They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old – Hymn Lyric

Experience the powerful presence of Jesus as we gather together

They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old – Hymn Lyric

“They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old” is a hymn that reminds us of the inclusive nature of Jesus’ ministry, where all people were welcome to gather in His presence. The hymn expresses a deep for a closer connection with God and emphasizes the importance of seeking the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It highlights Jesus’ special for and reminds us that we are not self-sufficient, but rather dependent on God’s guidance.


They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old

Verse 1:
They gathered with Jesus, the people of old,
The sick and afflicted, the timid, the bold;
The hem of His garment so eager to clutch,
I , Lord, with them for a closer touch.

A closer touch, a closer touch,
O Lord be it mine, I pray;
The Holy Ghost pow’r I need every hour,
I come for a touch today.

Verse 2:
He welcomed the lowly with love’s wining charms,
The little children He took in His arms;
The Master is forming His kingdom of such;
I’m coming with them for a closer touch.


Verse 3:
Mine eyes need His , to see His blest face,
My feet to be sped on His errands of grace;
O, wonderful blessing, I need it so much!
I’m coming again for a closer touch.


Verse 4:
O, still will the fountain of love overflow;
His Spirit will lead me as I go;
I long for the sound of His sweet “Inasmuch,”
I’m coming today for a closer touch.



Meaning of They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old,” we are reminded of the beautiful moments when people from all walks of came together to be in the presence of Jesus. These gatherings were not exclusive to those who were strong or perfect; rather, they were open to everyone – the sick, the afflicted, the timid, and the bold.

The verse paints a vivid picture of the atmosphere surrounding Jesus. People were eager to reach out and touch the hem of His garment, believing that even the slightest contact with Him could bring about healing and transformation. This image expresses a deep desire within each of us to draw closer to the divine, to experience the power of God’s love in a tangible way.

The refrain of the hymn captures the essence of this longing for a closer touch. It is a heartfelt prayer, asking the Lord for His presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The repeated emphasis on the need for a closer touch emphasizes the importance of seeking an intimate connection with God. It reminds us that we cannot rely solely on our own strength and understanding, but rather, we must continually come to Him for renewal and guidance.

One of the remarkable aspects of Jesus’ ministry was His ability to make everyone feel welcomed and loved, regardless of their social status or background. The second verse of the hymn highlights His special affection for children, as He took them in His arms and them. In a society where children were often overlooked and undervalued, Jesus showed how important they truly were. This portrayal of Jesus as someone who values and cherishes even the most vulnerable members of society serves as a powerful example for us to follow.

As we delve further into the hymn, the third verse acknowledges our own personal needs. It recognizes that our eyes need healing to truly see the blessed face of Jesus. It acknowledges that our feet need to be guided by Him to carry out His work of grace in the world. This humble admission reminds us that we are not self-sufficient, but rather, we depend on the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit to fulfill our purpose in life.

The final verse speaks to the ongoing nature of our journey with Jesus. It recognizes that the fountain of God’s love never runs dry. It assures us that as we continue to seek His presence and follow His lead, His Spirit will always be with us, guiding us every step of the way. The desire to hear His sweet words of affirmation, “Inasmuch,” echoes the teachings of Jesus to love and serve others as He has loved and served us.

In conclusion, “They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old” is not just a hymn, but a heartfelt expression of our longing for a closer touch with God. It reminds us that we are not alone in our pursuit of divine connection. Just as the people of old gathered around Jesus, we too can come to Him, regardless of our circumstances or shortcomings. In His presence, we find healing, guidance, and the power of the Holy Spirit. May we continually seek a closer touch with the Lord, knowing that His love and grace are always available to us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old
They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old - Hymn Lyric - Experience the powerful presence of Jesus as we gather together, seeking a closer touch with the Lord. Find healing, guidance, and the power of the Holy Spirit in our pursuit of divine connection. Join us as we come to Jesus, just as the people of old did.