures to gold refined by furnace, symbolizing purification and refinement. The author also mentions the desire for spotless white raiment, representing righteousness and purity. Additionally, they mention the need for eye-salve, which signifies spiritual clarity and understanding. Through these metaphors, the author expresses their for spiritual transformation and enlightenment, acknowledging their own inadequacy.

Continuing in the hymn, the author addresses Jesus as the loving Shepherd. They emphasize the need for Jesus’ constant care and guidance throughout life’s journey. The author acknowledges their vulnerability and the possibility of stumbling and falling without Jesus’ support. They express their increasing need for Jesus, recognizing that He is their only hope and their everything. This verse reflects the author’s desire for a close and nurturing relationship with Jesus, relying on Him for strength and protection.

The hymn then proceeds to express the magnitude of the author’s need for Jesus. They that no words can adequately describe the extent to which they need their . However, they find solace in the fact that Jesus, being fully aware of their needs, will provide everything they require. The author places their trust in Jesus, believing that He will fulfill their needs according to His promises. They acknowledge Jesus as their beloved Master, emphasizing the intimacy and devotion they have towards Him. This verse demonstrates the author’s reliance on Jesus and the confidence they have in His faithfulness.

In conclusion, “I Need Thee, Blessed Jesus” is a heartfelt hymn that expresses a deep need and dependence on Jesus. The author humbly recognizes their spiritual poverty and the treasures that only Jesus can provide. Through the use of metaphors, they convey their desire for purification, guidance, and protection. The hymn concludes with a profound acknowledgment of the author’s immense need for Jesus and their unwavering trust in His promises. As readers, we can draw inspiration from this hymn and reflect on our own dependence on Jesus, finding comfort and hope in knowing that He will supply all our needs.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor
I Need Thee Blessed Jesus For I Am Very Poor - Hymn Lyric - Discover the heartfelt hymn "I Need Thee Blessed Jesus" expressing a deep need for Jesus' guidance, transformation, and fulfillment of spiritual treasures. Find comfort and hope in His promises.