Awake And In His Strength Renewed – Hymn Lyric

Awake And In His Strength Renewed: A Call to Unity and Action for Christ's Reign. Rise up from complacency

Awake And In His Strength Renewed – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Awake And In His Strength Renewed,” we are called to awaken from our slumber and our strength in . This powerful message of unity and action emphasizes the importance of spreading Christ’s reign and reminds us that our in Him is not in vain. By embracing Christ’s strength, we can overcome any obstacles and work towards the victory of His reign.


Awake And In His Strength Renewed – Hymn Lyric

Awake, and in His strength renewed,
The battle cry take up again;
All enemies shall be subdued,
And Christ the shall reign.

For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign!
Our in Him is not in vain,
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign,
Our hope in Him is not in vain.

Too long His foll’wers idly stood,
By selfish creed and doctrine rent;
Nor knew that for one Brotherhood
His own short was spent.
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign!
Our hope in Him is not in vain,
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign,
Our hope in Him is not in vain.

Unite and in His strength go on,
Nor count a life as lost, but gain;
And soon the vict’ry shall be won,
For Jesus Christ must reign.
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign!
Our hope in Him is not in vain,
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign,
Our hope in Him is not in vain.

To dare and do for Him is meet,
The struggle shall not be in vain;
The trumpets shall not call “Retreat,”
For Jesus Christ must reign.
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign!
Our hope in Him is not in vain,
For Christ must reign! For Christ must reign,
Our hope in Him is not in vain.


Meaning of Awake And In His Strength Renewed

Awake And In His Strength Renewed: A Call to Unity and Action for Christ’s Reign

In a world filled with and division, it is essential that we awaken from our slumber and renew our strength in Christ. The hymn “Awake And In His Strength Renewed” serves as a battle cry, urging us to rise up and join together in the common purpose of spreading the reign of Christ. In this hymn, we find a powerful message of unity, action, and hope, reminding us that our faith in Christ is not in vain.

The first verse of the hymn reminds us to awaken from our complacency and take up the battle cry once again. It tells us that by embracing the strength of Christ, we can subdue all enemies and overcome any obstacles that stand in our way. This call to action is crucial, as it serves as a reminder that we are not meant to passively follow our own selfish desires and beliefs, but rather to together as a united Brotherhood, just as Jesus intended.

The refrain, which is repeated throughout the hymn, emphasizes the importance of Christ’s reign. It proclaims that our hope in Him is not in vain. This powerful declaration serves as a reminder that our faith in Christ is not in vain, but rather, it is a source of strength, guidance, and assurance. By acknowledging that Christ must reign, we are encouraged to have faith in His ultimate victory and to trust that our efforts to spread His message will not be in vain.

One of the key messages of this hymn is the need for unity among Christ’s followers. The second verse highlights the detrimental consequences of division among believers, as it speaks of followers who stood idly by, divided by selfish creeds and doctrines. It reminds us that Jesus’ own short life was spent advocating for one Brotherhood, emphasizing the importance of unity among believers. This serves as a gentle admonition for us to set aside our differences and embrace one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

To achieve the goal of Christ’s reign, we are called to unite and take action. The third verse encourages us to press on in His strength, viewing our lives not as personal losses but as gains for the cause of Christ. It assures us that victory will be ours if we continue to dare and do for Him. This verse is a powerful reminder that we are not alone in our struggle, but rather, we have the strength and support of Christ alongside us. By recognizing this, we can face any challenges that come our way with courage and persevere until the triumph of Christ’s reign is realized.

The final verse of the hymn reinforces the idea that the struggle for Christ’s reign is not in vain. It states that the trumpets shall not call “Retreat,” indicating that we are to persist in our efforts and not give in to discouragement. This verse serves as a powerful reminder that our work for Christ is meaningful and impactful, that it is a battle worth fighting. It encourages us to stay the course and continue to strive for Christ’s reign, knowing that our efforts will ultimately lead to victory.

In conclusion, “Awake And In His Strength Renewed” is a hymn that inspires us to awaken from our slumber and renew our strength in Christ. It serves as a clarion call to unite and take action, emphasizing the importance of unity, action, and hope. By embracing Christ’s reign, we can overcome any obstacles that stand in our way and spread His message of and hope to the world. This hymn reminds us that our faith in Christ is not in vain; rather, it is a source of strength, guidance, and assurance. Let us heed the call of this hymn and work together towards the victory of Christ’s reign.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Awake And In His Strength Renewed: A Call to Unity and Action for Christ's Reign. Rise up from complacency, unite, and take action for Christ's reign. Our faith is not in vain; it is a source of strength and assurance. Embrace Christ's message of love and hope.
Awake And In His Strength Renewed - Hymn Lyric - Awake And In His Strength Renewed: A Call to Unity and Action for Christ's Reign. Rise up from complacency, unite, and take action for Christ's reign. Our faith is not in vain; it is a source of strength and assurance. Embrace Christ's message of love and hope.